Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween from my little cow!!!!

More to come,

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!!

I hope all you Dad's out there got to spend the day napping like mine did!!!
It is his day so enjoy!!
I love you Dad!!!

More to come

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Can you say cankles????

My poor Cousin Stacey is about 8 months pregnant in the middle of June in Arizona!! Yeah, enough said right!! She is doing very well and I really never hear her complain but maybe that is because I don't really listen when she talks!!! J/K Stacey!! : )

All I know is that she is a real trooper because if my feet were this swollen all I would do is bitch about them every day!!
Way to stay positive Stacey!! Hopefully after Manni is born you will get your ankles back!! : )

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Birthday Surprise

We all decided we would surprise Stephanie with an early birthday dinner. She thought she was only having dinner with my Cousin Stacey but instead she got us all!! Lucky for us she was excited to see us all!!

Here is Steph with her Birthday flower in her hair and her free dessert from Macayo's!!

Here is the whole gang!! Thanks to everyone for making it out for the surprise dinner!!

After dinner the Cousin's all went to Yogurtland (Steph's favorite place) for some dessert! It was really good and the perfect way to top of the evening!! Thanks again to Stacey for helping to coordinate the dinner!!

Happy Early Birthday Steph!!

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Black & White Affair

Today was Stacey's baby shower. Her sister Alyssa threw the shower and it really was beautiful. She had the theme as black and white which made the whole thing kind of fun.
We all had to dress in black and white and everything was decorated in black and white.
However, the best part of the theme was the YUMMY black and white cookies that Alyssa bought as party favors!! Check out the setting below.......
The shower was a lot of fun and Stacey and Manni got some awesome stuff. If you want to know more about the shower you can check out Stacey's blog. I just wanted to give a shout out to Alyssa for throwing some of the best baby showers that I have been too!! Way to go!! Little Manni is very lucky to have such an AWESOME Aunt!!

More to come

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I LOVE this place!!

I was walking through the little snack area that Intel has in the cafe and I found these cookies!!!
All I can say is they were WONDERFUL!! I should have bought more......

More to come


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Costa Rica

Sorry for the delay in my updates but I haven't been out and about too much so I don't have tons to show you guys but here are a few photos I have been able to take around the hotel area and downtown. 
It's so pretty and green!!  I love it!! 

The view from ourside my door. 

Lots of plants and flowers

When I went dowtown I was advised to ONLY take a taxi that is red with yellow triangles on it.  There are several other people driving around acting like they are taxi drivers but they aren't.  My lesson in safety!!

A very famous Catholic church located in downtown San Jose

I always try to find a McDonalds where ever I go!!  Look this one had chicken legs as a menu item!

The famous National Theater located in Downtown San Jose

The oldest hotel in Costa Rica
A very small view of Intel.  I was hidding under the canopy from the rain so I couldn't get the whole thing.  I think there are a total of like 4 buildings and this huge cafe that they built that has like a Burger King and Subway inside it so people don't have to leave for lunch. 

The rest are from around the hotel.  They have the most AMAZING looking trees here!!

I'm planning to go out tonight to a place called Tierra Tica Ram Luna Viewpoint.  It's located in the Central Valley mountains.  They offer a traditional Costa Rican dinner and then they put on a show with a traditional masquerade with typical dances and famous marimba music.  I figured since I have to work all day I have to find things to do in the evening so I'm hoping this is fun and entertaining!!  I will keep you all updated!! 

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Congratulations Cameron!!

Cameron is officially a Jr. High School student!! He will be attending a Middle School that includes 6th grade through 8th grade. It's hard to believe that Cameron is growing up so quickly!!

During the graduation ceremony Cameron was awarded the Math Achievement Award!! I didn't get a photo because I didn't know he was going to win it!! I was a very proud Nina!! : )

Congratulations Cameron!!! Way to Go!!!

More to come


Monday, May 24, 2010


Yes, I had to start the blog with this photo because it makes me laugh every time I see it because she looks so cute!!!  Little Cece in her 2T Suns/Nash shirt wearing her Budlight beads!!!  She really is a Brown girl!!!  : )

Now for a little background.  During the Suns/Spurs playoffs a group of us got together to watch one of the games at the Suns viewing party at Native New Yorker.  It was really a lot of fun.  They gave away shirts and noise makers.  They had Budlight girls there (hence Cece's beads) giving away free stuff like beers, playing cards, and bottle koozies.  I won cards and a bottle koozie.  
They even had some of the Sun's dancers there.  I was waiting for a performance but they just walked around.  

There was even a special guest that the Brown/Wright family has become very close too.......our friend....the.......
Yep, our friend the Gorilla was there to get the crowd all hyped up and excited to watch the game and boy did it work!!!  However, you know he had to take a minute to come hang with his favorite people!!!
Since Cece was asleep at the wedding this was her first time meeting Uncle Gorilla and she did great!!! 
Next it was time for the Gorilla to reunite with his favorite couple the Wrights!!  For those of you confused the Gorilla is the one on the right!!  : )
Notice how the Gorilla is touching Stacey's breast?????  And Stacey's big smile????  I'm calling Maury right now just to reserve a spot for a possible paternity test in July!!  Everyone saw how close the Gorilla and Stacey were the night of the wedding.......I will keep everyone updated on this possible breaking story!!!

