Friday, May 1, 2009

Personal Best

Today a group of us from Intel volunteered at the Special Olympics State Competition that took place at Mesa Community College (MCC). Now, I have never been to an event like this so I was not sure what to expect but I was excited. When we got there it was very chaotic with people everyone and nothing looked very first!!!! However, we were told repeatedly how much fun we would have so I was super juiced. I mean this is the closest I will get to the Olympics! I also saw snow cones so anything with snow cones has to be fun!!!

Our group was moved over the Track and Field staging area. This is where they prepared all the runners for the 4x100 relay race. The organizer was looking for some serious people for a very important job so of course I volunteered. I mean who is more dependable and serious then me??!!! Plus I think he noticed how physically fit I looked and just assumed I was a runner.....I mean I did use to run on that track......remember??Alyssa, Steph, Stacey, and Courtney???

After being selected a USA Special Olympic Coordinators takes me and two other people on to the track to explain our jobs. We were the corner monitors. When the runners did their baton pass-off I had to monitor to make sure it was officially in the pass zone! One of the girls was like "come on" and then guy snapped at her that this is official and we have to take this serious. That is when I realized that the Special Olympics is just as serious as the actual Olympics......okay well maybe not exactly but it's not just for fun. This is a real competition!

However, I did expect more of an audience......kind of disappointing.
There were about 15 different heats so it was going to be a long afternoon! I took my position for the first race and I screwed it up!! The coordinator ran over to me and told me that one was an exhibition race so it didn't count but not to mess up again. Gosh, so much for having fun. For all the pressure I felt I should be getting paid for this job!!

The next heat I was ready to go. If they didn't pass the baton correctly then it was red flag if everything was good then it was a white flag. The next "official" heat was one of the two heats that had wheelchair racers. I had them all placed in position and when it was their turn to go they took least the one in the motorized wheelchair did. I still question the fairness in that one but hey I don't make the rules. After I did that heat correctly and we had no violations I knew I had this down! I was a rockin corner monitor!
Here they are before the race started. I had the final leg of the race so these are the anchors! Ready.....push!!!
Time for the next heat!
This next heat was my last with wheelchair racers. Now, just like anyone else before a competition all the racers are SUPER excited and nervous. Well this last wheelchair heat I had one racer talking to me to verify his position on the track. I told him he was good and then the gun went off to start the race. All of a sudden he starts driving in circles yelling "my noses is bleeding"!!! He got himself so excited that he caused himself to get a nose bleed!! I know it's not funny but he was circling on the track screaming "My nose is bleeding, my nose is bleeding"!! It was kind of funny to watch but I had a serious job to do. I had to try to keep the other runners out of his way so they could finish the race. Since that guy couldn't race his team was disqualified. I told you this was serious!

The rest of the day was not as eventful as the beginning which is good.....even though it was not as much fun! I did have to red flag two more people whom instead of letting their teammate run to them they ran backwards to them and took the baton in a no passing zone. I finally had to move people up about four feet so that it wouldn't happen anymore.

By 3pm I was not only sun burnt but all the heats were over and we were done volunteering. Even though this started off disorganized and chaotic I had a lot of fun. All of these participants where so excited just to be part of the Olympic games. It was so amazing to see how happy they were. It was truly and honor and inspiration to be there. Thank you Special Olympics!!
Here is Amanda and me as we left MCC.
As I reflected on my afternoon I though of all the hard work that these kids put into preparing for this race. These amazing kids have so many obstacles to overcome and yet they get out there and do their PERSONAL BEST every time just to be part of this experience. It made me think of how easily I give up on things just because its hard or frustrating. I realized that quitting should never be an option because there's always going to be another mountain. I'm always going to want to make it move. Always going to be an uphill battle. Sometimes I'm gonna to have to lose. Ain't about how fast I get there. Ain't about what's waiting on the other side. It's the climb!! Such great words to live by!!! Thanks Miley!!

I admire each and everyone one of these kids I saw run today. They make me feel like anything really is possible if you just try...........your personal best! BTW...."doing your personal best" is a mantra that my sister uses with her son and is now being used by many people around her! Thanks Steph for the great words!!!

More to come


poo head said...

I think it is so great that you volunteered, I wish I could do more of it. When you're there you realize how valuable it is, huh?!

Your stories are funny :)

Stacey said...

This blog is great, I cried, I laughed, and I was moved by the song at the end. Thanks Lindsay!!!!!