Monday, May 25, 2009

Sun, Fun, and Miracles

After putting my flag out for the day and observing a moment of silence in honor of Memorial Day it was time to have some fun!

We began the morning off with some homemade donuts at my house that morning. Alyssa kindly brought some breakfast burritos as well. It was a very yummy breakfast! We had the whole C.L.A.A.S.S (Courtney, Lindsay, Alyssa, Adam, Stacey, Stephanie) together. Notice who makes up the A.S.S in our acronym!!! So funny!!!

After breakfast we went to see the new movie Dance Flick. Now the movie was pretty funny and I had a few good laughs. However, I don't know how that movie got more stars then Terminator!! Critics....what do they know.

Once the movie we all headed out to Shawn's house for a BBQ. Now, Shawn and Mindi where at work so they let us come over and hang out until they got off work. It was another nice day. It was not too hot and there was a little breeze. Us girls set-up our towels and we were ready to get some sun. The boys stayed in the shade.

Here are the Fab Five Girls with our shades on!!! It was bright outside!
Not sure if you can tell but yes they are drunk!! I mean if you can't get drunk with your boss then who can you get drunk with!!!
What a great day to be outside!! Everyone grab some pool deck and relax!!
Like I said the boys stayed in the shade.....while we had it......

While we were laying out enjoy some tunes we felt a small breeze become what appeared to be a small tornado!! The two umbrella's that we had up for shade started to shake and before we knew it they were airborne!! Luckily everyone had some quick reflexes and Stacey and Stephanie were able to jump up and grab the big umbrella before it went over the fence. Unfortunately, the other blue umbrella blew straight up (~400 ft) and flew out of the yard and headed towards the desert!! It was the craziest thing I have every seen and if I hadn't been tanning with my top off (I was on my stomach.....we aren't that kind of family) I would have taken a photo but I was too busy holding on to my towel! The whole thing took about 60 seconds but it felt like it was longer!!!

After we pulled the big umbrella back we realized that bricks were broken as was the umbrella it's self. Here is the poor broken bricks. The wind lifted the umbrella up with these four bricks on it. I told you it was strong. I think it was an F4!
However, most of our concern was on the blue umbrella that flew away! Alyssa and Andy decided to try to hike the desert and see if they could find it. They got about 15 feet from the fence and hit a cactus patch. They had to head back. I decided to try going down the street an then cut into the desert to try to find the umbrella. Alyssa decided to join me. As we walked we made a pack to suck the venom out of any part of our body if we ran into a rattle snake. It made us feel better as we walked in the desert!! : )

As we continued to look in the desert Alyssa made the comment that maybe we would have a Memorial Day Miracle and find the umbrella. I had my doubts. However, as we walked around the corner I spotted the blue umbrella up against the wall of a house that was about five houses down from Shawn!! I ran to the umbrella so it couldn't fly away again! I have never been so excited to find an umbrella!!! I grabbed it and closed it and we headed back to the house.
What a relief!!! We found it but we still needed to tell Shawn what happened! I will let Alyssa handle that one!!
Here I am with the umbrella!!!!! I found it and it didn't break!!!!!
Once we got back to the house (and after my photo) all the umbrella's were put away and I vowed to never use them again! What a pain in the ASS!!

The excitement called down and we all got back to enjoying the sun. Shawn and Mindi finally got home and after we explained the umbrella/wind situation and they weren't mad so the party continued. We started the BBQ and I made more homemade donuts!
The happy couple!!

Sisters are a gift from God!! Beer is good too!!
Cousins are also a gift from God!! Even though sometimes I would like to exchange that gift.....
Here is Mindi showing her baby bump!!! We all can't wait until Sept!! Come on Baby Brown!!
After a few more hours in the sun we decided to go inside and play some cards.
Well some of us played cards and others fell asleep! This is how Courtney gets ahead at work....she sleeps with her boss!!!

We all had a great day together and I'm looking forward to the next time we can all hang out.....without the umbrella!!!

More to come

Happy Memorial Day

Let us not forget the true meaning behind Memorial Day!

The "Memorial" in Memorial Day has been ignored by too many of us who are beneficiaries of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. Often we do not observe the day as it should be, a day where we actively remember our ancestors, our family members, our loved ones, our neighbors, and our friends who have given the ultimate sacrifice

I found the quote below:

"...gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with choicest flowers of springtime....let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have left among us as sacred charges upon the Nation's gratitude,--the soldier's and sailor's widow and orphan." --General John Logan, General Order No. 11, 5 May 1868

Happy Memorial Day!