Here is Cece with her two favorite Aunts!!!

With our great support the Suns won the series against the Spurs and have now moved onto the Western Conference Championship!!!!  They are playing the Lakers (BOOOOO!!!!) and are down 2-1 in the series.  However, I think we are about to see a come back and the Suns will win Game 4 and tie the series 2-2.  What do you think Cece?? 

More to come

Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

This year for Mother's Day my sisters and I made breakfast for all the Mother's/Grandmother's in our life and boy do we have a lot of them!! 
We had my Mom, Lara (stepmom), Grandma Brown, Grandma Carol and Grandma Lingnowski.  BTW I know my sister Stephanie is a Mom but she doesn't let us do all the cooking for her since she wants to cook for our Mom so it becomes complicated so during the food preparation she is a sister and then for gifts she is a Mom!! 

This was my first Mother's day thanks to Charlie!  It's about time I get a day!!  : )

For breakfast we had homemade donuts, danishes, fruit, french toast, pancakes (which were suppose to be be waffles but we had an incident with the waffle iron and the waffle iron won), bacon, and country potatoes.  Yes, quite a feast but it's always better to have too much food oppose to not enough food!! 

After breakfast everyone opened their gifts and then it was time for PHOTOS!! 

Here are all the Mom's lined up on the couch.
Charlie and his Momma....and of course he is looking away from the camera!!

Lara and her Mom (Grandma Carol)
Three generations.....Grandma Carol, Devyn and Lara. 
Grandma Brown with Cameron and Devyn
Stephanie and Cameron
Mom with her Mom (Grandma Lingnowski)
Grammie and Cameron
Cameron with G.G (Great-Grandmother)
                                                             Devyn and her Momma!
Lara with Cameron and Devyn
Lara with the girls
Grandma Carol and Lara with the girls
Dad with his Mom (Grandma Brown) and her favorite Grandkids!!!!
My Mom with her girls......including the latest addition Sophie
My Mom with her Mother (Grandma Lingnowski), Cameron and us girls


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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

American Idol......Maybe????

Today Devyn had her school concert which featured her singing an playing her recorder. I could tell you all about it but instead I figured I would let you enjoy a little bit of it for yourself!!!

This number has a little singing, clapping, and foot stomping!!

This next video shows the kids demonstrating on how they keep rhythm. No singing in this one.

A little song/dance number

Devyn's first solo!!!!

Yes, she had a temporary brain fart on her words but otherwise she did great!! BTW sorry about the screaming kid in the background. Some parents think it's okay to sit there during a performance while their kid is screaming!! Not cool people!! Actually let me take this moment to give some advice to any parents out there. If your kid is screaming (at any event) I think it's best for everyone to excuse yourself and maybe go outside or stand in the back of the room. I know kids will scream and cry and I get that but as the adult you control on how you handle it and ignoring it and acting like it's okay is NOT the right thing to do!!

Now back to Devyn's great performance!!

The concert was great and Devyn did a wonderful job!

Here is the final song:

More to come


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy 11th Birthday Cameron!!!

Today was my favorite nephew's birthday and he had a laser tag party!!  The first time I played laser tag was for Cousin Day so I ready to try to improve my game and really focus on kicking some 11 year old butt!!  : )

Since I was so focused on the game I didn't bring my camera with me while we played.  I needed to focus. 

Before the game started we all had to shout happy birthday to Cameron.  As you can see he enjoyed this!! 
After the birthday shouting it was time to play the game.  There are two rounds of play and they last 15-20 minutes each.  I thought I did better playing then I did on Cousin Day but it was hard to tell because there we so many people playing!!  These damn kids were everywhere!!  Gosh, you would think I was at a kid party!!  Needless to say I didn't win in either round.....however, I did make it in the top five on the second round which was good enough for me!! 
Here are a few of the winners:
Congrats to Stephanie (2nd) and Andy (1st)!!  They rocked it in the 1st round!!
Congrats to Courtney who placed 2nd in the second round and not photographed was the first place winner Adam!! 
After playing laser tag it was time for gifts!!!
Cameron got lots of great gifts from all of his friends and family like this Perry the Platypus from his Auntie! 
However, his favorite gift would have to be the one that he got from his Mom the night before.  Since he is 11 years old it was time for him to get his FIRST......CELL PHONE!!!!! 
Doesn't he look excited???  Look at that boy text away!!! 
 After gifts it was time for some cake!!  It was yummy ice cream cake too!! 
It wouldn't be a party without one of my self-taken photos!!  Oh, Adam your so cute!! 
The party was a lot of fun and we all had a good time!! 
Thanks Steph for the great party!! 
Happy 11th Birthday Cameron!!! 
More to come