Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Charlie Out Takes

Everyone that knows me knows that I treat Charlie like he is my child so it should be no surprise that I would like to get some pictures of us together. However, Charlie doesn't seem to be very interest in taking photos.....at least not with me!! That sound you hear is my heart breaking.....

Here is Charlie just not looking at the camera.
Umm...yawning now because he is so bored. Thanks buddy!!
Both me and him aren't looking in this one.

I look good but Charlie again is ignoring our instructions to LOOK UP!!! OVER HERE CHARLIE!
I swear his head is dropping even lower now. I should have given up at this point.

Holding him closer to my head doesn't work any better.

OK, so apparently I have to hold his head to my head just to get a shot. Yes, I'm that mean Mom! Sorry Charlie.
However, Charlie no issue taking cute photos with Devyn. Thanks Charlie!!
Charlie also doesn't seem to mind taking photos by himself either. See how cute he can be??

Charlie may have won this round but the game is NOT over and I will get a good photo with him!! Watch out Charlie!!! : )
More to come

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