Saturday, April 25, 2009

Drinking, Darts, and Dancing

After a fun filled evening with five little boys the night before I was ready to go out on Saturday and have some grown up fun! Stephanie, Courtney, and Alyssa and I started our evening with a simple little dinner at Applebees. BTW.....any high school kids that happen to read this.....please don't take your prom date to Applebees. It's not cool. Even if that is your favorite restaurant!!

Anyways, after dinner we decide to go play some darts and have some drinks over at a place called Hob Nobs Sports Grill. It was their one year anniversary so they had beers for only $1. Needless to say we took advantage of that little special!!! Happy Anniversary Hob Nobs!

Time for Darts!!!
We started off playing darts as single players......I won that round!!! : )
Then we moved to teams. I partnered with Courtney and Alyssa and Steph teamed up.

Nice throw Courtney!! Notice her leg up in the back. Only experts should attempt the one legged shot!
Yep, you guessed it we won!! We actually won several games considering we played for hours!
Here is Stephanie really focusing on that shot.......come on triple 20!!!!
Smiling Alyssa throwing her dart! What an action shot!!!
Yes, they were bound to win at least one round. They made me take this photo!
With everyone being able to multi-task in between rounds of darts there was lots of drinking which led to lots of dancing!! I swear Alyssa was dancing in this photo even though it looks like she is going to do something else!
Yeah, Courtney was wasted but she was still jammin away or at least trying too!!!!
Fun times as always with my peps! We also got some great dart practice in for our next trip to Iowa!! I think we might start a dart league.......assuming where ever we play has $1 beers! That is a must for us to hang out!!! : )
More to come

Golden Times

Well, for those people that don't know I am a HUGE Golden Girls fan. I love the show!! I could watch it all day if I could find a Golden Girl Channel. Now, yes I do love Roseanne too but I have always loved the Golden Girls. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that I was very sad to hear that I lost another Golden Girl! Bea Aurthur died this morning. This means that the world has now lost two of its Golden Girls! At least I still have Betty White.....she is my favorite!

This blog entry is dedicated to my Golden Girl Bea/Dorothy! Thank you for the keeping me entertained on those late night when I can't sleep! You may now join your Golden Girl Mom up in heaven!!!

Keep it golden ladies!!! You are the best!!!!

More to come

Friday, April 24, 2009

Slumber Party!

Today is Cameron's friend video game/sleep over party! He invited a few of his friends from school over to play video games all night and celebrate his birthday! Steph and I are so excited.....

Here is Cameron and his crew!
Actually the boys were pretty good. I mean considering they are boys! They played video games for about 3 hours rotating between the Wii, Play Station 2, and the X-Box.

Here they are playing the Wii.
Playing the Play Station 2 in the other room. With extra seating for spectators!
It was then time for some cake and then more video games. Not like they needed anymore sugar!
Umm...yeah, that looks like lots of fun huh??? Good thing Grammie is a nurse!!
Here the boys were dancing. They just learned the Hoedown Throwdown! J/K!!! Cameron will kill me if he knows I said that!!
After a few more hours of video games and beating each other up it was time for the boys to relax so they watched a movie. All but one boy fell asleep during the movie. I will give you all one guess on which boy didn't fall asleep!!
Yep, it was Cameron. He came and hung out with me and his Mom in my room for a little while and then he was ready for bed.

Finally, we had some peace and quiet!! I mean it was midnight so we were all ready for bed. Around 5:52am I hear something so I get up and go out in the living room and what do I see??? Five little boys all awake and laughing! WTF!!!! GO TO SLEEP!!!!! Yes, call me mean if you want but I made them lay back down for another hour! I mean I don't even get up that early on a work day so there is no way in hell I'm getting up that early on a Saturday!!

Around 7am I put in another movie and I laid down again with Steph until about 7:45am when the boys announced they were hungry. Steph and I made breakfast and then it was time for more video games until their parents came around 11:30am. I have never been so excited for it to be 11:30am!!!!!

It was a fun night.....for the boys that is!! J/K!!! We all had a good time but next time there might be a little Tylenol PM in their pizza!! : )

More to come

Saturday, April 18, 2009


OK, before you say anything yes this is another birthday party for Cameron and he still has another one in a few days! For some reason when you are a kid you get several parties....I mean I never did but apparently only parents that love their kids do this!

