Saturday, August 15, 2009

Survey Says.......

Today was our audition for Family Feud and can I just say how nervous and excited I am!!! It's weird because it's such a long shot that we would even get picked but still there is a small chance. Friday night we all got together to watch old shows and play along to the game. We worked on our buzzer reflects and we all took turns doing Fast Money!! It was a very productive night! I felt ready after our "training" session. : )

Here are the girls in the backseat on the way to the audition. I mean who wouldn't want to see these girls on TV????
Steph is jammin to our Cousin Day Anathem here! Thanks Black Eyed Peas!! Oh, and yes, she is doing the robot while she drives!!

We got to the Hyatt Hotel early per the request of Family Feud because a local TV stations wanted footage of the local families that were there to audition. We coordinated our outfits and we were camera ready. We saw the camera guys and we did our best to look excited and happy without looking like dorks! I think we did a great job.

After about 20 minutes the line started to move and I got SOOOO nervous!! We checked in and and got our name tags and an application. Even John the host was there to greet us!!!

We decided to sit in the front row so we didn't look shy! Plus you know teachers like when students sit in the front so I figured maybe game show executives think the same way........I mean it doesn't hurt right????

The application was a bit long but we got it filled out and then we waited. The Executive Producer of Family Feud came and in she was ready to play the feud. She randomly selected families from the applications that were turned in and the game began. The first families went and they appeared to be trying too hard but hey I was going to be judgemental as they are my competition plus that is just my nature!! We were the third group of families and I think we did great!!! We hit the buzzer first both times, we got most of the answers right, we smiled, we had great stories about ourselves, and we were loud and excited!!! Everything they are looking for right????

After our turn the people behind us and next to us told us how great we were and mentioned that the lady seemed to like us. I can only hope the Executive Producer felt the same way! We stayed and watched a few more families play and then we decided to leave. One the way out we wanted to take a quick photo to capture this AWESOME moment!!
Now, the auditions went until 9pm so they have quite a bit of local families to pick from but I felt good about our audition and I couldn't ask for more from my family!! You girls did great!!! No matter what happens!!!

If we did get selected we will be mailed a post card in two weeks!!! I am checking my mail daily even though I hate it! I usually go a few days before I check my mail but for the family I am looking more often. : )

Stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed!!!

More to come


Stephanie said...

I am so nervous!! I agree it is such a long shot but hey, we have just as great of a chance as anyone else! Great job, family!! Let's hope we get to Fued in front of millions for $$

poo head said...

So fun! I'm glad I got to be a part of it!


C Brown said...

I am excited and nervous to find out if we made it. It was fun either way. Good Job team

Stacey said...

As I said at The many times will I say "this is the best day of my life" before I get married?