Thursday, September 25, 2008


So this is my fourth day of my sabbatical and I haven't done much so far but that is because I'm saving up my energy for my upcoming trips. Today is Thursday Sept 25th and I'm flying out to LA for my girlfriend Denise's 29th birthday dinner. Thanks to my awesome benefits I can just fly in to LA for the night and then I have to fly home the next morning because I'm off to Six Flags Magic Mountain. We had dinner in West Hollywood at this GREAT sushi place called Katana. It was right on Sunset Blvd so our table on the balcony offered us not only a great view but also great people watching!! I felt like I was in an episode of The Hills only without the drama and Heidi and Spencer!! : )

After dinner we went across the street to Skybar for a few more drinks. Skybar is quite the L.A. spot. It had great music, awesome views, beautiful people and alcohol so what more could you ask for in one place! We had a few more drinks and then it was back to the house since it was a work night....well for some!!!
It was great to live the L.A./Hollywood nightlife for one night but it was back to Phoenix the next morning because the van to Magic Mountain was awaiting! Like LL said "I'm going to back to Cali"

More to come soon!


poo head said...

What up LB! It's AB! Ha. Sky Bar looks fun, but really I think this post could have been better if you added all the details of your trip, including the flights :) haaaaaaaaaaaa

Well, I am the ultimate blog stalker so I'll be back soon!

Have fun "sabbaticaling" (yikes that made up word is scary)

LB said...

Thanks AB for your comments but since this blog will be read by my ENTIRE family I figured I would leave the flight to LA off this one! However, thanks for bringing it up! : )

Stacey said...

I can't wait for more....and I agree with Poo Head that you need to include all of the details of your trip...even though I don't know what happened on the flight....but still think it would be interesting to know....

Stephanie said...

Maybe you and I should try to do some of our own "Hollywood" adventures? It could be like our own version of the The Hills. We could fly up for some clubin' and I could bring my video cam and you could post the results (aka Videos - PG of course) on the blog! I will even let you come up with the name of the "show". Let me know as I gather some ideas....we could start at the S Bar.........

LB said...

That is an idea except the girls on The Hills always have some drama so I would need someone that is a drama queen to come with me. Let me think of my co-star and I'll get back to you! Ummmm...Stacey what are you doing??? HA HA HA!! That is just a joke!! : )