Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me!

OK, for those of you familiar with the comic strip Family Circus you will understand. For those of you not familiar let me quickly explain. It's about a family with four kids and in some of the comics there is always this invisible person called "not me" seen running from something he shouldn't be doing. Well guess what?? "Not me" has moved into my house!!

Now, there is only me and my roommate (we will call him "T" to protect his identity) living in my house so if I didn't do it then it only leaves "T". However, when ever I confront him on anything. His response is "wasn't me or I didn't do it" and he claims I'm setting him up to take the fall.
WHAT???? Let me give you a few examples.

1. I haven't done laundry in over two weeks. Yes, I know that is a freaking long time but it's true. I go to do laundry the other day and the lent thing is totally full in the dryer. I ask T why he didn't empty it and his response was "I never do laundry here. It's not me." Ummm.....really??? The water company and I disagree!! You do laundry every other day!

2. Dishwasher is empty and glasses and plates are all in the sink. I said "Hey T why didn't you load your dishes?". His response "Those aren't mine. I always load my dishes"
Yep, sure you do. NOT!!!

3. I come home from work he is in my office on the computer sitting in the office chair. One of the wheels is broken off and sitting on the ground next to the chair. I say "Hey T what happened to the wheel?" His response "What the hell? I didn't do that! That wasn't me! You're setting me up!" That was my favorite. I'm setting him up. For what I wonder......

All I know is if this is how married life is then I want no part of it!!!!! Also, if this is how kids are I might have to reconsider having them as well. I guess it would be different if there were other people in the house to blame but I mean if I didn't do it then that only leaves "NOT ME!"

Here is a comic strip to explain what I mean! That NOT ME ghost running way is my roommate!! : )

More to come


C Brown said...

HAHAHA!!! That is so true you do have the not me guy running around your house. You should put one of those comics in T's room and say this is him. Now you know what it is like having a teenage child

LB said...

He acts more like he is five years old! I thought about putting that comic strip in his room but he would say "that is not me!" : )

poo head said...


Shannon said...

HILARIOUS!!!!! I use to say the same thing when I had 2 other roomates, it was so hard to figure out who was doing everything! I got so frustrated! At least you know who is actually doing everything though! ha ha!

LB said...

I'm not sure what's more annoying not knowing or knowing! It's like quite lying to my face dork!!! He is lucky this is all silly stuff. All I can say is the first show deletd from my DVR he is OUT!!!!
LB doesn't play that!!!! : )

Mom said...

Hmmmm... This sounds awfully familiar! Not Me lived at my house when I had 3 children at home. No one ever did anything wrong... Yeah, right!!