Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon

Yes, the day I have been waiting for patiently is finally here!! Last year at this time Twilight had debuted and I liked the movie but was not overly impressed. I mean nothing beats the book!! However, New Moon had a new director and the previews looked really good so I was very hopeful that this movie would be better!

As normal I'm always worried about getting bad seats at movie premiers like this so I left work early and went to get in line around 3:30pm (yes for the midnight showing). I was the fifth person in line so I was happy! After about 15 minutes Courtney and her friend Katie showed up so I at least had people to talk too!!

Here are me and Courtney as we wait in line. Is it midnight yet?????

To kill time in line I watched Twilight again on Courtney's ipod. That killed about 2 hours!! Around 8pm the movie worker guy offered to move a group of us into a theater so we could sit in chairs and not on the floor anymore. We were all excited!! A small group of us went into a theater and sat down. Boy was it nice to have a chair to sit in!! A few minutes later he tells us we have to move again but to wait an hour. Apparently he has no idea what he is doing. During that hour the majority of the family started to show up to claim their seats which was going to make the move to the next theater easier!

We finally got moved into our final theater and we could all just relax and wait for the movie. My cousins being the smart girls that they are brought their DS systems to play while we waited. However, I guess not everyone charged their DS since Alyssa had to go find a plug so she could keep playing!!

It was finally midnight and the movie was ready to start but of course there was some problem and the movie started about 15 minutes late and of course we had another 15 minutes of previews before the actual movie started!! Gosh, I have been waiting 9 hours just play the damn movie!!!

The movie finally started and I have to say I REALLY liked it! Now I'm not a big fan of the New Moon book because my boyfriend Edward is not really featured in it and I'm not a Jacob fan. However, the movie did a really good job following the book and all the wolves looked really good too! Overall this movie was WAY better then Twilight and I'm already counting down until Eclipse comes out June 30th 2010!! That is my FAVORITE book so I can't wait to see it on the big screen!!

More to come

1 comment:

C Brown said...

That book is my favorite too. I loved New Moon it was so much better then Twilight. Can't wait till june