Thursday, February 25, 2010

Fantasy Camp

I totally forgot to post this entry on my blog last month so I'm just going to slip it in here. As many of you know my Dad goes to the Diamondback Fantasy Baseball Camp each year in January. This year Stephanie, Courtney, Devyn, Charlie and I all drove down to Tucson to cheer on my Dad. Lara had to work so she couldn't make it this year but she did make it down for the award dinner.

I would also like to say CONGRATULATIONS to my Dad as his team WON the CHAMPIONSHIP this year!!! This is his first year of EVER being on a winning team at all so Dad was a happy guy!!! Way to go Dad!!! : )

Here are some photos for you to enjoy!

Dad and Devyn before the BIG game!
Charlie so excited for the game to start.....and just happy he was not left at home!!
Dad getting some practice throws in before the game
Dad's team doing their cheer before starting the Championship game!! Dad is there in all his gear to the right.
Getting a few practice catches in before the batter comes up.
Dad at bat. I think this was before he hit that grand slam.....right Dad?? That is what you wanted me to say right??? : )
Besides being excited to watch our Dad play baseball with the Diamondbacks we also get to meet some of the players. Here I am with Charlie and Gonzo!! This is Charlie's first celebrity photo and meet and greet! We were both excited....not sure about Gonzo.
Game over and Dad's team WON!!! That is Dad taunting the other team!!! J/K!!
Dad with his coaches. I know one of them is Steve Finley (Steph's boyfriend) but I don't know the other guy. Sorry.
Dad preparing himself for the game against the coaches. Close your eyes and visualize yourself hitting the ball.....
Yeah, I decided to do some fun black and white photos. Here is Dad getting some practice swings in before he is up to bat. Since they won the Championship game his team got to play first so Dad was really excited about that!!
Devyn, Steph and me with our self-taken photo. Courtney was up in her seat with Charlie.
Dad's cheering section!!!! Doesn't Charlie look like he is having so much fun!!! He was tired.
Please stand for the singing of the National Anthem.
Here is Dad in the game with the coaches as he gets his hit and runs!!!! To spare my Dad the embarrassment I didn't show the photo of him "running/trotting" to first base before they threw him out. However, at least he got a hit most people strike out!! Way to go Dad!!!
Dad's turn to catch while the coaches bat. Here he is talking to his pitcher telling him what he should throw.
Dad catching.
Inning is over and so is Dad!!! He is done playing and can now just sit back and relax!!
Devyn and Charlie cheering on Dad.
Lara's parents (Grandma Carol and Grandpa John) got to drive down for the game as well. Here they are after the game with Dad.
Dad with his girls and favorite puppy!!! BTW not sure why Devyn is leaning into Charlie and has a look of pain on her face.

More to come

1 comment:

Allie said...

I love Steve Finley!!!