Saturday, September 12, 2009

Going Back To The 90's!!

In honor of Courtney's 9/9/09 birthday she decided to have a 90's themed party. In order to attend her party everyone had to dress up like a person/character from the 90's. Boy was it fun to see what people picked....

Buffy the Vampire Slayer a.k.a Courtney!
Not like Courtney could ever slay a vampire!
This girl is a 100% vampire lover!!
There was even a costume contest and Peg Bundy, Bananas in Pajamas, and Bob the Builder won! Congrats everyone!!! You guys look great!!

Sally Jessie Raphel (Stephanie) was even on hand to work the party and interview all the guests. Here is Sally with Buffy, and Bob the Builder's assistant Wendy (Mom).
Jessie (Alyssa) from Saved by The Bell took some time off from the Malibu Beach Club to celebrate with Courtney. Jessie I'm so glad you found some time to attend. You are always complaining that there is NEVER ANY TIME!! I'm so excited!! : )
Adam must love Stacey to paint his face yellow and come to a party as a Banana!! This is Banana 1 and Banana 2!! In a few years we could have a bunch of little banana's running around!!
Can this be their wedding photo??? :)
Cameron came as Harry from Speed. This is before he gotten blown up in the house! What a strong looking guy!!
Buffy with Al and Peg Bundy and Blossom! Dad had no problem playing grumpy Al Bundy. He was made to be this character!! Do I even need to say anything about Lara?? She played the part PERFECT! Oh, and Devyn was a dead-ringer for Blossom...just with a cuter nose!!!
Can he build it??? Yes he CAN!!! Bob the Builder and Wendy made quite an impression! I have already asked Bob to come back to the house to work on a few projects!!

Yes, all of us crazy girls are sisters. We have Buffy, Darlene Conner (Me), Sally, and Blossom!
Courtney's cool cake that my friend Jasper made for her. It was very yummy too! Thanks Jasper!
Group photo!! It's like a 90's reunion right in my living room!!
This is my favorite family photo!! I love Dad's face!! Yep, this is your family and there is nothing you can do about it!! Not sure why Buffy is trying to stab Dad! Even Charlie made it in the photo! I love it!!
It's not a 90's party without the fun dances from the 90's. What dance is this???? Shake it Banana!!
Even Aunt Arlinda who had to work that evening came to the party dressed up! She had to be one of my favorites! She was Kerri Strug from the 1996 Olypmics!! Buffy tried to carry her due to the ankle injury!! So creative Aunt Arlinda! You rock!!!

Yes, I have 90210 dolls and througout the night people posed them to do all kinds of crazy things. Apparently, Brandon and Dylan are gay. I was not aware of that but I won't judge them and I love them all the same! They also appear to like veggies.....
Buffy and Banana 2 talking smack during beer pong.
Banana 2 didn't like when she lost!!! Drink up!
I take the game beer poing very serious. I was trying to distract the other team.
Here I am with my pregnant beer pong partner (I drank for her). Banana 2 finally took off the suit and turned back into Stacey.

My opposition....Jessie and Sally!
The music from the 90's was so much fun you just had to dance! Here is everyone rocking out to the music!
Speaking of dancing......check it out.....

Helium and alcohol are not a good can see why....

Thanks everyone for making Courtney's 29th Birthday AWESOME!! You guys were all very creative with your costumes! You ROCK!!!

More to come



Stacey said...

There are so many things that I have to say; however, I just can't find the words...It was a really fun party...I drank a lot...danced in my Banana costume...and aparently had a mild heart attack singing "Banans in Pajamas" while under the influence of helium...I think that helium should be a key ingredient in all our parties.

C Brown said...

Everyone did such a great job on their costumes and thank you everyone for coming. It was a great party and a fun way to celebrate my birthday. Plus the video of my and Stacey is so funny.