Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happiest Place on Earth!!

This year my family and I went to Disneyland again for New Years Eve!! I think this makes year #8 for me, Stephanie, and Cameron. Crazy!! However, this year we were down a few family members....my Dad, Lara and Randy were unable to attend but were with us in spirit!!
On a selfish note, I was happy to have my Dad and Lara available to puppy sit Charlie for me while I was gone. I was able to enjoy myself know Charlie was in good hands Thanks guys!!

Let me share some of my photos.....

Here is Sleeping Beauty's Castle.
Here we all are on our first night together. We are in California Adventure waiting for the new water show World of Colors to start. I tried taking some pictures of the water show and they turned out weird so I didn't include them. You kind of have to see it to enjoy....sorry.
Our Perry Twins!! BTW this is the hat that made Courtney the STAR at Disneyland!! EVERYONE wanted to know where she got the hat!! It was like being with a celebrity as we walked around the park but as we all know fame has a downside and Courtney got a rash on her forehead from that hat....looks like Perry strikes again!!
To prepare themselves for all the rain that normally occurs at Disneyland the kids decided to practice their boating skills on the canoe ride.....is it a ride if you are doing all the work??? Notice I skipped this one! I ate a churro as they paddled!! Holla!! : )
No trip to Disneyland is complete without a trip to Critter Country to visit Pooh, Tigger, and Courtney's favorite Eyeore!!
Before we went on the Tea Cups on New Years Eve....it was the only ride with a short line. I hated it!!
Stephanie, Courtney and me in front of the castle on 1/1/11
Waiting for the Toy Story ride....it's in 3D hence the lame yellow glasses!!
On the last day at the park me and Courtney were getting ready to leave for the day and as we walked onto Main Street we saw Mary Poppins!! She was just coming out so me and Courtney ran over to her and waited patiently until she saw us and then took our photos!! Due to the rain that had just started she refused to move from under the umbrella by these random people so ignore them in the background. Mary is a bit of a DIVA but we love her!!
I had a great time at the park (as always) and I can't wait to go back!! I'm actually thinking I might go back this year when it's not the holidays so I can see what the park normally looks like since it has been so long!! Roadtrip to Disneyland anyone???
More to come!


Stephanie said...

Welcome back! Have missed the blog updates.....

World of books said...

I am excited the blog is back and disneyland is always awesome