Friday, April 24, 2009

Slumber Party!

Today is Cameron's friend video game/sleep over party! He invited a few of his friends from school over to play video games all night and celebrate his birthday! Steph and I are so excited.....

Here is Cameron and his crew!
Actually the boys were pretty good. I mean considering they are boys! They played video games for about 3 hours rotating between the Wii, Play Station 2, and the X-Box.

Here they are playing the Wii.
Playing the Play Station 2 in the other room. With extra seating for spectators!
It was then time for some cake and then more video games. Not like they needed anymore sugar!
Umm...yeah, that looks like lots of fun huh??? Good thing Grammie is a nurse!!
Here the boys were dancing. They just learned the Hoedown Throwdown! J/K!!! Cameron will kill me if he knows I said that!!
After a few more hours of video games and beating each other up it was time for the boys to relax so they watched a movie. All but one boy fell asleep during the movie. I will give you all one guess on which boy didn't fall asleep!!
Yep, it was Cameron. He came and hung out with me and his Mom in my room for a little while and then he was ready for bed.

Finally, we had some peace and quiet!! I mean it was midnight so we were all ready for bed. Around 5:52am I hear something so I get up and go out in the living room and what do I see??? Five little boys all awake and laughing! WTF!!!! GO TO SLEEP!!!!! Yes, call me mean if you want but I made them lay back down for another hour! I mean I don't even get up that early on a work day so there is no way in hell I'm getting up that early on a Saturday!!

Around 7am I put in another movie and I laid down again with Steph until about 7:45am when the boys announced they were hungry. Steph and I made breakfast and then it was time for more video games until their parents came around 11:30am. I have never been so excited for it to be 11:30am!!!!!

It was a fun night.....for the boys that is!! J/K!!! We all had a good time but next time there might be a little Tylenol PM in their pizza!! : )

More to come


Stacey said...

I would just like to point out that boys don't have "slumber parties" they have sleep overs.

LB said...

Thank you Stacey for correcting me. being a girl and all I just called it a slumber party. Good thing Cameron doesn't read my blog!