Friday, February 27, 2009

Thanks Grandma!

For Christmas Grandma Brown got us all gift certificates to Garcia's Mexican food restaurant. After much discussion we were finally able to plan a little family dinner with most of us there. We also did it before the end of February so that we could use these cool $5 off coupons that went along with our gift card. We are in a recession so we need all the coupons we can get!! : )
Here are some photo's of us at dinner.

Alyssa, Andy and me....we are always a threesome aren't we...but Andy never seems to mind!!
Our newest soon-to-be parents Shawn and Mindi.

Grandma, Adam and Stacey.

Steph and Cameron arrived later but I forgot to take their photo as there was confusion with our waiter. It appears we kind of annoyed him that night. Not sure how we could do that at all but whatever. We tipped him well for his troubles or just for putting up with us!!
It was great to get together and have dinner as a family. We should do this more often. Grandma can we have more gift certificates?? J/K!!! Thanks again Grandma and we all love you!
More to come

Friday, February 20, 2009


For Christmas Alyssa got this awesome cheer game for the Wii. Since she doesn't have a Wii herself she lets me hold onto it for now so that when she is here we can play. We recently went out for happy hour and decided to go ahead and cheer afterwards! Cheering and drinking are not always a good mix!

We had a few Newdles (that is cheer talk for a new person) join us for the game and they rocked it! Here is Steph and Courtney doing the standard cheer stance. It's required for the game. J/K!

Just to prove to you how much fun the game is I made a short video of Alyssa and Stacey jammin out! Check it out!

We will be holding auditions to join the cheer squad in the upcoming weeks. I will keep you posted. We are still trying to decide on what our uniform will look like. It's between booty shorts and mini skirts. Running a cheer squad is so much work!! :)

More to come


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Free Soda!!

I just heard that US Airways is giving us back our FREE SODA on flights starting in March!! Can I just say I'm super excited!! Everyone knows my wonderful sister (I'm still her registered guest if you can't tell by the sucking up!) Stephanie works for US Airways and I just wanted to give a little shout out to her. I told her to give us back our soda and she did it! Thanks Steph you are a miracle worker! I hope you put that as one of your accomplishments on your self-evaluation on Friday! : )

Now if you can get them to reduce the buddy pass prices that would be AWESOME!!


More to come

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I'm pulling up to my house this morning after my 5am workout (yes, I got up at 5am to go to the gym!) when I noticed my headlights reflecting something in my front yard. My thoughts go to the gopher immediately but it wasn't. Instead it was two of the cutes little bunnies I have every seen!! Now, it was still dark out so I had my headlights shining on them and they were just chillin under my tree. It was so cute!! Now part of me was thinking or more like hoping that maybe they would kill my gopher but I figured that was a long shot. I grabbed my camera to take a photo and as I opened my door to get out they started to jump away! I thought about running after them but I mean I had just worked out for an hour and I was tired! Anyways, it was a nice little surprise to see them this morning. I'm hoping to maybe see some deer tomorrow!! : )

More to come

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

R.I.P Videos

Am I to assume by the lack of comments that people really didn't want to get more videos? I thought I would get some excitement but NOPE I got nothing! One comment from Courtney and she only commented on the one she appeared vain!! : )

It took me a whole morning and part of the afternoon to upload all those videos. I guess it wasn't worth the time I spent to do it......

More to come (minus video updates)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Men In Trees

Yep, it's that time of year again. Time to trim the trees at Grandma Brown's house! Now, this use to be a huge production where all the grandkids would come with my Aunts and Uncles and we would all cut the trees and clean-up. Well over the years a system has been developed and now we don't seem to need as many people. Even though help is always appreciated!

Here are our Brown/Eastman men in the tree in the front yard. Keep going guys you are almost done!
I figured if the guys could do then so could I and so I did the whole tree in the backyard! HA HA HA! Yeah, right I did one branch and that was good enough for me. I did it more for the photo opt! : )
Stephanie did a few more branches then me. She rocked it!! It was off the chain! HA HA! Get the chain like with a chain saw....gosh I crack myself up!
Are you talking to me?? This is Steph's new screen saver for work. She will have a caption that says "WHAT???" I love it! Here are Shawn and Andy finishing up the last tree in the backyard. You don't see me and Steph but we are on the ground catching all the fallen branches. It was hard work too!

