Sunday, September 28, 2008

Magic Mountain

Well today the van is leaving for our second annual trip to Magic Mountain (MM). This trip we had our regulars (Alyssa, Andy, Courtney, and of course myself) and we had some newbies (Adam and Mindi). A couple of our regular Six Flaggers (Steph and Stacey) from last year were unable to attend this year but we are hoping to get them back next year!
The trip started with Lindsay flying in from LA around 11am and then getting her car and heading home to pack for MM. Since everyone was at work my stepfather Randy took me to pick up the rental van. It was not the "Silver Bullet" but it was comfortable and it fit us all. It's funny how much I love to drive vans. I really think I was either born to be a soccer mom or a bus driver...I'm not sure which one, but I'm thinking since I have no kids the bus driver option might be best at this point.
Anyways, I picked up Adam on my way home and it was off to meet Courtney at my house and then to Alyssa and Andy's house to get them plus Mindi. I was proud that we were off and on the road by 3:15pm. That is our new record start time....however with all the stops we made along the way (we did have Adam with us!) it was a good thing we left early. Here we are in the van driving to MM. Is it just me or does Courtney look like she has the "Boys don't cry haircut? : )

Here we are eating a healthy dinner of El Pollo Loco in some random town in CA. See we can all still get along after being stuck in a van for six hours together. Oh, and look Courtney's hair grew back and she is a girl again! : )

We arrived at our cool little trucker stop where our hotel (Days Inn baby!! Yeah, we are big spenders) was located. Now to the newbies it could have been a bit scary but to us regulars we were back with our fellow truckers and good ole' Cafe Mike's!

We all went off to bed since we knew the next day would busy. The morning started off great until the tire pressure light came on in the van and then the change oil message flashed at me. Thanks Enterprise Rental Car for giving me a piece of crap van that needed service!
Even with the car issues we were ready to hit up the park! Here we are just before we left the hotel to head to breakfast and then the park. Don't we look great? Yeah, this will be the only photo of us as a group today because NO ONE wants to see what we look like after being at the park for 12 hours!! It's not pretty!!
It was off to the park for our fun filled day. We had our Diet Coke cans in hand to use the coupon that said we could get in for $21.99. Well, much to my dismay they said that coupon was only for the water park attached to MM. Not a great way to start off the morning!! I was pissed! I asked for a supervisor and instead of the 16 year old at the ticket counter I got the experienced 17 year old! What a joke! She was no help and we had to end up paying $30 per person (which was a discount but not the point). Needless to say I went to Guest Services right away to complain but apparently at MM the customer is not always right! Stacey, I need a letter please!!

Well after the ticket fiasco I decided to let it go and just have fun. I mean it was only $8 but it was the principle! Anyways, we started our morning with the new X2 ride and that was the way we ended it that evening as well! We conquered the park and got the most out of our $30!! That is right we were there at 10am and we didn't leave until the park closed at 10pm!!

The picture of Alyssa and Andy below tells it all!! No, it's not blurry that is just your eyes!!
Each year we learn a few new lessons about the park and here is what we learned this year.
  1. The rides at MM are controlled by a bunch of LAME teenagers! I think we knew this last year but for some reason this year it was so much more annoying. It was like a bad version of High School Musical without the cool dance numbers and singing! Just stupid kids everywhere proving they don't give a crap about their jobs. Apparently, MM has lowered their standards when it comes to the kids they hire to operate these crazy rides! Nice to know our safety is priority #1! NOT!!!
  2. Don't chew gum on a roller coaster! Hey guys, when you are on a ride screaming, things in your mouth tend to fall out and hit innocent people (like Adam) sitting in the back of the ride. This can cause them to freak out and possibly ruin their ride experience so just spit out the gum prior to the ride next time!
  3. A thong, jeans, and the Roaring Rapid ride are not a good combination. I will just say your never too old for baby powder!! : )

More to come!!


Thursday, September 25, 2008


So this is my fourth day of my sabbatical and I haven't done much so far but that is because I'm saving up my energy for my upcoming trips. Today is Thursday Sept 25th and I'm flying out to LA for my girlfriend Denise's 29th birthday dinner. Thanks to my awesome benefits I can just fly in to LA for the night and then I have to fly home the next morning because I'm off to Six Flags Magic Mountain. We had dinner in West Hollywood at this GREAT sushi place called Katana. It was right on Sunset Blvd so our table on the balcony offered us not only a great view but also great people watching!! I felt like I was in an episode of The Hills only without the drama and Heidi and Spencer!! : )

After dinner we went across the street to Skybar for a few more drinks. Skybar is quite the L.A. spot. It had great music, awesome views, beautiful people and alcohol so what more could you ask for in one place! We had a few more drinks and then it was back to the house since it was a work night....well for some!!!
It was great to live the L.A./Hollywood nightlife for one night but it was back to Phoenix the next morning because the van to Magic Mountain was awaiting! Like LL said "I'm going to back to Cali"

More to come soon!

Friendly Skies

So I'm at Phoenix Sky Harbor airport waiting for my flight from Phoenix to LA to meet up with my girlfriend Denise for her birthday dinner. I knew we were going to dinner in Hollywood that night so I decided I would just fly out there ready to go to make things easier. Courtney had curled my hair (thanks Court!) and I was all dressed in my "going out" dress and high heels. Now, for those of you that know me this is not my normal travel attire but let me tell you when you dress up you sure do get a lot more attention then when you are in kick-it sweatpants!

At my gate I met a guy who was with his two brothers on their way to Vegas. It was this guy's birthday so they were going to party it up!! I however believe that the celebrating began earlier at the airport lounge because he was a bit tipsy already and very flirty. He even invited me to Vegas after knowing me for only five minutes! I politely thanked him but told him I had more important plans this weekend....MAGIC MOUNTAIN!! I mean it's an obvious choice right??? : )

Since the flight was not full the guy decided to sit next to me on the plane to "get to know me better." I figured why not, I mean he was cute and funny and it was only a 45 minute flight. What could possibly happen??? Well apparently he meant getting to know me not only personally but also physically. Now for all you dirty minds out there, NO, I didn't become a member of the mile high club. I mean I am a lady and it was only a 45 minute flight!! : )
He was just much more friendlier then anyone else I have ever sat next to on a plane. I will just leave it at that!

I did however learn a valuable lesson from this experience. I plan to dress to impress for all my future flights. Comfort is no longer my focus. I think the airport is the "new club scene" for the over 30 crowd!!! Next Saturday I will be cruising the airport lounge if anyone is interested!! : )

Monday, September 22, 2008

Thanks Intel!!

Well, I have been working at Intel for over seven years now. Each employee that has worked for Intel for seven years earns an EIGHT week paid SABBATICAL! Yes, I did say PAID!! I officially began my sabbatical on Sept 22, 2008 and I have eight weeks to make the best of this time off! My AWESOME sister Stephanie (Corporate Accounting Manager at U.S. Airways) has allowed me to be her registered guest for this year! That means I can fly ANYWHERE U.S. Airways flies for almost no cost at all. Thanks Steph!!

As I begin my travels I plan to document where I'm going and what I experienced so that you can follow along with me since you all have to work! HA HA HA! : )

I can't guarantee that all my travels will be exotic and exciting to everyone but hey it's something to read while you sit at work!
