Saturday, April 18, 2009


OK, before you say anything yes this is another birthday party for Cameron and he still has another one in a few days! For some reason when you are a kid you get several parties....I mean I never did but apparently only parents that love their kids do this!

Today was Cameron's first ever bowling party! Even his cake had bowling pins on it!
Here is the birthday boy Cameron with his AWESOME Mom who arrange this fun party!!
Check out the party boys!! I can already tell they are going to be trouble in a few more years!
Crowd shot!! Alyssa knows to always smile because Lindsay always has her camera! Shawn was unaware of that rule!!
Now it was a cosmic bowling party too so we got to bowl in the dark and listen to music. The music was fun but light is important when bowling! Not like it would make my game any better but I can use that as an excuse! : )

Since our family LOVES bowling this party was a big hit! Bowling, pizza, soda, and music! Fun times!! Check out some of the photos of us bowling!
OK, so Courtney and I did a little synchronized bowling but until I looked at the photo I never realized we bowl so much alike!!! I mean look at our hands!! Crazy! Maybe she really is my sister.......
Alyssa bowling! Don't worry Alyssa I didn't get any crack!
Stacey was in a bad mood so we sent her to the end of the bowling alley! We do put Baby (a.k.a Stacey) in the corner when she is crappy!!
Nice form and follow through Lara!! Shake hands with the pins!
Courtney and Devyn bowling. That is not Courtney's third arm it's her scarf! Now, here is the professional Shawn! I beat him in the first game!! HA HA HA!!!
And it's not a party without the Cha Cha Slide!
It was a fun day bowling with the family! Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate with us! Two parties down one more to go!!
More to come


Stacey said...

I would like to clarify that the reason I was crabby was because I went to sit at your table and Shawn told me I wasn't allowed....I thought since I was older I wasn't banned from playing with you guys...I mean Courtney got to stay and she usually got kicked out with me.....

C Brown said...

I only got to be there cause I was playing with the adults. That was a fun party

poo head said...

Great party! Thanks Steph! Cameron should have more b-days!