Thursday, October 23, 2008

Who said I don't like camping???

Jenny and I are off to Yosemite National Park this morning. We had a few technically difficulties with the GPS system so after a slight detour into Oakland we got it figured out and we were on the right highway towards the park. The drive was very uneventful which is always a good thing! We arrived to Yosemite around 1pm but we had to drive around the entire park to get to our campsite (Curry Village). However, the drive was quite beautiful so it was a nice drive. The park is AMAZING!
Once we arrived we checked in and it was off to our heated "canvas cabin." Now, I was not sure what to expect with this one but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I mean it did look like a cabin that "Jason" would kill us in with it being in the woods and all but I tried to put those thoughts out of my head. I mean I had bears to worry about and that was more serious then my obsession with fake movie characters!
This was our cabin. Cool huh?? : )

Here is the inside It had three beds so it was very spacious.
This was my twin bed. Now, this bed was REALLY comfortable and I'm not joking. I loved it!
Once we unpacked we walked around the grounds a little bit to check things out. We stopped by the stores and scoped out what we would eat later! Now for those people that don't know this there was a pretty major rock slide that took place a few days before we arrived so half of Curry Village was blocked off for safety purposes. Apparently some of the rocks crushed a few canvas cabins. So.....not only did we have to worry about bears we also had to worry about rock slides! Fun times! : )
After scoping out the place we decided we would go on a free twilight (no Bella and Edward...what a disappointment) stroll that took place over at one of the fancy lodges. I thought it would be educational and fun......boy was I wrong. I guess the fact that we never left the front yard of the lodge should have been my first sign that this was going to be lame. After about 15 minutes I look over at Jenny who is dying of boredom so we decide to hang back a little and just let the group leave us. Once we knew we were in the clear we made a run for it. Apparently we weren't the only ones bored as these other two girls did the same thing. Jenny and I decided to head back towards camp and these two girls decided to befriend us and walk with us. I mean nothing scary we were just staying in the same direction but the conversation became some what weird. So we ditched the girls and hurried back to our cabin. Now, a warning for all you girls out there traveling together. It seems that when there are only two of you together that the assumption can be made that you are possibly a "couple." I mean we were in California so maybe this only applies more there but I think people assumed Jenny and I were "together" as a couple and not just friends. We both found this to be quite funny so while in Yosemite we were a happy couple! Jenny of course was the girl since she had the beautiful wedding ring already! I never get to be the girl!!
Here are some pictures I took of the amazing views around our campground.

How Ansel Adams like huh?? This is part of the yard at the fancy lodge.
Here I am in front of the mountain where the rock slide occurred.

Not sure what this is.....just pretty
This is the famous half dome.
Now, after our couple encounter we decided to take the Yosemite Shuttle around to some of the different sites. While we were in front of one of the stops waiting for a bus two deer run out right in front of us and kind of stop. I mean they were like FIVE feet from us! They were so cute and I tried to take a picture but they were not having it and they quickly ran away. It was amazing to see how the wildlife just comes us to you here. Now, as long as they continue to be cute furry friends like deers and squirrels I have no issues! : )
I missed my chance to get the deer but here are several raccoons that hung out around the dining area.
After being shuttled around it was back to the cabin for some reading and sleep. We had a day of hiking prepared for tomorrow!

More to come


poo head said...

Showers, heated tents, comfy beds and PIZZA! This sounds like a camping trip I can handle.

Stacey said...

I like the racoons!!!