Today was Cameron's first ever bowling party! Even his cake had bowling pins on it!
Here is the birthday boy Cameron with his AWESOME Mom who arrange this fun party!!
Check out the party boys!! I can already tell they are going to be trouble in a few more years!
Crowd shot!! Alyssa knows to always smile because Lindsay always has her camera! Shawn was unaware of that rule!!
Now it was a cosmic bowling party too so we got to bowl in the dark and listen to music. The music was fun but light is important when bowling! Not like it would make my game any better but I can use that as an excuse! : )

Since our family LOVES bowling this party was a big hit! Bowling, pizza, soda, and music! Fun times!! Check out some of the photos of us bowling!
OK, so Courtney and I did a little synchronized bowling but until I looked at the photo I never realized we bowl so much alike!!! I mean look at our hands!! Crazy! Maybe she really is my sister.......
Alyssa bowling! Don't worry Alyssa I didn't get any crack!
Stacey was in a bad mood so we sent her to the end of the bowling alley! We do put Baby (a.k.a Stacey) in the corner when she is crappy!!
Nice form and follow through Lara!! Shake hands with the pins!
Courtney and Devyn bowling. That is not Courtney's third arm it's her scarf! Now, here is the professional Shawn! I beat him in the first game!! HA HA HA!!!
And it's not a party without the Cha Cha Slide!
It was a fun day bowling with the family! Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate with us! Two parties down one more to go!!
More to come

Friday, April 17, 2009

Amber Alert!!!

He may not still have a pacifier in his mouth!!!!!
What happened to my baby nephew???
This is what happened to him........he grew up!
Yes, I'm taking a trip down memory road because today is Cameron's 10th Birthday! It feels like it was just yesterday that I is was in the hospital room with my sister taking that picture of him!! How the heck did ten years go by already???!!!!

Oh, well enough of the mushy stuff. Happy Birthday Cameron!!! Since today was Cameron's birthday he got to pick where we had dinner and he picked his favorite place.....Denny's!! Which of course we all love breakfast for dinner so it was a big hit!!
While we waited for "brenner" (name for breakfast for dinner) Cameron opened his gifts! Boy is he a lucky little boy! He got lots of cool stuff from everyone!! Here he is with the lucky $10 that Grandpa and Lara gave him in his new wallet.....that also has a chain! Yep, he is cool like that now!!
I think his favorite gift was his new Nintendo DS i that he got from his Grammie who spoils him!! Yeah, I'm what!! He has been counting down to his birthday so he could get this!
It was a great night (my french toast was yummy!) and most of all the Birthday Boy enjoyed himself! Which is good because this was officially his LAST birthday he is allowed to celebrate! He is NOT allowed to get any older!!!

More to come

P.S. One more of my favorite pictures of Cameron!!! This was his 2nd birthday!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Quick Trip To Vegas

My cousin Ashley (from Iowa) was going to Vegas for the first time this weekend and she invited me to go with her. Well this weekend was Cameron's birthday weekend so I couldn't go for the whole weekend but with my sister's great flight benefits I could fly out for a day and be back in time for Cameron's birthday!

I flew out Thursday evening and arrived around 5pm. Ashley's flight was delayed so I had some time to kill until she arrived. I went to my hotel to check in and drop off my bag. As I was checking into the hotel they gave me an UPGRADE since I was only there for one night!! Note to self....only stay in Vegas for one night so you can an upgrade!!

I go up to my 30th floor suite and drop off my bags.
Here is my nice suite!!
Check out my bathtub! I really wanted to take a bath after seeing this!!
After about an hour (and three drinks later) Ashley called and she was at her hotel so I headed Downtown to go get her. Now, in all my Vegas trips I had never been Downtown so I was excited to see what it was like. was like the classic Vegas you see on TV but nothing compared to the Strip. At least I can say I have seen it. : )
After walking around downtown we decided to go back to the Strip. Since this was Ashley's first time in Vegas I asked her what she wanted to see. She said "can't we just go somewhere and get a drink?" Gotta love it!! We did stop to see the Bellagio water show though so she did get to see something!
Here we are in front of the Bellagio. You just can't see it behind us!
We walked over to good old O'Shea's and we sat at the bar and started drinking. Throughout the evening we had random guys trying to chat it up with us. Some more annoying then others!!
This is Ashely, me and one of the annoying guys! Nice hair huh??
After a few hours we started playing beer pong and then the fun really began. Sorry I have no photos of the beer pong game as I was too drunk and forgot to take photos! After several games and beers it was time to go back to the room as I had to leave at 8am and it was already 4am!!

