Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Shawn!!

Today's is Shawn's Birthday so after he bowled (Alyssa, Uncle Allen and Shawn bowl in a league on Wednesday) we decided to skip the Vine (our usually spot) to go to Native New Yorker. This was per the birthday boys requests.

Here is the group at Native. Uncle Allen had left already but he was there. Oh, and that is Steph behind Grandma's head!
Dinner was good but we could of had a better server! However, Shawn had a good time and that is all that matters!

Here is Shawn and Mindi with Courtney trying to sneak into the picture!!


More to come


poo head said...

Happy Birthday Brother! It was fun celebrating! And we must mention Shawn got his first 200+ that night at bowling ON HIS BIRTHDAY!

LB said...

Congratulations Shawn on your 200+ game! What a night!