Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Charlie's First Flight

Well the day had finally arrived and Charlie and I were off to California. I was hoping to get on a flight that was not very full but as the day progressed the flight got fuller and fuller. I think Charlie could sense something was going on because he was just kind of quiet all day. He must have thought his Mom was leaving and had no idea he was joining me! To ensure a quiet flight I did give Charlie a children's Benadryl as directed by the Vet a few hours before the flight. I then got all of our stuff packed and decided due to the fact that Charlie was a "carry on" that I would have to check my bag. That made me super nervous as a stand-by flier but I couldn't get everything into one bag. I tried....really hard! : (

We got to the Parking Spot to drop off my car and take the shuttle bus over to the airport. I put Charlie in his bag and needless to say he was pissed! He barked and barked the WHOLE ride to the airport. Sorry Parking Spot driver. I could already tell this was not going to be a good flight. However, as soon as we walked into the airport he was silent! I think he was watching everything and taking it all in because he didn't make a noise. I felt a little hopeful.....

We get to security and luckily no line so that was smooth sailing. I took Charlie out and but him right back in to his bag no problem. I was really getting excited at this point!! We get to our gate and I check in and remind them I have a dog. The lady gives me my boarding pass with a window seat so I have more room. Thanks U.S. Airways lady!!
At the gate Charlie is quiet and just looking and is the perfect puppy. See look at him below. What a good boy....

Apparently, not for long. The Benadryl was really kicking in and he was super tired and as people were boarding the plane he fell asleep. I was like PERFECT!! When he wakes up we will be landing! Not so luck! As soon as the plane took off and we hit a few bumps in the air Charlie was awake and not happy! He started barking, crying, and scratching at his carrier. I tried to comfort him but no such luck. He was mad! I heard a flight attendant tell a lady "yes, there is a dog on the plane." Yep, I was that annoying lady. Sorry!!
After about 15 minutes of him barking and stopping and then barking and stopping the flight attendant came over and asked if I would like to go to the back of the plane. I was like for what? To jump out?? She said to give him water or something. I told her I had water but that this was his first flight and he was freaked out. She told me I could put him on my lap in the carrier if that would get him to stop barking. I guess everyone on the plane hates me now......
I put Charlie on my lap and it helped quite a bit. He still had an occasional bark but no where close to what he was doing. I also had to keep feeding him his Good Boy treats to shut him up. Bad learning moment but at that point it was whatever worked!! He was good the rest of the flight and when we landed he went back under the seat and was a very good boy. In the end I guess it was not the worst flight experience ever but not the perfect experience I was hoping for either. I guess I have just never been that person that everyone hates on a plane and today that was me! I can only hope the flight home is better!
More to come


Alyssa said...

Poor little guy, hope he's having fun now though.

C Brown said...

MAybe he is like his Auntie and doesn't like to fly. Poor guy I am sure if it would have been a smooth flight he would have been fine.

Allie said...

Just wait til it's a kid! I feel your pain, I've been that person with Riley standing in the aisle rocking her while she screams her head off. Hopefully the flight home will be smoother! :)

LB said...

Charlie is having a lot more fun now that he is on solid ground. However, this rain is making it difficult for him to enjoy his walks and just being outside! Hoping it stops soon so he can go for a REAL walk!

Allie-I'm also hoping for a smoother ride home! If I could have held Charlie he would have been fine but since couldn't I did the best I could! However, I look at parents with screaming kids in a whole new way!! : )