Friday, October 17, 2008

Just Chillin.....Literally

I arrived into Anchorage, Alaska around 2am this morning. I was exhausted but feeling pretty good because I was able to get a First Class upgrade on my flight. I got to see how the other have lives even if it was for only six hours! : )
As I exited the gate I was greeted by this cute fuzzy little creature! Nice huh?? He just killed an otter! PETA must love this place! NOT!!!
I was originally planning to just hang out at the airport until 8am when I could then check into the hostel I was going to stay at but I couldn't hang. I was too tired. So I decided to find a taxi and just go to yet another cheap motel. I was just hoping it would be nicer then Memphis....
I stepped outside and then ran back inside. It was FREEZING!!! I was not prepared at all! I quickly added a few more layers and then I ventured back outside. It had to be like 20 degrees and there was snow all over the ground! It was crazy! I quickly found a taxi and asked him to take me to a "cheap but not scary hotel." He laughed and said "okay, cheap and not scary, got it!" He took me to this little Inn that was cheap and not scary. Luckily for me there was room at the Inn (I was going to make a joke around Mary and Jesus but I decided against it) so I quickly checked in and hurried to my room. Now, this place was 100 times cleaner then my last motel experience. However, it was about the size of a prison cell (based strictly on what I have heard I have never seen it first hand!) but whatever I didn't care.
See it's cute right???

After a good 5 hours of sleep I was up and showered and ready to head over to the hostel. I decided to just walk around to take in the city. I mean I wasn't in a hurry so why not just stroll the streets of Anchorage. It was BEAUTIFUL!! It really is hard to describe just how amazing everything is in Alaska (minus the Sarah Palin crap!). It was getting close to lunch so I figured I should check into the hostel and drop off my bags. I called to verify where I needed to go and I found out that the front desk at the hostel is closed from 12pm-4pm (it was 12:05pm). Nice, that means I get to walk around for another 4 hours with my bags! Good times! I get to look like a runaway for a few more hours!
After the call I decided to grab a bite to eat at Phyllis's Seafood Cafe in downtown Anchorage. I figured I could hangout there to kill some time and eat. It was a cute little place. They even served all their drinks in mason jars....very little house on the prairie(ish). For those interested in my food choices at restaurants I had a cup of Clam Chowder soup and Crab Cakes (made with Alaskan crab). It was all really good! To kill the rest of my time I just wondered into every gift shop in Anchorage.
Once it was finally time to head over to the hostel I was exhausted. I arrived at the hostel and I have to say I was quite impressed. It was very clean and the people there were very nice! I ended up getting a double room which really ended up being a private room since there was no one else in the room with me. Here are a few pictures.

I always wanted bunk beds when I was kid and now I got to have them!! I had the bottom bunk! One weird thing is that the mattress was covered in this like plastic cover. I thought you had to be potty trained to stay here??? It was like high school all over again with my own locker! Meet you at my locker after 6th period!
They even decorate each room with something cool painted on the floor. I had a cool purple butterfly!
After my morning/afternoon of walking around I was exhausted so I grabbed a quick bite to eat and I was off to bed (well and to read of course) because I knew I had a busy day tomorrow....

More to come



C Brown said...

I can't wait to hear more about your trip. I becoming like Alyssa and stalking your blog. That motel was so cute a little good thing it was just you I don't think 2 people would have fit.

LB said...

Ummm...who said it was just me???I could have met a cute eskimo at the airport! : )
Just kidding. Yeah, the twin bed is really only made for one person. That is why I love my KING bed! Wait that sounds wrong....

poo head said...

The hostel seems totally cool! What an adventure.