Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Negative Nancy....

Things that are pissing me off today....

1. Why do black jeans seem to be a magnet for everything gross?? I have lint, hair, fuzz and who the hell knows what else stuck to my jeans!! Now I know why people don't own/wear black jeans!!

2. Hey, pedestrians...I know you are suppose to have the right of way and all but if you just step out in front of my car again, I will hit you!! Just warning you.

3. What is the point of Shuffle on an ipod when I seem to hear the same songs over and over again!! I have over 1000 songs on my ipod so how is this possible?? I also should NEVER hear back to back Michael Jackson songs on shuffle but this seems to happen every time I listen to it. Come on ipod...SHUFFLE!!

4. My lawnmower sucks!! This is still brewing over from yesterday. I saw it on the side of my house when I went to throw something away and the anger just came flooding back!! Yard work is stupid and so is yard equipment!!

5. Deodorant is lame!! How is it possible that all I'm doing is sitting at my desk typing but yet I'm sweating?? It's not even hot in here!! BTW I also have on the falsely advertised Clinical Strength deodorant!! Not sure what clinic this was tested in but they suck too!!

Well, that is all I have for now but it's not even noon so I'm sure I can add to my list later. However, I'm holding out hope that maybe things will get better.....

More to come!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Stacey decided she wanted to have a karaoke party to celebrate her Birthday. We went to this little dive bar in Ahwatukee called Brad's Place. Best part of going to a dive bar for karaoke.....you get more opportunities to sing!! I think our group was almost the whole rotation!! My camera was acting up but I tried to get a few karaoke shots....
Stacey's Father-in-law decided to get the crowd all pumped up by singing the classic YMCA!! It got everyone dancing for sure!!
Sorry I didn't get very many karaoke shots. I need to read up on my new camera because several of my photos were blurry but I will be ready next time!! I might even add a little video!! : )

However, I do have plenty of Cousin pictures....as always!!
Can't have karaoke without beer!!!
Alyssa and Andy celebrating not only Stacey's birthday but also the purchase of their new house!! Congrats to both of you!!

Stacey and her singing partner Stephanie....I will have to catch that act on video next time!
As always our self-taken Cousin picture!! It's funny how many times people offer to take our photo and I have to tell them no, this is how we like them. BTW this was our first take too!! I'm getting good at these pictures!!

Of course we all had a great time singing and drinking and just hanging out!! We did decide that for future karaoke parties we need to have a big group because it makes it WAY more fun!!
Happy Birthday Stacey!!
More to come

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lots of Birthdays!!

Just wanted to give a Birthday shout out to everyone who was born on January 27th!!

Happy Birthday Zach!! This is my friend/sister wife Shannon's husband. I miss you guys!!
Happy Birthday Stacey!! Everyone knows Cousin Stacey!! :)

Happy Birthday Sophie!! Today is her 1st Birthday and while she had a rough morning she got better as the day went on and was in great spirits when her brother Charlie stopped by to say hi!!

I hope everyone had a great day!!
More to come!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Movie Night

Last year a few of my friends (from Trade Secret) were sitting around talking about movies we had seen, when I realized a bunch of us hadn't seen very many classic movies. It was then that we decided to have a monthly Movie Club, where each month we would watch an Academy Award winning movie together. Our first movie was on Sunday and it was my pick so I selected Casablanca. I had heard so much about this movie and I felt dumb having never seen it so I was super excited to watch it!!

The movie ended up being pretty good. I had heard it was a great love story but I didn't really see that.....maybe I missed something. The storyline was not what I expected but I still liked it and I'm glad I saw it. It was funny to hear all the classic lines like "Here's looking at you kid" and "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" in context with the movie.

Our next movie night is in February and we will be watching Gladiators. Before you say it, no, I have not seen that movie nor has anyone else in the movie club.....hence the reason for the club!By the end of this year I will have increased my movie knowledge quite a bit!! Can't wait!!

More to come

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What A Deal!

I think one of the best feelings in the world is when you find a great bargain!! Today my Cousin Alyssa and I were walking around the Scottsdale Mall (killing time) as we approached a store called Crabtree and Evelyn. I have never been in this store but I'm a HUGE fan of one of their products called Goatmilk. It's not actual Goatmilk so don't worry. It's this awesome scented bodywash that my friend Shannon has and I use it every time I stay at her house. For my Birthday last year Shannon gave me a bottle and I was so excited!! Well, apparently the store at the Scottsdale Mall is closing and everything was 70% off!! Umm....it was like a little Mall Miracle!! I stocked up on my Goatmilk and a few other little things.....my total......$36!!!! Oh, yeah baby!! Best deal ever!!

Here are a few of the things that I got....fyi each bottle is normally like $12-$18 each so it was a pretty awesome deal!!

I wanted to buy more but Alyssa kind of looked at me like I was crazy so I stopped at 3 bottle of each. I'm going to be smelling yummy and I can't wait!!

More to come


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy 2011!!

Happy 2011 from the gang at Disneyland!!

More to come!

Happiest Place on Earth!!

This year my family and I went to Disneyland again for New Years Eve!! I think this makes year #8 for me, Stephanie, and Cameron. Crazy!! However, this year we were down a few family members....my Dad, Lara and Randy were unable to attend but were with us in spirit!!
On a selfish note, I was happy to have my Dad and Lara available to puppy sit Charlie for me while I was gone. I was able to enjoy myself know Charlie was in good hands Thanks guys!!

Let me share some of my photos.....

Here is Sleeping Beauty's Castle.
Here we all are on our first night together. We are in California Adventure waiting for the new water show World of Colors to start. I tried taking some pictures of the water show and they turned out weird so I didn't include them. You kind of have to see it to enjoy....sorry.
Our Perry Twins!! BTW this is the hat that made Courtney the STAR at Disneyland!! EVERYONE wanted to know where she got the hat!! It was like being with a celebrity as we walked around the park but as we all know fame has a downside and Courtney got a rash on her forehead from that hat....looks like Perry strikes again!!
To prepare themselves for all the rain that normally occurs at Disneyland the kids decided to practice their boating skills on the canoe ride.....is it a ride if you are doing all the work??? Notice I skipped this one! I ate a churro as they paddled!! Holla!! : )
No trip to Disneyland is complete without a trip to Critter Country to visit Pooh, Tigger, and Courtney's favorite Eyeore!!
Before we went on the Tea Cups on New Years Eve....it was the only ride with a short line. I hated it!!
Stephanie, Courtney and me in front of the castle on 1/1/11
Waiting for the Toy Story ride....it's in 3D hence the lame yellow glasses!!
On the last day at the park me and Courtney were getting ready to leave for the day and as we walked onto Main Street we saw Mary Poppins!! She was just coming out so me and Courtney ran over to her and waited patiently until she saw us and then took our photos!! Due to the rain that had just started she refused to move from under the umbrella by these random people so ignore them in the background. Mary is a bit of a DIVA but we love her!!
I had a great time at the park (as always) and I can't wait to go back!! I'm actually thinking I might go back this year when it's not the holidays so I can see what the park normally looks like since it has been so long!! Roadtrip to Disneyland anyone???
More to come!