Saturday, October 4, 2008

Just like old times...

We today I'm off to North Carolina (remember not all trips will be exciting to you) to visit one of my best girlfriends! My friend Golden whom I met while I lived in San Jose, CA. She and I were roommates for about a year before she moved back to AZ with her boyfriend (now husband). She lives in NC now with her husband and two daughters. I have not see Golden since her wedding in Chicago about three years so this was a "must happen" trip for me!

This is her daughter Celine and she is two and half years old. She looks just like her mom...its a mini-Golden!!

This is her other daughter Sofia and she is six months old and looks just like her dad Henrik. Blond hair, blues eyes so very Swedish! Oh yeah, Henrik is Swedish...hence the comment.

Most days in NC were filled with keeping the kids happy. We played dress up, built things with Lego's and read lots of books. It was fun to feel like a kid again. We also went to the mall to ride the horses (on a carousel of course), bounced at Bounce U and we built Celine's first Build-A-Bear. It was lots of fun but also very tiring. This full-time mom things is a tough job!

Here is Celine with her matching Build-A-Bear (or dog). Cute aren't they??

Sofia the diva! She never goes anywhere without the shades...that is just how she rolls!! : )

Celine was exhausted after riding her horse at the mall so she thought she would rest in the play area at the mall. It was cute and fun until the twin blond boys showed up! Looks like Golden and Henrik will have their hands full later!!

Golden and her mini-me riding the horse at the mall. Can you guess which one is Golden??

I love when adults get to play with the kids. This was a lot of fun but so much work. I don't think jeans were my best outfit choice considering I was hiking it up and this infaltable slide every 30 seconds! I was dying when it was time to leave but as you can tell it was FUN!

The best part of the trip was in the evenings after the kids were all tucked away in bed sleeping. Golden and I would sit out on her back porch talking and drinking. Not sure how we did it but in 4 days we went through a 12 pack of Corona, one bottle of rum, and two bottles of champange! I mean it was over four days so it's really wasn't bad right???

Anyways, that was when it was like old times.....just me and Golden drinking and talking like we use to do back in our San Jose days. It was a great week and so much fun and just what I needed. I'm glad that this time off from work allowed me the opportunity to not only travel but to also catch-up with my old friends!

Golden-thanks for being a great hostess! Kiss the girls for me. I miss you all!

More to come!


Stephanie said...

I am glad you were able to enjoy this trip and do exactly what you did.....just hang out with one of your best friends with no care in your world while you were there. The blog you wrote was from the heart and when Golden reads it, I am sure she will be very touched. Glad you had a fun, alcoholic-evening filled, porch-talking trip with one of your close friends!

AlohaGoJo said...

Awwww, I miss you buddy!! I can't wait to do it again (hopefully not every 3 years... that's insane). We all loved having you out here. BTW, you failed to mention our "Democrats are better lovers" t-shirt while watching the VP Debate... Maverick drinking games... woo-hoo!

poo head said...

You two sounded like you were having a blast when I talked to you on the phone! I'm glad you had a week of relaxing fun!

Stacey said...

I have been to NC and I loved it....I would move to either VA or NC in a heart beat!!! I am glad you had fun.....