Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Puppy Is Now A Dog!!

Yep, it's official Charlie is growing up!! He is now using the dog door 100% of the time. He goes out and does his business and then comes back in and sits in the kitchen and waits for me to give him his good boy treat!

I am SOOOOO excited that I no longer have to sit out there with him but kind of sad because I guess he is over having me go everywhere with him. However, I still have to watch him out the window (yes, like a stalker) because he still likes to eat his poop! I guess if I think about it that can be a good thing. Now I never have to clean up dog poop in my yard!! I'm totally kidding!! I run outside once I see him sniff around for his poop spot!

I guess now once I get the poop eating under control I can stop locking him up and he can be free like a big boy!! Well maybe......not sure what he will do to my house if he has free run of it.......

Baby steps!!! I will start with small amounts of time and assess the damage and go from there. I am just a proud Mom at this moment. I think I owe it to the Fab Five (and Adam) for being here Friday and all the practice we did for FF causing me to "ignore" Charlie so he used his own door for the first time!! Thanks guys!

Good Boy Charlie!!! Keep up the good work!!

More to come


Allie said...

Good job Charlie! And even if he acts like a big boy he will always be your puppy! :) (At 15 Homer was still my puppy!)

LB said...

Yes, he will always be my baby/puppy! It's just crazy to see how quickly he is becoming a big boy! I knock it up to him just being SUPER SMART!! I'm a proud Puppy Mom right now!!

Stephanie said...

Good boy, Charlie! Way to let him grow up, Lindsay! It is hard.....

poo head said...

good dog.

C Brown said...

Oh what a good boy! He is super smart and good training on your behalf Linds. Now its time to teach him how to moonwalk lol.

Anonymous said...

Give your pet their own special doggie door. Dog Doors provide your pets with the freedom to come and go as they please without requiring you to let them in and out every time. Selecting a quality Dog Door can help save energy during the hot and cold seasons. Choose a Dog Door large enough for your pet to enter and exit comfortably and safely. Dog Doors should have a closing panel for times when you want to secure your Dog Door.

Stacey said...

Well...how can I possibly make a comment after doglover1127. Very informative....

LB said...

That is so freaking funny!! I love all the comments from my new followers!! I do feel like I have a safe dog door so thanks doglover1127!!