Thursday, November 6, 2008

Time to Hula

After Pearl Harbor I was ready to hit the beach and just relax. I dropped off my stuff at the hostel and walked over to the beach. It was so nice just to sit there and chill out!
Here is Waikiki Beach. Beautiful huh??
The water was so clam people would go out and just float on pool rafts! It looked really relaxing....assuming a shark doesn't come up and bite you!!!
It was a nice and cool....for a little while and then sun was no longer behind any clouds and it was just hot! Now, when I say hot I don't mean Arizona hot. I just mean hot enough that I would need to go in the water to cool down and for those of you that know me and my shark phobia that was not going to happen. I did splash some water on me and laid out a bit longer and then called it day. This is the deepest I went. I know. I'm a baby but I just can't do it.
OK, so I get out of the sun and I'm sitting under this patio with tables and benches and I look over at this lady. Now don't tell me that you all are not thinking/singing the famous "Feed the birds, tuppence a bag, tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag." I was laughing so hard when I saw this lady. I mean she had them on her back and arms and everything. It was creepy that she let them do it but the picture is pretty fun. That was my Mary Poppins moment on the trip!
My Mom had talked me into going to this luau show in a place called Paradise Cove so I was off to the hostel to get ready. Once I was ready I had to walk over to the Sheraton Hotel to get picked up. When I got there I noticed these two women waiting around as well. I asked if they were going to Paradise Cove and they were so we started talking.
Now, here is the strange part.....we kind of hit it off. Just like that. I know it's weird. I think it was more of a Mother/Daughter thing as they are older then me but they were just so nice that I ended up sitting with them and hanging out with them all night. Oh, yeah and before you get your mind going these women were cousins on a trip together not a couple!!
This me with Jana (the one next to me) and Karen (on the outside) at Paradise Cove.

With my new friends in tow it was off to the luau for some fun. We got there in time to see this amazing sunset and to have a few drinks before the show/dinner started.
Nice huh??
It was really beautiful. Here I am at Paradise Cove and since I made friends I didn't need to do the self-taken photo!! : )
Here are some photos from the luau performance. It was about an hour long and they did fire and knife dancing too. It was really cool.
Nice outfits huh?? I bought one as a souvenir for the next Hawaiian themed party!
The dinner was pretty good. We had some roasted pig and a few other Hawaiian foods and some awesome desserts with my favorite....COCONUT!!
The show was awesome and lots of fun! It remind me of my Mom and Dad's 50th B-day party but just a bit bigger! : )

After the show my new friends (Karen and Jana) decided to make plans to hangout the next day together. I was excited. I mean traveling alone is fun but it's also fun to met people to hang out with. I mean how often do you get to hangout with strangers on an island??? Let the adventure begin!!

More to come!

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