Saturday, August 29, 2009

QT witth Daddy

My Dad, sister and I all decided at the last minute to fly out to Iowa for the Samo wedding. Since we didn't have much time we decided to make it a turn-around trip. That meant that we flew out Saturday morning at 8am and flew home Sunday morning at 6am!! Yes, it sounds like a lot to do but we really wanted to go to the wedding and this worked for everyone's schedule. Plus it was some fun Quality Time with Dad!!

We flew into Omaha, NE and we had to drive to Iowa City, IA. This is about a 4 hour drive one way! Now we flew in on the day of the wedding so we were working against the clock. Our flight landed at around 1:45pm. We all hurried to the rental car place got the car and we were off! Oh wait, after our soda pit stop. US Airways didn't have Dr. Pepper which makes for a sad Dad!! : (

Soda in our hands and we were on the road. It was 2pm. I pressured Dad to speed as often as I could without pissing him off!! He kept saying "I am speeding!" Which he was but I'm a bit of a speed demon so it wasn't quite fast enough for me. : )

Here is Dad trying to zone me out!!! Nice try Daddy!! I'm still here!!!
Steph enjoying some time to read and just relax.
The drive was very beautiful. All the fields, trees and farm houses. It was a very nice drive. Plus it was nice to have some QT time with my Dad. Now that I don't live with him anymore I don't get to see him as often as I would like and whenever I try to move back in he says no......not sure why????

Now, most of the Iowa family didn't know we were coming so as we arrived (with 30 minutes to spare) it was quite a shock for them to see us! I will blog more about the wedding in a separate entry. On the way home Dad was tired (we were all tired but he is older so we let him sleep) so I drove most of the way home. Yeah, that was interesting. I had no idea where I was going so I had my co-pilot Stephanie navigating me back to the airport. We were so tired I kind of think we were slightly delirious but we got to the airport safely and I couldn't have been more excited to stop driving!!!

In the end the trip was quick but AWESOME!! Not sure how soon we will be doing it again but it was fun!

Thanks Daddy for hanging out with your girls!! We had fun!!

More to come


Stephanie said...

It was super fun and loved hanging out with Daddy too! You forgot to mention we all three had 1st class on the way there and Dad had it on the way back! Granted, we all three slept on the way back but hey, 1st class is 1st class! Loved seeing everyone!

Stacey said...

I am glad that you guys had fun. :) I can't wait to go back and see everyone.