Tuesday, August 25, 2009


This morning I got up like most other mornings.......late!

I realized I needed to hurry up so I grabbed Charlie took him outside so he could do his business. He was quick about it so it was back inside for his treat and then I needed to jump in the shower. Before I did this I opened his dog door so he could go out while I showered. Now, it may sound silly to others but I don't like having his dog door open at night or when I'm gone for fear someone will crawl through. Yes, it's silly but with all the scary movies I have seen that is how I think now.

Anyways, I am now in the shower and I'm washing my hair when Charlie comes and barks at me. Now he does bark at me if we are playing or if he wants to go outside but the dog door was open so not sure why he was barking so I ignored him. I mean this dog doesn't just bark. Then he starts barking like crazy and he is getting louder and louder!! Now, I'm starting to get worried. What if he is trying to warn me of some danger or something. Did someone sneak in through the dog door??? OMG what do I do??? I had to go look. So here I am with conditioner now in my hair and soap on my legs because I was trying to shave and I was going to go look for an intruder in my house. Nice!

I step out of the shower and immediately Charlie jumps at my feet!! I ask him what is going on (not like I expected an answer) and I look down the hall. He is still jumping at my feet. I walk down the hall, wet and naked to see if I can find the killer in my home with Charlie jumping at my feet. I find nothing. Just Charlie who was still jumping at my feet and licking the water off my toes!! What a punk! He just wanted me to play with him! He was barking his playful bark and I took it as a Lassie danger bark! Needless to say I felt like a total ASS! I went back to my shower and hurried up since I was running late and this little "game" didn't help. Charlie stopped barking now and decided to go outside. Yeah, thanks buddy! I thought he was trying to save my life instead he was just mad he couldn't play with me while I was in the shower. Next time Charlie I will take you in the shower but I don't think you will like it!!! : )

I guess if I ever fall down a well I can't expect Charlie to get me help. If anything he will jump in to play with me. Charlie is cute but he is definitely no Lassie!!

More to come


Stephanie said...

I guess you will need to learn his various "barks" just like a baby's cry! Did you at least look in the yard? He could have found "Betty's" body :-)
Just kidding!

LB said...

Since I was naked and wet I stayed on the tile. I never thought about Betty showing up! If she was out there he ate her just like he does his poop!!! Gross Charlie!

BTW I do know most of his barks but this one was new hence the concern I had that he was trying to protect me. Instead he thought shaving my legs was fun and he wanted in on the excitement! Silly dog!

poo head said...

Um, can you say sucker? You got played!!!!

ha, ha, ha, ha

Stacey said...

Well my comment is both good and bad...The good part is don't be embarrassed that you keep the doggie door closed...a few years ago, there was burgler that got into people's homes via the doggie door. I don't believe he killed anyone, but that is how he got in the house.
The bad part is I just told you that your fear is true....sorry cousin.