Monday, November 3, 2008

Time Off for History

So I have decided to take a small break in my travel plans to be home to vote on Tuesday November 4th. I know I could have voted early but I didn't want to do that. I wanted to be out there on the day to cast my vote for one of the most historical elections in history!!! This is historical because the results will be either the first ever black President or the first ever women Vice President (qualified or not!).

This election is very critical so please make sure you go out there and vote tomorrow!! No excuses! Your job has to give you time off so make sure you exercise your right to vote and go make history!

I will continue my travels once I know my guy Obama has won so stay tuned for my next update!


More to come!


Mom said...

i know you're right that this is a historic election. I will be so thankful to stop getting candidate material in the mail, and 2 phone calls every day from the Democratic Party! I know they'll miss me, but hey, such is life! May the best man win, and let's get back to fixing America instead of insulting one another. God bless America! And everyone else too. My condolences to Obama on the loss of his grandmother. You will be sending flowers, right??

LB said...

I agree with you Mom and the best man will win! I will pay my respects to his grandmother once I get to Hawaii! I figured that a personal visit was nicer then flowers! : )

poo head said...

I voted this a.m.! The polls weren't too bad and it was kind of fun being out in the chilly weather (ha chilly).

LB said...

Good job! I just voted myself and it only took about 30 minutes so it wasn't that bad! Now we wait....