Sunday, January 3, 2010

Not Really A Resolution

Well, it's the beginning of another year and so begins the little mental lists of "what I will do better/different this year." I think we all do them whether we tell people or not. I mean why not. It's a fresh year, things can be different right?? I hope. Now 2009 was not my worst year or anything but I'm happy to bring on 2010. I feel like any year that I'm still here is really a good year if you think about it! : )

Now, I would like to share my little list of improvements for 2010.
  1. Read more books other then the Twilight Saga books. (I have already finished 2!!)
  2. Start doing my own yard work again (not excited about this one)
  3. Make my bed every morning (I heard on the Today Show that doing this can make you happier so I'm all for it!)
  4. Buy a bike with a basket (for Charlie) and start riding!! (No Wizard of Oz jokes please)

There you have it. My small list of personal things I would like to do to improve my 2010. Now, these things are not majorly life changing but instead things that I feel that I can accomplish. Yes, I can list pay off debt, workout, and eat healthier but I try to do that anyways so why would that be new in 2010? My biggest challenge will be the reading as I'm not a big reader but as my sister Stephanie always says "Do your personal best" and that is what I plan to do!!

BTW I have been blogging almost three years in September!! Where the heck has all the time gone?? Crazy!! Do I really have that much stuff to say??? We will see!!

More to come



Alyssa said...

Good luck on your resolutions. Those are very practicle and achievable!

I'm most excited about your challenge to read more! I have tons of books that I can lend when you're ready.

Making your bed every a.m. is rewarding in the silliest way!

Lara said...

Those are good resolutions! Very attainable!
Like the bike one. That's one of mine too!
Good luck :)