Monday, October 27, 2008

And the actual retail price is.......

We made it to LA around 7:30pm exhausted but excited. We checked into our hotel which was conveniently located right across the street from the CBS studio lot. We wanted to make sure we were close because we knew we had to get in line early to make sure we got seats in the audience. I decided we should drive around to scope out the area so we knew exactly where to park and where to go the next morning plus we were all starving! After finding where we had to go line up for the show we decided to eat at the Farmer's Market located right next to the Studio. We grabbed a bite at Johnny Rockets. Our waiter Rocky made us these cute little hates with different sayings.....cute huh?? : )
After dinner it was straight to the hotel to get ready for bed. We had decided to get up at 2am so that we could be down in line by 4am. I know it sounds crazy early but we wanted to make sure we got seats in the audience and they stress on all the paper work that it's first come first serve so it was important. Needless to say we were all in bed by 9:30pm which is really early for all of us....well except for Alyssa!

We were all up and showered and ready to go by 3:30am so we headed out. We were number 18-21 in the line. Once we knew we got a GREAT place in line we set-up our blanket and we chilled out. Alyssa took her chillin one step further! Now Alyssa can say she has slept on the streets of LA!!! : )
It's funny how all the people that were in the line before us were older people and none of them very excited. I mean I know it was early but this was THE PRICES IS RIGHT! Good thing us girls were ready to have a good time even at 4am! We said "hi" to everyone and did our best to keep ourselves awake and hyped up.
Here we are in our custom shirts and cool Johnny Rocket hats lined up in front of CBS Studio!Here we are just hanging out on the streets trying to keep ourselves awake and have fun!
You always have to have the self-taken photo! : )
We got our priority tickets at 6am and then we decided to go back to the room until 9am when we had to head back to the studio. Here we are in our last phot before heading to the studio. You can't have your camera with you on the lot so this is the last photo you will see until after the show.
Now, there is a ton of processing crap they do for this show and it takes hours as there are about 300 people in the audience for each show so the majority of the time you are waiting around. However, eyes are always on you so you have to be excited and have fun at all me it was exhausting for all four of us to be that "ON" until the show started! : )
The final part of the processing is the interview where you have to dazzle the producers. This is how they pick the contestants. They ask where you are from and what you do. Just some basic questions. We all answered as "exciting" as we could considering our somewhat boring jobs.....well with the exception of Courtney that stated she was a hairdresser and then did her head roll to show off her great hair! It sucked. I had nothing cool like that. I mean I work at Intel what was I suppose to do to impress him??? Give him a PC chip!! I knew I should have gone to beauty school instead of getting that damn MBA!!
Well once we were finally in the studio a feeling of disappointment and excitement came over me. Disappointment because the place was so small!! So different then what you see on TV. Excitement because I WAS ON THE SET OF THE PRICE IS RIGHT!!!! I mean I have been watching this show my whole life so it was very surreal!! We had awesome seats in the third row on the end (get TV exposure) and they were playing some fun dance music so we got to our seats and stood up and danced and sang until the show started!
Now, they went over the rules and then they were ready to start the show. It was amazing to see how it's all done. They signal us to scream louder and get excited on cue. It was exhausting I tell you. So we all sit down as we are told so that when they call the contestants names only they are standing. Since it's so loud they write the names on cue cards so that you can read it. The show starts.....we are all siting down cheering.....when the first name is called.....COURTNEY BROWN YOU ARE THE FIRST CONTESTANT ON THE PRICE IS RIGHT!!!!!! Words can't describe the excitement we all had for her! She runs down and we were all pumped up! Now, I could tell you what happens but I won't because you ALL have to watch the show on DECEMBER 18TH of this year to see how Courtney did!! Either way were were all proud of her and excited that at least one of us made it on the show. Next time we go back we have all decided to do head flips as well since apparently that works! : )
Great job Courtney and we are all proud of you!

Ashton beware Courtney might trying to give you a run for your money with her new found stardom! I think she is planning to be a regular on the game show circuit now!
Thanks Alyssa, Steph and Courtney for the great time!!

More to come!


poo head said...

I was telling someone today about the whole experience. How fun, exciting, and draining it all is. I was remembering how Courtney was selected and I screamed sooooooo loud LMAO. I can NOT imagine what we all look like on tv. I think I practically knocked Court down with excitement.

It was such a fun time, THANK YOU for including me.

LB said...

It was great having you there and now that Courtney can NEVER be on the show again we have reduced our competition!! Next time it will be one of us three!! : )

C Brown said...

That was so exciting and surreal I mean we are all going to be on tv and I got chosen its crazy I feel like it wasn't real but then all the sleep i didn't get crept up on me to make me remeber that it was real

Lara said...

Sounds like you all had a blast! :) Congrats Court for making it to contestants row! I guess there was no need to bribe Rich. Hmmmm. And I really thought the contestants were are random. Like names out of a barrel. :) Can't wait to see what the shirts look like in person! They look cute in the pics! Nice and bright! Later!

AlohaGoJo said...

OMG that is hilarious.... I can't wait to watch the show!

LB said...

Yes, make sure you set your DVR for Dec 18th!!!! : )