More to come

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fun in the Sun

My cousin Shawn was hosting an informal pool party at his house on Saturday. Since I was able to get on a early (first class) flight home. I decided I would drive out to his house (in Gold Canyon...far away) and join the party. I did have to work at my other job that night but I had a good six hours so that was plenty of time! I got home backed a bag and was out the door. I was ready to get some color on these ghost white legs!! : )

I got to Shawn's house in about 40 minutes and just in time for lunch! Stephanie and Stacey had gone to the store and boy was it a feast! Yummy!

After chowing down on some food it was time to go outside and get some sun. Here is the pool with my cousins and sister getting some rays!!
Now, it was an unusually cool day (for AZ) that afternoon. There had been a week of storms so we still had some of the cooler weather hanging around. It was AMAZING!! Usually your dying when you layout in AZ but it was actually comfortable. What a day!

Here are some photos from our great day!

We thought maybe Stacey could get a cover shot for SI Swimsuit issue.......that was until we saw that she lacked some skills. Tyra would be yelling right now!! I guess she will stick with selling candles.
Here is Stacey, Alyssa and me! I finally got in a photo!
Here is Andy chilling in the shade with his beer! Smart guy!!
Look....Shawn is smiling!!!! Thanks again for inviting us over!! We will be back!!
The boys thought by splashing when I took the photo would ruin it but I LOVE IT! It's artistic looking now! It really adds something I think. Alyssa, Steph and Stacey liked it too!!
It never noticed but it looks like Steph and Stacey have the same shape of sun glasses. Oh, they are trying to be twins! Cute!!

It was great day in the sun with everyone! I can't wait to do it again. Now I have to run off to work! Booo!!!
More to come

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sort of a Vacation????

This week I went back to Santa Clara, CA to visit my friend Shannon. Since we both had to work this week I just worked from our CA offices which just happen to be on the same street as Shannon. It's so much fun to get dropped off at work and picked up everyday. It's like being in school, except my Mom never took me to school, I had to take the bus! I guess it's nothing like my experience but it's what I wish happened. OK, sorry I got off track! I will save this for my tell all book!!

I arrived Tuesday and stayed until Saturday morning. Shannon's husband was on a trip so we had plenty of girl time.....with the exception of PJ the dog! I had so much fun. We didn't do anything special it was just fun to hang out with Shannon every night. We made dinner, walked the dog, watched TV, and of course did a little shopping.

I also got to see my BFF who now lives back in CA. It had been about two weeks since he left AZ so it was nice to see him. He picked me up for lunch a couple times that week and we hit up the spots that we use to go to when I lived there. It was kind of weird. It felt like it did four years ago. I actually think some of the waiters are still the same!!! I wonder if they remember us consider we use to go to this one Chinese place at least three times a week!! Good ole China Sticks!!

On Friday Shannon and I met up with her cousin Al for dinner. Cousin Al just had a baby so I was excited to meet baby Macy! Here is Shannon with baby Macy!

This picture is one of the few times I let Shannon hold Macy. Yep, you guessed it. I used the "I'm only visiting card" so I got to hold her the most and I think Macy liked me the best!! Shannon...not so much that night!! : )

Even though I was not on vacation that week and I had to work it was a GREAT week! I got to see old co-workers in the office, my BFF and meet Macy. I also got to just chill with my favorite friend Shannon!! We always have a good time when we are together and I can't wait to come out again!!
Oh, and if my trip was great enough already. I also got to fly home FIRST CLASS!!!! Yep, first class!! HOLLA!!!! Gosh, I love my sister's benefits! Keep up the great work over at U.S. Airways Steph!!!
More to come

Friday, May 15, 2009

One down, one to go!!


Today my cousin Stacey is graduating from College. We are all very proud of her!! Stacey is a full-time employee in a very busy law office so it has been difficult to balance her work load with her school load but she did it!!! We all knew she would!!! : )

Now, her graduation ceremony was outside at the college football stadium and for those of you not living in AZ, that is not a good thing!! It's like over 100 degrees right now so we try to avoid being outside at all cost but for this night I was happy to sit outside. However, for a little extra coolness I did buy some little handheld fans to keep us spectators cool!! : )

Where in the world is Stacey??? Can you find her in the crowd??? 50 points to the first person to find her!! One hint.....she is wearing a blue robe......GO!
She can see us!!! Stacey is the one waving to us!!! Soon she will hear us!! Yep, that means we have an airhorn. What is a graduation without an airhorn!?!?
Not that it wasn't exciting enough just to watch my cousin graduate tonight but they also had FIREWORKS!!!! I am super jealous now because I have never had fireworks at my graduations. I mean, yeah mine have been indoors,but still........
After the ceremony we all went over to this great little Greek resturant for an awesome dinner. It was a great meal with wonderful company and we all had fun. Even though me, Steph, Courtney, and Cameron had to sit at the satellite table (we weren't part of the BIG table). It's all good though. Our little Micheal Scott Paper Company Table (if you watch The Office you will get that joke) was just fine!!

