Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I'm pulling up to my house this morning after my 5am workout (yes, I got up at 5am to go to the gym!) when I noticed my headlights reflecting something in my front yard. My thoughts go to the gopher immediately but it wasn't. Instead it was two of the cutes little bunnies I have every seen!! Now, it was still dark out so I had my headlights shining on them and they were just chillin under my tree. It was so cute!! Now part of me was thinking or more like hoping that maybe they would kill my gopher but I figured that was a long shot. I grabbed my camera to take a photo and as I opened my door to get out they started to jump away! I thought about running after them but I mean I had just worked out for an hour and I was tired! Anyways, it was a nice little surprise to see them this morning. I'm hoping to maybe see some deer tomorrow!! : )

More to come


Stacey said...

Oh how cute...maybe they came out to say good job on waking up so early to exercise!!!! I love bunnies...

LB said...

Yeap, it was a little Snow White like having little animals there waiting for me to get home! Maybe they can make me a dress....oh, wait that is Cinderella.
I saw a bunny at Alyssa's house but I have never seen them at my house. Now I want to feed them so they come back!!

C Brown said...

That is a Snow White moment did you want to bust out in song too. You could turn them into pets becareful feeding them you might feed the golfer

poo head said...

That is really cute! Maybe my bunny can be friends w/ your bunnies!

LB said...

Yes, we will have to set-up a play date soon. Apparently mine like to play in the morning so it will have to be around 6am!! : )

Mom said...

How appropriate is it that bunnies show up in your yard!