Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today is my Grandmother Brown's 86th Birthday so the family got together for a rare family dinner! The reason I say it's rare is because there are so many of us that it's hard to get us all together. However, when it's something as important as an 86th birthday how can you not make the time! The evening began with dinner at the Olive Garden (grandma's pick).

Here is Grandma all excited to make her birthday wish!!!
Grandma's brother Uncle Walt flew out from Iowa to celebrate with his sister! I guess brothers get nicer as you get older so Alyssa, Stacey there is hope for Shawn!! : )
Here is the whole gang at dinner!! We took up a large portion of the dining room but Olive Garden was great and we all had a great time!! Courtney even personally thanked one of the least that is the word on the street......what a tip!! :)
I bet you didn't know that Steph and Stacey are in the "Synchronized Eating" portion of the 2012 Summer Olympics!! We are so proud!!! You will have to tune in and see how they do!!
After dinner it was off to my Aunt's house for some cards. Now my Grandma LOVES playing cards with her family so she was really excited for the second part of the evening.

Now, not everyone in the family likes playing cards.....mainly those that are under the age of 12 with the exception of Stacey and Courtney. : )
Actually, they all brought their Nintendo DS's and played games together all night. They had a great time too!!
Here are the grown-ups playing cards in the other room. This was one of the several tables we had going! Check out Alyssa's cards.....she had nothing.....PASS!!!
As you can see at this table there was some intense thinking going on. Steph thought she had a great hand but lost in the end....sorry sis!!! Fun times at this table too. I think Aunt Arlinda was losing but you can't tell because she is always smiling!! That is her poker face!!
It was a great night and we all had a lot of fun! We look forward to doing it again next year!!! : )

More to come


C Brown said...

Well i like to be the first to clear up some confusion that I did not give the waiter my number I don't even know how that got started. How come the picture of me by myself didn't get posted since I took pic's of everyone else i took one of me by myself.

LB said...

So your comment is all about you basically?? Nice Courtney! Nothing about Grandma??
As for the rumor on the waiter that is just what they are saying on the street.....and you know the street is always right! NOT!!

You picture was going on the sidebar BTW!!! Baby-cryer!!

Stacey said...

Happ Birthday Grandma!!!!

The "word on the street" is also known as "telephone". Lindsay was the last person to pick-up the telephone, so that is how she heard it.

I had a lot of fun that night. I love OG salad!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait until the next family party!!!!

Stephanie said...

It was a great night of family fun! Happy Birthday, Grandma!