We got back to my room and after I threw up (yes I threw up) I got a quick nap and then I was off to the airport. I left Ashley in the room for a few more hours of sleep. I got home around 11am and went straight to my bed! I think I'm too old for this stuff!! Yeah, right! I'll be back O'Shea's for my birthday! See you in November!!

More to come

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bye Bye Birdie

It was a normal Monday afternoon. I was on my way to work, talking to Courtney on the phone and then it happened..........BANG!!!!!!!
Now, I kinda of saw it coming out of the corner of my eye but I couldn't do anything to avoid it. Looking back it was clearly a suicide mission. I mean what bird flies so damn low on the freeway.
If you look closely you can kind of see it's body outline!! Oh, and the one single feather......I have tried to contact a next of kin to send the remains from my car but I have had no luck.
Apparently the recession is even affecting the birds too or it was this dang heat. Either way it not only ruined my car but it made me feel like a killer!!! This bird is lucky he/she didn't dent my car or this blog would have a TOTALLY different tone to it!!
R.I.P little bird!
More to come

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

First, let me just say Happy Easter to everyone. I know I posted my little bunny in a previous posting but I figured I would actually have a posting on what I did on Easter.

My Easter morning started off with an AWESOME movie!! My sister Courtney and I went and saw the Hannah Montana movie!! Oh, and just for your information we were not the only people in there watching it without a little kid! However, that means I made Courtney wear her overalls with her hair in pigtails for no reason! Sorry Court! You did look cute though!

After the movie we went over to my Mom's house to have lunch and just chill out. Here is Steph, Mom, Randy, Courtney, and Anathea enjoying the beautiful Sunday afternoon.
We had a great lunch and then it was time for the Easter egg hunt! Since the Easter bunny said you had to be under the age of 12 to look for the eggs I was stuck just watching Cameron find them all! Here is Cameron doing his Captain Morgan pose with his basket!!
He got stuck on one egg but he found the other ones quickly. I think the Bunny needs to work on his hiding skills!! See that is why older kids should get to play!!!!
Apparently the Easter Bunny is hiding eggs in the street now. Better watch out kids the E.B. is getting hardcore now!!
Cameron showing off his findings so far!
We went back inside and we found our baskets that the Easter Bunny left for us!
See even Mom and Randy got a basket! Gotta love that Bunny!!
OK, so Cameron doesn't have a "basket" but after nine years the last thing this kid needs is another basket so the E.B. has moved onto Easter Bags now! We all think it's easier and look the kid is happy!!
I was super excited about my "basket/bag" as I had sent a letter to the Easter Bunny (a.k.a my Mom) asking for the Miley Cyrus book in my basket. As always the Easter Bunny listened and I got my book!! Thanks Easter Bunny (MOM)!!! As soon as we were done going through our baskets I started reading!!

Later that afternoon my Dad, Lara and Devyn stopped by with some baskets for us. We all hung out for a while and chatted. Here is Devyn and Cameron both on sugar highs!
Here is my family (minus Cameron) for our Easter photo. Aren't we cute?? : )
After about an hour they left and it was back to the book for me. It was so relaxing just to sit and read and enjoy a Sunday off!!!

I finally decided it was time to head home so I packed up and left. On my way home I got a text from my cousin Alyssa to meet her for a beer. We had a few beers to celebrate the holiday and then it off to the house. I went right back to reading and around 2am I finished the book! Not sure why I was determined to finish it that day but I did. It's a pretty good book......for a sixteen year old.

Easter Sunday was a great day! I got to spend it with my family and Miley Cyrus!! Who could ask for anything more!! : )

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