Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Costa Rica

Sorry for the delay in my updates but I haven't been out and about too much so I don't have tons to show you guys but here are a few photos I have been able to take around the hotel area and downtown. 
It's so pretty and green!!  I love it!! 

The view from ourside my door. 

Lots of plants and flowers

When I went dowtown I was advised to ONLY take a taxi that is red with yellow triangles on it.  There are several other people driving around acting like they are taxi drivers but they aren't.  My lesson in safety!!

A very famous Catholic church located in downtown San Jose

I always try to find a McDonalds where ever I go!!  Look this one had chicken legs as a menu item!

The famous National Theater located in Downtown San Jose

The oldest hotel in Costa Rica
A very small view of Intel.  I was hidding under the canopy from the rain so I couldn't get the whole thing.  I think there are a total of like 4 buildings and this huge cafe that they built that has like a Burger King and Subway inside it so people don't have to leave for lunch. 

The rest are from around the hotel.  They have the most AMAZING looking trees here!!

I'm planning to go out tonight to a place called Tierra Tica Ram Luna Viewpoint.  It's located in the Central Valley mountains.  They offer a traditional Costa Rican dinner and then they put on a show with a traditional masquerade with typical dances and famous marimba music.  I figured since I have to work all day I have to find things to do in the evening so I'm hoping this is fun and entertaining!!  I will keep you all updated!! 

More to come


Shannon said...

Love it! Can't wait to hear more about the trip. I got the gift last night for Huck, thanks so much! Call me when you get a chance when you are back and settled!

Y.Y. said...

Hi!I'm your neighbor at blogger.So occassionary to find you what a lovely person! Y.Y.(楊秋英)