Sunday, March 8, 2009

Family and Cake!

After waking up with a small headache (not sure why.....) it was time to get ready for Erica's (my 2nd cousin) wedding reception. She was getting married earlier that day in a private ceremony but she was having a cake and punch reception later that afternoon. Now today the weather was COMPLETELY different then it was on Friday but as they say that is Iowa! Apparently teh weather there can change at the drop of a hat! It was freezing cold and kind of foggy. On Friday it was sunny and clear. I personally loved it but I like the cold! Time to buddle up!!! : )

We drove to Creston (another small town) for the reception. Once we got there it was great to see all of our extended Iowa family. Almost everyone made it for the reception which was awesome! We don't get to see this side of the family very often. You know I have no idea why that is actually. When us kids were younger our parents organized a few family reunions in Colorado (which were tons of fun and we have some great stories) but after two of them they stopped. Did we get annoyed with each other or something?? Dad???? What's up??? I want another reunion!!!!

Anyways, back to the reception. I can give my Dad a hard time later. Since it is rare to have the Arizona Brown's in Iowa it's always a photo opportunity. Here are some pictures of that day!

This is my Uncle Shorty sporting my Uncle Allen's Stetson hat. Handsome fellow isn't he??? : )
The bride Erica and me.
The next generation of Iowa/Arizona cousins!
The first generation of Iowa cousins! We were missing Dad and Aunt Arlinda!
Here are all the 2nd cousins together. We are missing a few others but we still represented!
The 2nd cousins and their significant as we get bigger......
Now it's the 2nd cousins, significant others and their kids. Maybe this is why we don't have family reunions......we are a huge group and this isn't even all of us!!! : )

It was a great afternoon and it was awesome to see everyone again. After the reception Liz and Kurt hosted a get together at their place. We all went over there for some great food/drinks and of course cards! It wouldn't be a gathering if there wasn't some 500 played!!! Thank goodness I learned how to play. It's one of my new favorite games. Well, behind of course guitar hero and Wii cheer squad of course! :)
Saturday was a great day and a lot of fun. Now it's time to head to the Dally!!!
More to come


poo head said...

Nice pics, thanks for sharing!

Mom said...

The family keeps growing and growing... Shorty looks great with the hat on! Looks like his old self! Seems like a great time was had by all. Why do those Iowa Brown cousins (generation 1) keep looking older, and the Arizona bunch stays so young? Hmmmm...