Here is some of the folks at the BIG table!
The graduate and her proud Mom!
Grandma and Stacey!
The proud Pappa and his little girl.....they grow up so fast!!Stacey you did a great job and all your hard work over the years have finally paid off! Now just think, one hurdle down and one more to go!! However, this next hurdle we all get to drink, eat, and dance so I'm super excited for that one!! Gosh, 2009 is really your year!!! Congrats again!!

I would like to end this blog with some inspirational words from our President of the United States. I took these words from his speech at ASU. Now, no matter your political beliefs, President Obama's words are very moving. Stacey consider him talking to you Ms. Class of 2009!!!

"So Class of 2009, that's what building a body of work is all about -- it's about the daily labor, the many individual acts, the choices large and small that add up over time, over a lifetime, to a lasting legacy. That's what you want on your tombstone. It's about not being satisfied with the latest achievement, the latest gold star -- because the one thing I know about a body of work is that it's never finished. It's cumulative; it deepens and expands with each day that you give your best, each day that you give back and contribute to the life of your community and your nation. You may have setbacks, and you may have failures, but you're not done -- you're not even getting started, not by a long shot. I know starting your careers in troubled times is a challenge. But it is also a privilege. Because it's moments like these that force us to try harder, to dig deeper, and to discover gifts we never knew we had -- to find the greatness that lies within each of us. So don't ever shy away from that endeavor. Don't stop adding to your body of work. I can promise that you will be the better for that continued effort, as will this nation that we all love.
Congratulations, Class of 2009, on your graduation. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America."

Gosh, he makes me want to go back to school and do better with my life!!!! : )

More to come

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's in this world!! Today is your day to relax and be pampered so enjoy it as you don't get many!!!

This morning to honor the Mother's in my life I had my Grandmother, Mom, Step-Mom, and Sister over for an early morning breakfast. Yes, it had to be early because I had to work that morning. The life of a Mall employee is pretty intense! : )

Oh, BTW other's were there for the breakfast they just weren't honored!

Here is Stephanie with her little boy (she still thinks he is a little boy) Cameron!!
Here is Lara with us all......can you even find Lara in this photo??? I feel like we are hiding her!!
Yeah, I know this is not a good photo but I kept it in because it's a generational photo. There are three generations of Mother's in this photo....some with their eyes open......and a few with them closed!
Now, here is Lara with her little girl Devyn. What a cute Mommy and Daughter!!
Here is my Momma with her babies or at least that is what she thinks we are still. Just cuz we still ask her to do things for us doesn't make us babies MOM!! It makes us needy and maybe just a little lazy!! J/K!! We are neither of these things...and when I say "we" I mean Steph and me.....Courtney is another story!!! HA HA HA!!! J/K Sister!!!!
Breakfast was very yummy and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, even if they had to get up early! We all had a great time and I promise next year if I'm still at this Mall job, I will kill myself, and then I will request that Sunday off!!
More to come

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Normal

Today the company (we will call it "I" for this blog) I work for announced some layoffs that we all knew were coming.....I just never thought they would hit so close to home. My good friend and roomie was laid off today. The news left me with an array of mixed emotions. Sad because my friend was going to be gone but also relieved because I knew I was least for now!! This damn recession sucks!!

Many of you know that "T" is my best friend and has been for many years. He has been a constant in my life for the last seven and a half years and now with him not only leaving "I" but also AZ I'm feeling many emotions. I'm sad, upset, depressed, and lonely. I know he is only moving to CA and I will still talk to him all the time, it's just going to be different. "T" was my lunch buddy. We had lunch almost every day together. Should I boycott lunch in protest to these layoffs?? Not a bad ass needs to lose some weight but not very feasible! : )

As a good friend told me I will get just need to find a "new normal" to help me get through this all. I have faith in my friendship with "T" that even though we won't see each other every day we will still be able to best friends. It will just be different but hey, that is life right??

