Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Normal

Today the company (we will call it "I" for this blog) I work for announced some layoffs that we all knew were coming.....I just never thought they would hit so close to home. My good friend and roomie was laid off today. The news left me with an array of mixed emotions. Sad because my friend was going to be gone but also relieved because I knew I was safe........at least for now!! This damn recession sucks!!

Many of you know that "T" is my best friend and has been for many years. He has been a constant in my life for the last seven and a half years and now with him not only leaving "I" but also AZ I'm feeling many emotions. I'm sad, upset, depressed, and lonely. I know he is only moving to CA and I will still talk to him all the time, it's just going to be different. "T" was my lunch buddy. We had lunch almost every day together. Should I boycott lunch in protest to these layoffs?? Not a bad idea.......my ass needs to lose some weight but not very feasible! : )

As a good friend told me I will get just need to find a "new normal" to help me get through this all. I have faith in my friendship with "T" that even though we won't see each other every day we will still be able to best friends. It will just be different but hey, that is life right??

Now, for all of you that are concerned about 'T" here is a little update. He is doing well. He is back in the Bay Area with his friends and family and he is currently looking for a new job. He is in good spirits but he is also a little bitter about how everything went down and who could blame him! He was happy though to escape AZ right before it got to crazy hot!! Lucky him!!!!

I would like to say a special thank you to all my friends and family that helped to support me during this whole thing. I know I was quite a wreck for a few days but with all your help I am feeling better!! THANK YOU!!

More to come


Stacey said...

If I had known you were down I would have offered to hang out with you....

Lara said...

Tell "T" I wish him the best of luck! All will be good :)

C Brown said...

We will be here to help you find your new normal. You can always come have lunch with me and Stacey ( i know its far but hey at least the offer is there Indian Fried Bread yum yum) Things will be ok and we wish "T" the best and I am sure all will work out.

LB said...

Thanks guys! Yes, "T" will be fine and maybe he will even be better then he was at his previous job! As for me, I'm doing good. I think I'm finding my new normal and let me tell you, it's boring!! : )

poo head said...
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poo head said...

Haiku ThursdayEnjoy New Normal
Visiting T has perks too
More Wii time for me

LB said...

Gosh, look at the talent you have Alyssa. I expect all twitters to be in Haiku form now on!!

I would like to say that T never stopped us from playing Wii. You just never come over!

LB said...

Gosh, look at the talent you have Alyssa. I expect all twitters to be in Haiku form now on!!

I would like to say that T never stopped us from playing Wii. You just never come over!

poo head said...

I just like to blame him for things now that he's gone :)

LB said...

Sounds good to me! Not Me was usually to blame anyways!