When they were all done Shawn had to blow the tree! He says it gets all the saw dust out of the tree but all I do was laugh at him saying he was "blowing a tree right now!"
So the trees are done this year and Grandma was very happy she even offered to take us all to lunch and she made us oyster crackers! Yummy!! Even though it was a lot of work we all still had fun doing it but that could also be because we know we only have to do it once a year! : )
More to come!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Your Wish Is My Command

OK, so you wanted more videos so here you go. I have uploaded several old videos that I had on my video camera that I forgot about. Some are really funny just listening to what is said. I was cracking myself up just watching them. I will try to start recording more things as they happen and post what I can but for now here are some old times!!!

More to come!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Way to go DAD!!!

Here is some footage of Dad at his game against the coaches. Dad did an awesome job and I thought everyone would like to see it!!

Here he is doing an interview for all his fans!

Then it was batter up!!

Great job Dad!!!

More to come!


I'll Never Let Go....

Here is a video of the Glaciers in Alaska. If you look closely you can see some small icebergs floating in the water as well.

Watching this video made me miss Alaska. It was so much fun. I can't wait to go back!!

More to come


Elk Talk

Here is some video from my sabbatical trip to Alaska. BTW...please ignore the annoying lady (not me) in the back ground talking baby talk to all animals. That was the lady on the tour with me. She was lame!! Just listen....

More Elk you say......NO PROBLEM. Here you go!!

More to come


Monday, February 2, 2009


Just watch the videos and it will explain it all.

I still didn't get it....

FYI-I did finally figure it out but boy do I feel stupid now watching these videos!!

More to come



Here is some video from Adam's Birthday party. Yes, I finally figured out how to work it.

Round 2!!


Here are some short videos of Cameron getting his mohawk from last summer. He looked so young!!! Here is Cameron's interview before the cut.

Here he is during the cut. : ) Great job Auntie!!

The results.....

More to come!


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Grandma Would Be Proud!

Yep, it's official I had my first 500 game in my house on Sunday!! I have yet to have anyone over to play so this was exciting. We thought we would kill some time between the Super Bowl and the Office so we played. We only got to play two hands but it was still fun.

Thanks Adam for being my partner! We kicked their butts!! :)
I'm actually thinking of organizing a 500 tournament at my house. I will get back to everyone with more details as they come together. I'm sure you will all be up for it!! I mean playing 500 for cash sounds AWESOME to me!!!

More to come

Super Bowl Sunday

As soon as I found out that the Cardinals were going to the Super Bowl I decided to get Sunday off at my 2nd job so that I could host my party this year. It was quickly thrown together but with every one's help it all came together well. Thanks Steph for helping your injured sister finish getting the house ready. I appreciated it! BTW my toe is better for all of you that were concerned.

Here is everyone cheering the Cards on!! Notice Shawn the only one in GREEN! I think he thought it was a St. Patrick's day party!! : )
This is one of the first Super Bowl games that I have ever been so excited to watch!
As you can see tensions were running high in the house in those final minutes of the game!!
Shawn again was confused with what team to cheer for!! He needs help!!!
All of us were trying to rally and cheer for our boys but much to our dismay we still lost. The Cardinals gave it all they had and I'm very proud of them all. Even though I personally believe the Cardinals are really the winners because that Steeler guy didn't even have both feet in the end zone!!! We were robbed but hey that is only my opinion! : )

Even though the Cardinals lost the "Fab Five" still put a smile on our face for our cousin photo!!
I can't wait for Cousin Day on July 24th!!! I wonder what we should do to celebrate?? Start thinking guys! I have some ideas already but I will wait to share them.

In the end Super Bowl Sunday was a great day. I got to hang out with everyone. I got to have a Sunday off and I got to see a movie earlier that day. I can't ask for much more then that....well a Cardinal win would have been nice but whatever!!!

More to come