Monday, May 25, 2009

Sun, Fun, and Miracles

After putting my flag out for the day and observing a moment of silence in honor of Memorial Day it was time to have some fun!

We began the morning off with some homemade donuts at my house that morning. Alyssa kindly brought some breakfast burritos as well. It was a very yummy breakfast! We had the whole C.L.A.A.S.S (Courtney, Lindsay, Alyssa, Adam, Stacey, Stephanie) together. Notice who makes up the A.S.S in our acronym!!! So funny!!!

After breakfast we went to see the new movie Dance Flick. Now the movie was pretty funny and I had a few good laughs. However, I don't know how that movie got more stars then Terminator!! Critics....what do they know.

Once the movie we all headed out to Shawn's house for a BBQ. Now, Shawn and Mindi where at work so they let us come over and hang out until they got off work. It was another nice day. It was not too hot and there was a little breeze. Us girls set-up our towels and we were ready to get some sun. The boys stayed in the shade.

Here are the Fab Five Girls with our shades on!!! It was bright outside!
Not sure if you can tell but yes they are drunk!! I mean if you can't get drunk with your boss then who can you get drunk with!!!
What a great day to be outside!! Everyone grab some pool deck and relax!!
Like I said the boys stayed in the shade.....while we had it......

While we were laying out enjoy some tunes we felt a small breeze become what appeared to be a small tornado!! The two umbrella's that we had up for shade started to shake and before we knew it they were airborne!! Luckily everyone had some quick reflexes and Stacey and Stephanie were able to jump up and grab the big umbrella before it went over the fence. Unfortunately, the other blue umbrella blew straight up (~400 ft) and flew out of the yard and headed towards the desert!! It was the craziest thing I have every seen and if I hadn't been tanning with my top off (I was on my stomach.....we aren't that kind of family) I would have taken a photo but I was too busy holding on to my towel! The whole thing took about 60 seconds but it felt like it was longer!!!

After we pulled the big umbrella back we realized that bricks were broken as was the umbrella it's self. Here is the poor broken bricks. The wind lifted the umbrella up with these four bricks on it. I told you it was strong. I think it was an F4!
However, most of our concern was on the blue umbrella that flew away! Alyssa and Andy decided to try to hike the desert and see if they could find it. They got about 15 feet from the fence and hit a cactus patch. They had to head back. I decided to try going down the street an then cut into the desert to try to find the umbrella. Alyssa decided to join me. As we walked we made a pack to suck the venom out of any part of our body if we ran into a rattle snake. It made us feel better as we walked in the desert!! : )

As we continued to look in the desert Alyssa made the comment that maybe we would have a Memorial Day Miracle and find the umbrella. I had my doubts. However, as we walked around the corner I spotted the blue umbrella up against the wall of a house that was about five houses down from Shawn!! I ran to the umbrella so it couldn't fly away again! I have never been so excited to find an umbrella!!! I grabbed it and closed it and we headed back to the house.
What a relief!!! We found it but we still needed to tell Shawn what happened! I will let Alyssa handle that one!!
Here I am with the umbrella!!!!! I found it and it didn't break!!!!!
Once we got back to the house (and after my photo) all the umbrella's were put away and I vowed to never use them again! What a pain in the ASS!!

The excitement called down and we all got back to enjoying the sun. Shawn and Mindi finally got home and after we explained the umbrella/wind situation and they weren't mad so the party continued. We started the BBQ and I made more homemade donuts!
The happy couple!!

Sisters are a gift from God!! Beer is good too!!
Cousins are also a gift from God!! Even though sometimes I would like to exchange that gift.....
Here is Mindi showing her baby bump!!! We all can't wait until Sept!! Come on Baby Brown!!
After a few more hours in the sun we decided to go inside and play some cards.
Well some of us played cards and others fell asleep! This is how Courtney gets ahead at work....she sleeps with her boss!!!

We all had a great day together and I'm looking forward to the next time we can all hang out.....without the umbrella!!!

More to come


Stephanie said...

Yeah! Fun in the sun! What a great weekend! Thanks Shawn and Mindi for letting me hang at your house!

Linds-we will discuss the sidebar pics offline :)

C Brown said...

HAHAHA Well at least I got the boss drunk first LOL. It was a great day thanks everyone for hang out.

Stacey said...

I still have war wounds from trying to hurdle the chair to grab the umbrella...

LB said...

That was the only pictue I had of us three. Will it make you feel better if I put the picture of Courtney sunbathing up too?? I can!! She would love that one!! : )

poo head said...

Thanks Shawn and Mindi! We all look so sun-kissed!