Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Birthday and Wings


Tonight we are celebrating Lara's birthday at our favorite wing establishment, Native New Yorker! It was a Tuesday night and they have discounted wings so the place was quite busy but we had a great table on the patio and we had a lot of fun. It was only a small family gathering so don't feel left out if you weren't invited. Dad and Lara wanted to keep it to just the people they love the most. Here we all are at dinner, not sure why Steph and Cameron weren't there......
HA HA HA!!! Just kidding!!! Cameron came down with the chicken pox so he was unable to attend the dinner. However, they did text us throughout the evening so that they could be part of the night. Thank goodness for technology! What would we do without our cell phones!! : )

Here is Dad with his girls (minus Steph and Cameron). I think Courtney and Lara were excited not to be the ones not left out of the photo this time since we normally take these "family" photos at the ASU games and aren't season ticketholders. I know the shame in it!!! Sorry Steph this time you are the missing one.......but you were in our thoughts. : )
Now, we eat at Native all the time but my sister Devyn always eats the bow tie pasta. Well, tonight was a special occasion.....not only was it Lara's birthday celebration but Devyn also had her FIRST EVER WING!!! I know it's hard to believe but this was her first time eating a wing!! She had to test out the sauce first on her finger and then once she realized she liked it she ate two wings! Any guess on what flavor wings it was that she ate???? Honey BBQ!!! I knew she was my favorite sister for a reason!! She loved them!! Welcome to the wing club Devyn!!!

No family gathering would be complete without my self-taken photo. Here I am with my sisters. Devyn is proudly showing off her wing-stained smile! How cute!!
Here is Dad, Lara and Devyn......aren't they cute!
Here is Lara with her parents and Devyn. Poor Grandma Carol was falling out of her chair trying to be in this photo! Hang on Grandma!!!
It was a fun night and a great dinner. It's always fun when you can get together with everyone even if it's only for a few hours.

More to come

Friday, March 27, 2009

Silence is Golden

Friday night C.L.A.S (Courtney, Lindsay, Adam, and Stacey) all went to see the new movie The Haunting in Connecticut. Now, we knew this was a scary movie and based on a true story so we were prepared for it to have parts where you would scream or jump. However, what we didn't expect were the loser little punk-ass kids that would ruin our movie experience. All they did was laugh, talk or overreact to almost the entire movie. Stacey finally got so annoyed she went and got the manager and the police! Now you would not believe how quiet the theater was once the police officer came in and stood there. However, he only stayed like five minutes and then it was like freaking romper room again!!!

By the end of the movie all four of us were pissed and ready to complain to the manager! We walk to the the guest services desk and we wait........and wait.......and wait! NO ONE IS ANYWHERE!!! It was like a freaking ghost town! I'm walking in theaters looking for anyone but nope there is no one! WTF!!! It's a Friday night at 11:30pm and the concession stand is closed up and everything is dark.

HHHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOOO is anyone there??? Does that mean we can just take the Red Vines if there is no one there to sell them to me?????
For a minute I felt like we could be in a scary movie and then I realized that is just my imagination getting the best of me!! However, that would be a funny scary movie. Courtney, Stacey, Adam and me running around an abandoned theater! I wonder who would get out alive??? Sorry Adam..........you know the minority person never makes it to the end!! : )

Back to the story. Adam finally gets on the intercom system and pages a manager! Yep, he go on the intercom! It was so funny and guess what??? The manager came out!!! I could have wet my pants but I had to have my serious face on to complain. After complaining about being in a movie with a bunch of DICKS (Chelsea Handler says we can use that word and it feels right considering the situation) the manager gave us each a free pass for another movie. Needless to say none of us will be coming to use it for a scary movie that is PG-13!!!!

You know the saying "you mess with the bull, you get the horns!!" Well, Stacey is the bull here, so you better watch out!!!

More to come

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today is my Grandmother Brown's 86th Birthday so the family got together for a rare family dinner! The reason I say it's rare is because there are so many of us that it's hard to get us all together. However, when it's something as important as an 86th birthday how can you not make the time! The evening began with dinner at the Olive Garden (grandma's pick).

