Wednesday, January 27, 2010



I figured I would use a picture of you at your happiest place and that is Dunkin Donuts!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!

More to come

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Charlie's First Flight

Well the day had finally arrived and Charlie and I were off to California. I was hoping to get on a flight that was not very full but as the day progressed the flight got fuller and fuller. I think Charlie could sense something was going on because he was just kind of quiet all day. He must have thought his Mom was leaving and had no idea he was joining me! To ensure a quiet flight I did give Charlie a children's Benadryl as directed by the Vet a few hours before the flight. I then got all of our stuff packed and decided due to the fact that Charlie was a "carry on" that I would have to check my bag. That made me super nervous as a stand-by flier but I couldn't get everything into one bag. I tried....really hard! : (

We got to the Parking Spot to drop off my car and take the shuttle bus over to the airport. I put Charlie in his bag and needless to say he was pissed! He barked and barked the WHOLE ride to the airport. Sorry Parking Spot driver. I could already tell this was not going to be a good flight. However, as soon as we walked into the airport he was silent! I think he was watching everything and taking it all in because he didn't make a noise. I felt a little hopeful.....

We get to security and luckily no line so that was smooth sailing. I took Charlie out and but him right back in to his bag no problem. I was really getting excited at this point!! We get to our gate and I check in and remind them I have a dog. The lady gives me my boarding pass with a window seat so I have more room. Thanks U.S. Airways lady!!
At the gate Charlie is quiet and just looking and is the perfect puppy. See look at him below. What a good boy....

Apparently, not for long. The Benadryl was really kicking in and he was super tired and as people were boarding the plane he fell asleep. I was like PERFECT!! When he wakes up we will be landing! Not so luck! As soon as the plane took off and we hit a few bumps in the air Charlie was awake and not happy! He started barking, crying, and scratching at his carrier. I tried to comfort him but no such luck. He was mad! I heard a flight attendant tell a lady "yes, there is a dog on the plane." Yep, I was that annoying lady. Sorry!!
After about 15 minutes of him barking and stopping and then barking and stopping the flight attendant came over and asked if I would like to go to the back of the plane. I was like for what? To jump out?? She said to give him water or something. I told her I had water but that this was his first flight and he was freaked out. She told me I could put him on my lap in the carrier if that would get him to stop barking. I guess everyone on the plane hates me now......
I put Charlie on my lap and it helped quite a bit. He still had an occasional bark but no where close to what he was doing. I also had to keep feeding him his Good Boy treats to shut him up. Bad learning moment but at that point it was whatever worked!! He was good the rest of the flight and when we landed he went back under the seat and was a very good boy. In the end I guess it was not the worst flight experience ever but not the perfect experience I was hoping for either. I guess I have just never been that person that everyone hates on a plane and today that was me! I can only hope the flight home is better!
More to come

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

100,000 Miles

It feels like only yesterday when I walked into the Honda dealership to pick up my NEW car!! I had never really "ordered" a car but this one I did. I had to wait months to get my black Accord with black leather seats! Arizona didn't have many black on black cars so it had to be ordered from another state! I also had my custom chrome rims and tires put on as well to add the finishing touch!! The dealership finally called me and told me it was ready so I jumped in my car and drove back to AZ to pick it up. I walked into the dealership with my Mom (she was taking my old car home) and just like anytime you buy a car started the paperwork. I felt like I signed my name a million times but after about 30 minutes the guy finally said "do you want to see your car?" Ummm...hell yeah!!!

I seriously felt like a kid on the MTV show Sweet 16 when I saw my car!! Yes, I knew I was getting it and I paid for it myself but the excitement of actually seeing it was just...well you have seen the show!! Oh, and yes I did jump up and down and almost cry! My baby was beautiful and the most amazing car I had every seen!!! I was in LOVE instantly!!!

I got my baby (I never named my car so it's just baby) back in 2002 and I still have it today in 2010!! This may not seem long to you but this is the LONGEST I have EVER had a car in my whole entire life!! It's crazy because I normally get bored with my car but I have never felt like that towards this car. I love it today as much as I did back in 2002!!

