Sunday, January 23, 2011

Movie Night

Last year a few of my friends (from Trade Secret) were sitting around talking about movies we had seen, when I realized a bunch of us hadn't seen very many classic movies. It was then that we decided to have a monthly Movie Club, where each month we would watch an Academy Award winning movie together. Our first movie was on Sunday and it was my pick so I selected Casablanca. I had heard so much about this movie and I felt dumb having never seen it so I was super excited to watch it!!

The movie ended up being pretty good. I had heard it was a great love story but I didn't really see that.....maybe I missed something. The storyline was not what I expected but I still liked it and I'm glad I saw it. It was funny to hear all the classic lines like "Here's looking at you kid" and "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" in context with the movie.

Our next movie night is in February and we will be watching Gladiators. Before you say it, no, I have not seen that movie nor has anyone else in the movie club.....hence the reason for the club!By the end of this year I will have increased my movie knowledge quite a bit!! Can't wait!!

More to come


Alyssa said...

I think I asked once before, but did Gladiator really win best picture??? What the french??

LB said...

It won in 2000 for Best Picture. Maybe that was a slow year for good movies....