Friday, March 6, 2009

Iowa here we come!

First off can I just say two trips back to Iowa in less then six months!! I'm so excited!! Uncle Allen, Alyssa, Steph and I are off to Iowa to celebrate my cousin (technically my second cousin) Erica's wedding. She is getting married on Saturday and we were able to work it out that we could all go together. Now, this is my first trip with my Uncle Allen without my Dad so I have to be on my best behavior.....yeah right....just when I'm around him. : )

We left Friday and we had no issues with our flight. Thanks U.S. Airways for getting us there on time!! Once we landed we picked up our rental and it was off to Corning to see my Uncle Walt. He owns a bar there in town so we wanted to stop by and see him and have a quick drink....the first of many that weekend.

Uncle Walt was there playing cards with his friends but stepped away to hang out with us for a little while. It was great to see him! I'm looking forward to spending more time with him later this month when he comes out to visit Grandma for her B-day.

Here we all are with Uncle Walt in his bar.
After visiting Uncle Walt it was off to Lenox to see the rest of the family. I dropped off Uncle Allen at Kurtie's house and then us girls were off to Tacy's house which is where we would be staying. After some quick catching up we were off to dinner at Vera's. You know you can't go to Lenox without eating at Vera's!!

After some dinner and card playing it was off to the local bar called the Dally for a few drinks and some darts. BTW Alyssa and I beat Ashley and Jake in darts twice!!! : )

Here is Alyssa, me and Ashley at the bar. Yes......we are pretty drunk at this point,.
This Jake and his friend Josie. He was not smiling after Alyssa and I beat him in darts!! HA HA! Jake!! : )
Here we are all together bonding at the bar. I mean can you think of a better place to bond??
It was a great first night in town and we all had a lot of fun catching up with everyone. However, the night did not end there. You will have to read my next blog to see what happened next....

More to come!


poo head said...

Good times! What does happen next, hmmm...

Stacey said...
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Stacey said...

I will admit that I am a little jealous that you all went back there. I wish I could have gone. Oh well...but I am still excited for you all and glad that you had fun.

What if the fab five and Teddy try to go back there for Thanksgiving?

LB said...

Not sure you know this but many folks from Iowa are coming out to see you get married to some guy you have been dating. Don't tell Teddy. So you will see them all then! Even though Thanksgiving there would be fun we all can't go. Grandma would hate us!! : )

Stephanie said...

Did the evening end at Dally's or did it just begin or do I not know what I am talking about?? Let's wait and see....

Stacey said...

Well good...then I say we have a good time here only for the cousins before I get married. I won't invite teddy. It will be for sure last hoorah....

LB said...

Does that mean you won't be any fun after you get married??

Lara said...

Ummm, may I ask... who's Teddy?

LB said...

If you think real hard you will figure it out......

Lara said...

Seriously I have no idea! Should I feel stupid? Because unless it's the thing Stacey is using as her profile pic, I truly have no clue. :( Unless it's her nigh' nigh' time friend - OR something only Adam needs to see her wearing.... I don't know!

LB said...

Teddy is a code name for someone that Stacey is very close too.....