Now the reason I took you all down memory road was to share this monumental moment with you all. Today, January 5th 2010, my car hit 100,000 miles!!! I can't believe it! It feels like it came up so quickly but really it has been almost been seven years!
Here it is right before it hit......
There it is 100,000 miles and yes as you can see I'm taking the photo as I drive but I was barely going 40mph so it was all good!! : )

My baby had taken me to places like San Jose, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Tucson, Tempe, and course several cities in between!! I can't wait to see where the next 100,000 miles take me!!
I would like to give a personal thank you to my Father who helped me keep my car maintenanced so that it could get to 100,000 miles!! Thanks Daddy!! You're the best!!
More to come

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Not Really A Resolution

Well, it's the beginning of another year and so begins the little mental lists of "what I will do better/different this year." I think we all do them whether we tell people or not. I mean why not. It's a fresh year, things can be different right?? I hope. Now 2009 was not my worst year or anything but I'm happy to bring on 2010. I feel like any year that I'm still here is really a good year if you think about it! : )

Now, I would like to share my little list of improvements for 2010.
  1. Read more books other then the Twilight Saga books. (I have already finished 2!!)
  2. Start doing my own yard work again (not excited about this one)
  3. Make my bed every morning (I heard on the Today Show that doing this can make you happier so I'm all for it!)
  4. Buy a bike with a basket (for Charlie) and start riding!! (No Wizard of Oz jokes please)

There you have it. My small list of personal things I would like to do to improve my 2010. Now, these things are not majorly life changing but instead things that I feel that I can accomplish. Yes, I can list pay off debt, workout, and eat healthier but I try to do that anyways so why would that be new in 2010? My biggest challenge will be the reading as I'm not a big reader but as my sister Stephanie always says "Do your personal best" and that is what I plan to do!!

BTW I have been blogging almost three years in September!! Where the heck has all the time gone?? Crazy!! Do I really have that much stuff to say??? We will see!!

More to come


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Disneyland Part 2

Along with all the photos I also took a few videos while we were at Disneyland so here are the videos.

This video is a small part of our boat ride in It's a Small World! For those of you that haven't been there for a while it should bring back memories! WARNING.....the song played in this video could possibly get stuck in your head. View at your own risk!!!

During the holidays Disneyland has a firework show and then it snows afterwards. I did my best to capture the snow as it was coming down. BTW it's not real snow. Disneyland is magical but not that magical!! : )

These are some of the fireworks we experienced on New Years Eve so if you didn't see fireworks that night watch these!! They are awesome!

For those of you that follow me on Twitter I mentioned how on New Years Eve there was a "dance off" between this older man (possibly special needs) and this young kid. It was all in good fun but super funny so check it out!!

Here is the video of Cameron and Courtney while they take off on the Davey Crockett canoe ride. Cameron is the one in the black hoodie in the back of the boat. If you read my previous Disneyland post you understand the story behind the whole boat ride! I was able to catch them before they sailed/rowed off!!

More to come


Friday, January 1, 2010


This year the family was so good that Santa decided to send us all to Disneyland for New Years! We were all so excited and looking forward to our five days at the Happiest Place on Earth! I swear I think I could go to Disneyland everyday and still find it magical. There is just something about this place. However, five days was all we had so I was ready to go!!!!
Here are some photos from my trip sorry there are so many!

Sleeping Beauty's castle during the day.
Sleeping Beauty's castle during the night! I love how they have they lights!!
Courtney and Devyn with the Evil Queen

Mom, Randy, and Devyn leaving Pinocchio. Group shot in front of the castle.

Here are all my parents! I'm very lucky that my parents and their new spouses get along so well. It makes family vacations much more enjoyable!! Thanks guys for being adults!!

Cameron, Devyn, and me taking a picture in front of the Chip and Dale statue!!