Here is Grandma all excited to make her birthday wish!!!
Grandma's brother Uncle Walt flew out from Iowa to celebrate with his sister! I guess brothers get nicer as you get older so Alyssa, Stacey there is hope for Shawn!! : )
Here is the whole gang at dinner!! We took up a large portion of the dining room but Olive Garden was great and we all had a great time!! Courtney even personally thanked one of the waiters....at least that is the word on the street......what a tip!! :)
I bet you didn't know that Steph and Stacey are in the "Synchronized Eating" portion of the 2012 Summer Olympics!! We are so proud!!! You will have to tune in and see how they do!!
After dinner it was off to my Aunt's house for some cards. Now my Grandma LOVES playing cards with her family so she was really excited for the second part of the evening.

Now, not everyone in the family likes playing cards.....mainly those that are under the age of 12 with the exception of Stacey and Courtney. : )
Actually, they all brought their Nintendo DS's and played games together all night. They had a great time too!!
Here are the grown-ups playing cards in the other room. This was one of the several tables we had going! Check out Alyssa's cards.....she had nothing.....PASS!!!
As you can see at this table there was some intense thinking going on. Steph thought she had a great hand but lost in the end....sorry sis!!! Fun times at this table too. I think Aunt Arlinda was losing but you can't tell because she is always smiling!! That is her poker face!!
It was a great night and we all had a lot of fun! We look forward to doing it again next year!!! : )

More to come

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Editorial Correction

In my entry on March 8th called "Dally" I mentioned that there were some darts played and that Alyssa and I lost to my cousin Wade. I failed to mention that Wade's partner in the winning dart game was my sister Stephanie. Her role in winning the game was pivotal. I apologize if my previous entry implied that Wade won the dart game on his own. It was the AMAZING team work between Wade and Stephanie that allowed them to beat me and Alyssa.

I hope my sister accepts my apology.

More to come

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

In Loving Memory of Ron

Today the world lost a wonderful man. Ron was a kind, gentle and soft spoken guy. He loved with all his heart and he showed you ever chance he could. Ron was a great husband, father, grandfather, step father and step grandfather and step great grandfather. He had several titles in our family! He meant a lot to us all and he will be greatly missed!!

Remember Me Author Unknown
In loving memory of Ronald Lingnowski

Remember me in quiet days
While raindrops whisper on your pane.
But in your memories have no grief,
Let just the joy we knew remain.

Remember me when evening stars
Look down on you with steadfast eyes.
Remember if once you wake
To catch a glimpse of red sunrise.

And when your thoughts do turn to me,
Know that I would not have you cry.
But live for me and laugh for me,
When you are happy, so am I.

Remember an old joke we shared;
Remember me when spring walks by.
Think once of me when you are glad
And while you live, I shall not die.

I would like to thank all my friends and family for their support during this difficult time. It meant a lot to us all.

More to come

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Hoping you all find your pot of gold today!!

If not gold then at least some green beer!! : )

Have a great day today!

More to come

Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me!

OK, for those of you familiar with the comic strip Family Circus you will understand. For those of you not familiar let me quickly explain. It's about a family with four kids and in some of the comics there is always this invisible person called "not me" seen running from something he shouldn't be doing. Well guess what?? "Not me" has moved into my house!!

Now, there is only me and my roommate (we will call him "T" to protect his identity) living in my house so if I didn't do it then it only leaves "T". However, when ever I confront him on anything. His response is "wasn't me or I didn't do it" and he claims I'm setting him up to take the fall.
WHAT???? Let me give you a few examples.

1. I haven't done laundry in over two weeks. Yes, I know that is a freaking long time but it's true. I go to do laundry the other day and the lent thing is totally full in the dryer. I ask T why he didn't empty it and his response was "I never do laundry here. It's not me." Ummm.....really??? The water company and I disagree!! You do laundry every other day!

2. Dishwasher is empty and glasses and plates are all in the sink. I said "Hey T why didn't you load your dishes?". His response "Those aren't mine. I always load my dishes"
Yep, sure you do. NOT!!!

