Friday, February 27, 2009

Thanks Grandma!

For Christmas Grandma Brown got us all gift certificates to Garcia's Mexican food restaurant. After much discussion we were finally able to plan a little family dinner with most of us there. We also did it before the end of February so that we could use these cool $5 off coupons that went along with our gift card. We are in a recession so we need all the coupons we can get!! : )
Here are some photo's of us at dinner.

Alyssa, Andy and me....we are always a threesome aren't we...but Andy never seems to mind!!
Our newest soon-to-be parents Shawn and Mindi.

Grandma, Adam and Stacey.

Steph and Cameron arrived later but I forgot to take their photo as there was confusion with our waiter. It appears we kind of annoyed him that night. Not sure how we could do that at all but whatever. We tipped him well for his troubles or just for putting up with us!!
It was great to get together and have dinner as a family. We should do this more often. Grandma can we have more gift certificates?? J/K!!! Thanks again Grandma and we all love you!
More to come

1 comment:

poo head said...

More fun! That waiter was just having a bad day, remember he dropped our dirty plates too?

Thanks Grandma!