The man who made Disneyland a reality. Thanks Walt and your little friend Mickey!!Courtney, Stephanie, Lara, and Devyn hanging out in Critter Country after the Winnie the Pooh ride!!

Here we are on the Haunted Mansion ride. It's funny I was taking photos on the ride when all of a sudden there was an announcement to stop taking pictures with a flash. bad! Dad started laughing at me! Kind of embarrassing getting in trouble by the Disneyland staff!!

Steph and Cameron taking a Mommy and Son moment


Mom, Randy, and Courtney in Downtown Disney

Lara, Dad, and Devyn grabbing a seat before hitting Disneyland.

Lara and Courtney on Dumbo!!

Matterhorn family style!!! Hang on Devyn!!

Self-taken photo while we wait to right Autopia

Mom and Randy in line for the Toy Story ride. BTW the glasses are because it's in the 3D. They are not trying to make a fashion statement.

Even rain can't keep us from going to the park!! We love Disneyland that much!! I do love this picture of Grammie, Boompa, and Cameron walking hand in hand after a long morning at California Adventure.

Yep, it's L for Lindsay !!!

Lara, Devyn and Cameron stopping for a photo break!

Waiting for the Alice in Wonderland ride.

Mom had to go on the teacups with the kids which means I had to go again. Hold on tummy!!

Loving it's a small world!!!

Annual Disneyland Group Photo!! HAPPY 2010!!!!!

Courtney had one too many corn dogs and churros and she fell over!! J/K!!! She was just resting while she could!!
Mom taking a photo with the kids before she headed back to the hotel. Mom got a cold while we were at Disneyland. She did her best to keep up with everyone but New Year's Eve was just too long of a day for her and it was very cold so she headed back to the hotel a few hours before 12pm. Sorry Mom. Feel better!!
Stephanie and Cameron getting ready for the New Year!!
Courtney and Devyn blowing their own horns!!
Dad, Lara and Devyn taking their New Year's Eve photo in front of It's a Small World....way in the back.
Dad and his girls on New Years Eve

Fireworks from the Disneyland New Year celebration!! Happy New Year!!!
Who doesn't love Pooh bear????
Courtney and her BFF Eeyore!!! She missed him last year so this got her 2010 off to a good start!!
Ok, funny story here. Cameron wanted to go on this ride but none of us did so I made a comment that Cameron should just go by himself. Cameron walked over to the ride and the line was short so I said "he should just go." Well us girls went to the bathroom thinking Cameron was with us and Randy went to get churros. Courtney and I come out of the bathroom and I ask where Cameron is??? Courtney and I start to get worried looking for him we run over to the canoe ride (they are right by the bathroom) and we see Cameron with his paddle getting ready to go on the ride ALONE!!! I yell to Cameron "what are you doing?" He said "going on the said I could." Opps!!! Did I really tell him that?? Steph comes out and is like what is he doing?? Courtney jumps over the rope and says she will go with him so he is not alone. It was so funny!! Had we been in the bathroom even 2 minutes longer Cameron would have taken off in his canoe with NO ONE knowing what he did!! Has there ever been a Code Adam at Disneyland?? Glad we didn't have to find out. Here is Courtney and Cameron in the canoe.

Devyn and me waiting for the Rockets.
Cameron and Devyn before they went on the Rockets as solo flyer's. Gosh, the kids are getting so big now that they want to go on rides least certain rides.

As everyone knows my Step Grandpa passed away this last year on March 17th. Before he died he told my Grandma that when he got better he wanted to go to Disneyland. Well he never made it. He passed away before he could go. However, to make his request a reality my Mom carried a small portion of Ron's ashes with her on all our rides over the five days we were there. Before we left on Friday Mom poured Ron's ashes right here in the front enterance to Disneyland. In the photo below Mom is actually pouring out the ashes. Now Ron will always be at Disneyland....the happiest place on earth!!!

Disneyland was a great time as always!! Even with rain and illness we all still managed to have a good time as a family and I'm looking forward to next year. Assuming Santa sends us again!!

More to come