3. I come home from work he is in my office on the computer sitting in the office chair. One of the wheels is broken off and sitting on the ground next to the chair. I say "Hey T what happened to the wheel?" His response "What the hell? I didn't do that! That wasn't me! You're setting me up!" That was my favorite. I'm setting him up. For what I wonder......

All I know is if this is how married life is then I want no part of it!!!!! Also, if this is how kids are I might have to reconsider having them as well. I guess it would be different if there were other people in the house to blame but I mean if I didn't do it then that only leaves "NOT ME!"

Here is a comic strip to explain what I mean! That NOT ME ghost running way is my roommate!! : )

More to come

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Shawn!!

Today's is Shawn's Birthday so after he bowled (Alyssa, Uncle Allen and Shawn bowl in a league on Wednesday) we decided to skip the Vine (our usually spot) to go to Native New Yorker. This was per the birthday boys requests.

Here is the group at Native. Uncle Allen had left already but he was there. Oh, and that is Steph behind Grandma's head!
Dinner was good but we could of had a better server! However, Shawn had a good time and that is all that matters!

Here is Shawn and Mindi with Courtney trying to sneak into the picture!!


More to come

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Dally

For those of you not familiar with Lenox the Dally is their local bar. I think it might be their only bar so it's a town favorite! : )

Ashley and I hung out for a while together waiting on the others to join us. Once everyone got there the dart game was back on. Now, Alyssa and I did our best but we were playing against Wade who is like an All Star baseball player so it wasn't a fair competition at all!! As you can tell by my baby-crying my team lost so I am looking for excuses!! Seriously though Wade has great aim and even drinking he kicked our butt! I plan to practice for the next few months and then Alyssa and I want a rematch!!!

Here is Grant's wife Krystal playing darts. I had already quit at this point! : (
Cheers to us!!! Thanks Ashley for the shots! It was a fun night and a great way to end our trip. Sorry there was no drama that night so I don't have any more intervention videos. I did steal Ashley's cigarettes a few times that night but I gave them back once she noticed. I guess she wasn't drunk enough to forget about them and I was scared of her after the first night!

As the bar was closing we took this group photo. Moments after this was taken they yelled at us to leave! Ummm...we still had unfinished beer.....we aren't leaving!! HELL NO WE WONT GO!!
I almost forgot after several drinks and a few shots I caught Grant doing the Superman dance! Now the video is dark but if you look closely you can see him. He actually rocked it! Great job Grant!! : )

I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all my family in Iowa for being great hostesses! Tacy thanks for letting us stay with you! Ashley, Grant, Jake and Wade thanks for partying with us! Liz and Kurt thanks for great dinner! It was a quick trip but always a lot of fun and I can't wait to see everyone again soon!! I am still planning towards August for Wade's wedding!! Hope to see everyone again then! Lova you all!!

More to come

Family and Cake!

After waking up with a small headache (not sure why.....) it was time to get ready for Erica's (my 2nd cousin) wedding reception. She was getting married earlier that day in a private ceremony but she was having a cake and punch reception later that afternoon. Now today the weather was COMPLETELY different then it was on Friday but as they say that is Iowa! Apparently teh weather there can change at the drop of a hat! It was freezing cold and kind of foggy. On Friday it was sunny and clear. I personally loved it but I like the cold! Time to buddle up!!! : )

We drove to Creston (another small town) for the reception. Once we got there it was great to see all of our extended Iowa family. Almost everyone made it for the reception which was awesome! We don't get to see this side of the family very often. You know I have no idea why that is actually. When us kids were younger our parents organized a few family reunions in Colorado (which were tons of fun and we have some great stories) but after two of them they stopped. Did we get annoyed with each other or something?? Dad???? What's up??? I want another reunion!!!!

Anyways, back to the reception. I can give my Dad a hard time later. Since it is rare to have the Arizona Brown's in Iowa it's always a photo opportunity. Here are some pictures of that day!

