Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!!!!

Stephanie, Courtney, Stacey and me on Christmas Eve. We tried to get Alyssa in the photo but those pictures didn't turn out so well. Sorry Abro!!
Christmas morning Cameron and Charlie were excited to see what Santa brought them both!! Yes, Santa did come for Charlie!!!
Stephanie and her little boy Christmas morning!
Charlie getting his first Christmas gift!! He LOVED his gingerbread man chew toy!
Tia Stephanie and Cameron got Charlie some lollipop rawhide which he was super excited about!!
Come on Mom open the package!!! PLEASE!!!!
There he is with his sucker/rawhide. He is a happy puppy now!!
Best morning ever for all the kids!!!
Stephanie and Cameron ready for Christmas #3 at my Mom's house.
Cameron got his favorite gift from his Auntie. This is Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb. Cameron and Auntie's favorite show!
Here is Mom doing her Snugglie commercial! She is warm but has her hands free to read!! Great gift Stephanie!!
The girls showing off their new winter scarfs and hats! Bring on the cold now!!!!
Mom and her girls Christmas morning!
Later that evening was Christmas #4 at my Dad's house. Here is his tree piled high with gifts! I guess we were that good!! : )
I'm ashamed to say that I didn't take any photos while I was at my Dad's house. Not sure how the heck that is possible but there was some gift confusion that I had to run home for and I think that distracted me. Yes, it's an excuse but that is the only reason I could think of for why I didn't take any pictures. My mind was gone. Sorry guys!!!

BTW I just wanted to show this ummmm.....dinosaur bone thing that Mom and Randy got Charlie for Christmas!! I have no idea how the heck he would even start to chew on this thing considering it's the same size as him but we will see. Even Charlie is not sure what to make of it!

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!!!
More to come

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Charlie Out Takes

Everyone that knows me knows that I treat Charlie like he is my child so it should be no surprise that I would like to get some pictures of us together. However, Charlie doesn't seem to be very interest in taking least not with me!! That sound you hear is my heart breaking.....

Here is Charlie just not looking at the camera.
Umm...yawning now because he is so bored. Thanks buddy!!
Both me and him aren't looking in this one.

I look good but Charlie again is ignoring our instructions to LOOK UP!!! OVER HERE CHARLIE!
I swear his head is dropping even lower now. I should have given up at this point.

Holding him closer to my head doesn't work any better.

OK, so apparently I have to hold his head to my head just to get a shot. Yes, I'm that mean Mom! Sorry Charlie.
However, Charlie no issue taking cute photos with Devyn. Thanks Charlie!!
Charlie also doesn't seem to mind taking photos by himself either. See how cute he can be??

Charlie may have won this round but the game is NOT over and I will get a good photo with him!! Watch out Charlie!!! : )
More to come

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Randy


Here is Randy with Devyn, Cameron and Charlie. His three favorite people!! Can I just say how cute my Charlie looks in the photo too!! Good Boy Charlie!!
After having a very healthy birthday dinner with the family Randy waits patiently for the time to come to open his gifts!!! Just a few more minutes.
Since the heart attack Randy has become very healthy so for his "cake" he had a pudding cup with a candle. Not the most sturdy to hold the candle but he enjoyed it!! Make a wish Randy!!
Congrats on making it to double nickels. Now you can officially order off the senior menu with Mom and Dad!! : )
Wishing you good health and happiness for the years to come! Happy Birthday Randy!
More to come

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

America's Got Talent

Today is Cameron's first band concert as a trumpet player and we are all so proud!! Considering this is his first year and he is only in 5th grade I think he rocked!! Here is Cameron happy and excited to get started.
He was showing me how much air he can blow in this one!!

Since not everyone had the opportunity to see Cameron live and in person I captured a few short videos for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!!!
Name this tune???

Look at him keeping the beat with his foot! So cute!

Don't you all miss grade school concerts??? : )

More to come


Saturday, November 21, 2009


Yep, it's Vegas again!!! We went last year around the same time so we figured we should do it again this year. However, we did decided to stay for two nights this time instead of a quick one night trip.

Stephanie and I flew out first because we are stand-by so we have to go when we can! Alyssa joined us a few hours later. Once Alyssa got there we decided to go downstairs and start having a few drinks while we waited for Courtney and Stacey to get there. After a few drinks Alyssa and Stephanie were ready to dance!

As always our self-taken photo! Smile!!

For my birthday Stacey got me a flower ring that now all us cousins have to wear!! Mine is the biggest one and in pink!!! My favorite color!!!

I would also like to thank Alyssa who gave me an ASU beanie for my birthday as well. I plan to wear that as soon as it's cold enough to warrant a beanie!

After all the girl got here we headed out to O'Shea's Bar and Casino. We gambled and drank just had a good time. This picture of Alyssa is more of an inside joke she wasn't making fun of the disabled!

This girl here was just a HOT MESS and was stupid drunk so of course we had to watch how dumb she acted and take pictures!! Oh, and yes she is in a short booty dress with a thong!! We saw more then we bargained for with this one!

Working on getting drunk!
Stacey and Stephanie trying to lean in for a photo. Not sure why Stacey wasn't looking at me??
Knowing a self-taken photo was not in the cards for this one I just let someone capture us as a group. Plus I was getting drunk at this point so it's best I just ask for help when needed! : )

I believe Stacey might have been was molested at the table however no charges were filed. Stacey if you need my photo as evidence just let me know!
Can you say AA??????
Puffy and Courtney on a break for lunch!
Quick photo after some Cupid Shuffle!!
Alyssa trying her hand at the self-taken photo....needs just a little work.
Cousin's stacked! This is one of our more original layouts!
Stacey and Stephanie took a moment to themselves to have a dance.
Sisters!! Hey, where was I at????
Everybody put your hands up it's a Party in the USA!!!
Our beer pyramid. This is the eighth wonder of the world!
More sisters and little did we know a Manny in the oven!!
This is what happens when I leave my camera on the table and go to the bathroom. I get every ones random pictures. However, this one is good so I will allow it!
Now we have all three sisters.
Line dancing is always a must. It's electric!!!
More dancing
At Harrah's bar if this bartender could walk around the whole bar without dropping anything we all got free shots!!! Can he do it??????
Free shots!! That is Steph getting her shot!! You go girl!!!
Here we are with Toby in front of his restaurant where we planned to have dinner. So nice of him to stop by for my Birthday!
Steph is pretty short compared to Toby!
Courtney trying to sweet talk Toby into giving us our dinner for free but no such luck! Thanks anyways Court!
Yep, even our beer came in jars! Random but at the same time fun!
Here we are having dinner at the Toby Keith restaurant at the hotel. It was pretty good but a lot of food.
Cheers to me and turning ??!!
Birthday shot....notice Alyssa looking disgusted by the shot! I think this was the beginning of the end for her!
Stacey's HUGE bologna sandwich! I always said Stacey was full of bologna and now she is!! : )
Alyssa and her belly not feeling so great after all the beer and food.......
Courtney feeling fine and looking for a good time!!! Sorry Court no luck in this room!

Vegas was a great time so thanks to my Cousins and Sister for making the trip fun and drama free!!

More to come
