Friday, May 15, 2009

One down, one to go!!


Today my cousin Stacey is graduating from College. We are all very proud of her!! Stacey is a full-time employee in a very busy law office so it has been difficult to balance her work load with her school load but she did it!!! We all knew she would!!! : )

Now, her graduation ceremony was outside at the college football stadium and for those of you not living in AZ, that is not a good thing!! It's like over 100 degrees right now so we try to avoid being outside at all cost but for this night I was happy to sit outside. However, for a little extra coolness I did buy some little handheld fans to keep us spectators cool!! : )

Where in the world is Stacey??? Can you find her in the crowd??? 50 points to the first person to find her!! One hint.....she is wearing a blue robe......GO!
She can see us!!! Stacey is the one waving to us!!! Soon she will hear us!! Yep, that means we have an airhorn. What is a graduation without an airhorn!?!?
Not that it wasn't exciting enough just to watch my cousin graduate tonight but they also had FIREWORKS!!!! I am super jealous now because I have never had fireworks at my graduations. I mean, yeah mine have been indoors,but still........
After the ceremony we all went over to this great little Greek resturant for an awesome dinner. It was a great meal with wonderful company and we all had fun. Even though me, Steph, Courtney, and Cameron had to sit at the satellite table (we weren't part of the BIG table). It's all good though. Our little Micheal Scott Paper Company Table (if you watch The Office you will get that joke) was just fine!!

Here is some of the folks at the BIG table!
The graduate and her proud Mom!
Grandma and Stacey!
The proud Pappa and his little girl.....they grow up so fast!!Stacey you did a great job and all your hard work over the years have finally paid off! Now just think, one hurdle down and one more to go!! However, this next hurdle we all get to drink, eat, and dance so I'm super excited for that one!! Gosh, 2009 is really your year!!! Congrats again!!

I would like to end this blog with some inspirational words from our President of the United States. I took these words from his speech at ASU. Now, no matter your political beliefs, President Obama's words are very moving. Stacey consider him talking to you Ms. Class of 2009!!!

"So Class of 2009, that's what building a body of work is all about -- it's about the daily labor, the many individual acts, the choices large and small that add up over time, over a lifetime, to a lasting legacy. That's what you want on your tombstone. It's about not being satisfied with the latest achievement, the latest gold star -- because the one thing I know about a body of work is that it's never finished. It's cumulative; it deepens and expands with each day that you give your best, each day that you give back and contribute to the life of your community and your nation. You may have setbacks, and you may have failures, but you're not done -- you're not even getting started, not by a long shot. I know starting your careers in troubled times is a challenge. But it is also a privilege. Because it's moments like these that force us to try harder, to dig deeper, and to discover gifts we never knew we had -- to find the greatness that lies within each of us. So don't ever shy away from that endeavor. Don't stop adding to your body of work. I can promise that you will be the better for that continued effort, as will this nation that we all love.
Congratulations, Class of 2009, on your graduation. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America."

Gosh, he makes me want to go back to school and do better with my life!!!! : )

More to come


Lara said...


C Brown said...

Yeah Stacey! Wahoo you did it. I am really happy for you. All thats left is the wedding but thats not a big deal heheh J/K

Stacey said...

Thanks a dedication. Thanks a lot Lindsay!!!! And Obama's speech was very nice. Thanks for adding it.

poo head said...

Yeah Stacey! It was so EXCITING to celebrate with you. I can't wait to watch the video so you can crack up when it shakes with excitement. It was just a special day and I'm glad I could celebrate. And hey, I even made some friends on the east side!

Congratulations again, sister!

poo head said...

Also, some day you should ask Shawn about the package the waiter gave him. haaaaaaaaaaa