This is my Uncle Shorty sporting my Uncle Allen's Stetson hat. Handsome fellow isn't he??? : )
The bride Erica and me.
The next generation of Iowa/Arizona cousins!
The first generation of Iowa cousins! We were missing Dad and Aunt Arlinda!
Here are all the 2nd cousins together. We are missing a few others but we still represented!
The 2nd cousins and their significant others......watch as we get bigger......
Now it's the 2nd cousins, significant others and their kids. Maybe this is why we don't have family reunions......we are a huge group and this isn't even all of us!!! : )

It was a great afternoon and it was awesome to see everyone again. After the reception Liz and Kurt hosted a get together at their place. We all went over there for some great food/drinks and of course cards! It wouldn't be a gathering if there wasn't some 500 played!!! Thank goodness I learned how to play. It's one of my new favorite games. Well, behind of course guitar hero and Wii cheer squad of course! :)
Saturday was a great day and a lot of fun. Now it's time to head to the Dally!!!
More to come

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Later that Night.....

OK, so before I get lectures from everyone let me say a few things.

1. Yes, we were all a little tipsy on Friday but okay to drive

2. Any driving done was literally on two roads and we all got home safely. No lectures please.

3. The language is not always PG but I mean it is me on this video so what would you expect.

Here is the background. That evening after the bar closed and when we were leaving I took Ashley's cigarettes from her and hid them from her just as a joke. Little did I know she would go crazy and give us one of the best laughs we have all had in a long time!! Now for those of you that have seen Step Brothers there are a few references that you will get but for those that didn't don't worry no one was raped in the making of these videos!!

OK, enough talk. Now it is just for fun that I'm posting these and because I think they are freaking funny! I have decided I want a video camera following me to capture all the funny things we say after a night of drinking. Alyssa are you for hire?? Your cinematography was great!! It's like true TMZ footage here!!

Let me set this video up. This is before we left the bar and Ashley and Alyssa are in the front seat.

In this video I'm driving Ashley home and it was time to start the Intervention!! BTW that is my favorite show so I'm always looking for someone I can have one for....thanks Ashley!! : )

Now we have pulled over but the intervention continues......

One word.....hiccups!

Well I hope you all get a laugh out of these videos. I know I do when I watch them and I do watch them over and over and over again! : )

Thanks Alyssa for invading our privacy and recording us!! It was great fun!!

More to come!


Friday, March 6, 2009

Iowa here we come!

First off can I just say two trips back to Iowa in less then six months!! I'm so excited!! Uncle Allen, Alyssa, Steph and I are off to Iowa to celebrate my cousin (technically my second cousin) Erica's wedding. She is getting married on Saturday and we were able to work it out that we could all go together. Now, this is my first trip with my Uncle Allen without my Dad so I have to be on my best behavior.....yeah right....just when I'm around him. : )

We left Friday and we had no issues with our flight. Thanks U.S. Airways for getting us there on time!! Once we landed we picked up our rental and it was off to Corning to see my Uncle Walt. He owns a bar there in town so we wanted to stop by and see him and have a quick drink....the first of many that weekend.

Uncle Walt was there playing cards with his friends but stepped away to hang out with us for a little while. It was great to see him! I'm looking forward to spending more time with him later this month when he comes out to visit Grandma for her B-day.

Here we all are with Uncle Walt in his bar.
After visiting Uncle Walt it was off to Lenox to see the rest of the family. I dropped off Uncle Allen at Kurtie's house and then us girls were off to Tacy's house which is where we would be staying. After some quick catching up we were off to dinner at Vera's. You know you can't go to Lenox without eating at Vera's!!

After some dinner and card playing it was off to the local bar called the Dally for a few drinks and some darts. BTW Alyssa and I beat Ashley and Jake in darts twice!!! : )

Here is Alyssa, me and Ashley at the bar. Yes......we are pretty drunk at this point,.
This Jake and his friend Josie. He was not smiling after Alyssa and I beat him in darts!! HA HA! Jake!! : )
Here we are all together bonding at the bar. I mean can you think of a better place to bond??
It was a great first night in town and we all had a lot of fun catching up with everyone. However, the night did not end there. You will have to read my next blog to see what happened next....

More to come!