Friday, March 27, 2009

Silence is Golden

Friday night C.L.A.S (Courtney, Lindsay, Adam, and Stacey) all went to see the new movie The Haunting in Connecticut. Now, we knew this was a scary movie and based on a true story so we were prepared for it to have parts where you would scream or jump. However, what we didn't expect were the loser little punk-ass kids that would ruin our movie experience. All they did was laugh, talk or overreact to almost the entire movie. Stacey finally got so annoyed she went and got the manager and the police! Now you would not believe how quiet the theater was once the police officer came in and stood there. However, he only stayed like five minutes and then it was like freaking romper room again!!!

By the end of the movie all four of us were pissed and ready to complain to the manager! We walk to the the guest services desk and we wait........and wait.......and wait! NO ONE IS ANYWHERE!!! It was like a freaking ghost town! I'm walking in theaters looking for anyone but nope there is no one! WTF!!! It's a Friday night at 11:30pm and the concession stand is closed up and everything is dark.

HHHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOOO is anyone there??? Does that mean we can just take the Red Vines if there is no one there to sell them to me?????
For a minute I felt like we could be in a scary movie and then I realized that is just my imagination getting the best of me!! However, that would be a funny scary movie. Courtney, Stacey, Adam and me running around an abandoned theater! I wonder who would get out alive??? Sorry know the minority person never makes it to the end!! : )

Back to the story. Adam finally gets on the intercom system and pages a manager! Yep, he go on the intercom! It was so funny and guess what??? The manager came out!!! I could have wet my pants but I had to have my serious face on to complain. After complaining about being in a movie with a bunch of DICKS (Chelsea Handler says we can use that word and it feels right considering the situation) the manager gave us each a free pass for another movie. Needless to say none of us will be coming to use it for a scary movie that is PG-13!!!!

You know the saying "you mess with the bull, you get the horns!!" Well, Stacey is the bull here, so you better watch out!!!

More to come


C Brown said...

That was just funny reading about it made me laugh so hard. Well at least we know if it was a scarey movie at least one person would make it out alive so they could tell the story that would make the movie. LOL!!!!

LB said...

I would be the only one to make it out. I would have pushed you guys in front of me so I could get out! Sorry......only the strong survive!! : )

poo head said...

So funny! I give you props for going to a scary movie in the first place!!

Stephanie said...

I hate to say it but that happened to Arthur and I when we went to see a scary movie awhile back. I complained to the Mgr during the movie, the police came in, etc. Same story exactly except I made us leave during the movie as I about lost my mind!! I must have the perfect movie watching enviroment around me in order to enjoy and stupid people can easily ruin it!!! Arthur and I recieved free movie passes but somehow it did not make it any better....I still feel like "they" won! Well, sorry for the bad experience and I hate to say that I am glad I missed out on being the final S in C.L.A.S that night :-)