Now, for all of you that are concerned about 'T" here is a little update. He is doing well. He is back in the Bay Area with his friends and family and he is currently looking for a new job. He is in good spirits but he is also a little bitter about how everything went down and who could blame him! He was happy though to escape AZ right before it got to crazy hot!! Lucky him!!!!

I would like to say a special thank you to all my friends and family that helped to support me during this whole thing. I know I was quite a wreck for a few days but with all your help I am feeling better!! THANK YOU!!

More to come

Friday, May 1, 2009

Personal Best

Today a group of us from Intel volunteered at the Special Olympics State Competition that took place at Mesa Community College (MCC). Now, I have never been to an event like this so I was not sure what to expect but I was excited. When we got there it was very chaotic with people everyone and nothing looked very first!!!! However, we were told repeatedly how much fun we would have so I was super juiced. I mean this is the closest I will get to the Olympics! I also saw snow cones so anything with snow cones has to be fun!!!

Our group was moved over the Track and Field staging area. This is where they prepared all the runners for the 4x100 relay race. The organizer was looking for some serious people for a very important job so of course I volunteered. I mean who is more dependable and serious then me??!!! Plus I think he noticed how physically fit I looked and just assumed I was a runner.....I mean I did use to run on that track......remember??Alyssa, Steph, Stacey, and Courtney???

After being selected a USA Special Olympic Coordinators takes me and two other people on to the track to explain our jobs. We were the corner monitors. When the runners did their baton pass-off I had to monitor to make sure it was officially in the pass zone! One of the girls was like "come on" and then guy snapped at her that this is official and we have to take this serious. That is when I realized that the Special Olympics is just as serious as the actual Olympics......okay well maybe not exactly but it's not just for fun. This is a real competition!

However, I did expect more of an audience......kind of disappointing.
There were about 15 different heats so it was going to be a long afternoon! I took my position for the first race and I screwed it up!! The coordinator ran over to me and told me that one was an exhibition race so it didn't count but not to mess up again. Gosh, so much for having fun. For all the pressure I felt I should be getting paid for this job!!

The next heat I was ready to go. If they didn't pass the baton correctly then it was red flag if everything was good then it was a white flag. The next "official" heat was one of the two heats that had wheelchair racers. I had them all placed in position and when it was their turn to go they took least the one in the motorized wheelchair did. I still question the fairness in that one but hey I don't make the rules. After I did that heat correctly and we had no violations I knew I had this down! I was a rockin corner monitor!
Here they are before the race started. I had the final leg of the race so these are the anchors! Ready.....push!!!
Time for the next heat!
This next heat was my last with wheelchair racers. Now, just like anyone else before a competition all the racers are SUPER excited and nervous. Well this last wheelchair heat I had one racer talking to me to verify his position on the track. I told him he was good and then the gun went off to start the race. All of a sudden he starts driving in circles yelling "my noses is bleeding"!!! He got himself so excited that he caused himself to get a nose bleed!! I know it's not funny but he was circling on the track screaming "My nose is bleeding, my nose is bleeding"!! It was kind of funny to watch but I had a serious job to do. I had to try to keep the other runners out of his way so they could finish the race. Since that guy couldn't race his team was disqualified. I told you this was serious!

The rest of the day was not as eventful as the beginning which is good.....even though it was not as much fun! I did have to red flag two more people whom instead of letting their teammate run to them they ran backwards to them and took the baton in a no passing zone. I finally had to move people up about four feet so that it wouldn't happen anymore.

By 3pm I was not only sun burnt but all the heats were over and we were done volunteering. Even though this started off disorganized and chaotic I had a lot of fun. All of these participants where so excited just to be part of the Olympic games. It was so amazing to see how happy they were. It was truly and honor and inspiration to be there. Thank you Special Olympics!!
Here is Amanda and me as we left MCC.
As I reflected on my afternoon I though of all the hard work that these kids put into preparing for this race. These amazing kids have so many obstacles to overcome and yet they get out there and do their PERSONAL BEST every time just to be part of this experience. It made me think of how easily I give up on things just because its hard or frustrating. I realized that quitting should never be an option because there's always going to be another mountain. I'm always going to want to make it move. Always going to be an uphill battle. Sometimes I'm gonna to have to lose. Ain't about how fast I get there. Ain't about what's waiting on the other side. It's the climb!! Such great words to live by!!! Thanks Miley!!

I admire each and everyone one of these kids I saw run today. They make me feel like anything really is possible if you just try...........your personal best! BTW...."doing your personal best" is a mantra that my sister uses with her son and is now being used by many people around her! Thanks Steph for the great words!!!

More to come