Saturday, April 11, 2009

Are you there God? It's me Stacey

Today is my cousin Stacey's confirmation. She kept the invite to only her closest family members so of course I was honored to be invited. Then I was told the ceremony would be about 2-3 hours long and then I felt like she only invited me to torture me! I'm kidding. It was Easter weekend so the ceremony was a bit longer due to the holiday.

A few of us met up at Adam's house to carpool and head over to the church. Now, for those of you familiar with AZ it hardly ever rains here so when it does we get kind of excited. Well it rained that day and as we were leaving we saw this AWESOME rainbow!!
I have never seen a rainbow so close. I tried really hard to convince everyone to go after the pot of gold because it was so close but we had a date with God and Stacey and we didn't want to make either one of them mad so we left for the church.

We got to the church about around 5:30pm and the ceremony started at 7:00pm. We had to get there early to get good seats. Apparently church is like a concert and you want to get there early for good seats since it's all general admission! : )

We stake our claim in the second row and start the process of spreading out and saving seats. As the time passes it gets really dark in the church and it's kind of scary. I started praying for them to turn the lights on! Now, I moved to the third row to save part of that one too because we have a large group of people coming and just to give us room. As I'm sitting there I look behind me and I notice that there are about six nuns sitting right behind me!!! What the heck!!!
Now I have to watch what I say and I have to be on my best behavior! Not like I wouldn't normally be good it was just added pressure. That God is a funny guy!! I was nervous the whole time trying to make sure I didn't say anything too loud that they would hear. It made the whole evening a lot more stressful.

The ceremony finally started (oh, and after a quick thing with candles they finally turned the lights on! My prayer was answered!) and after some praying and some readings more praying and then a recap of it all by the Priest we were ready to get started......finally!!!

Stacey got up there and did her thing with her sponsor Aunt Judy (now for those of you that don't understand this process I'm not going to explain it because I'm not 100% on it either. Sorry). Bottom line is that we are all proud of Stacey for making the commitment to the church and we all support her!

Here Stacey is at the moment she is confirmed. That is Aunt Judy behind her.
Aunt Judy her sponsor with her hand on Stacey's shoulder for support. Stacey all our hands are on your shoulder too!!!!
Stacey celebrating that it is over! Now the true question is was she clapping because she did it or because this means the ceremony is almost over???? I think it was a little of both!! : )
It was around 9:30pm by the time we left the church and we were all starving so we went back to Adam's house for a little cake and ice cream. Since none of us ate dinner we also made a quick run to Jack In The Box for some tacos. I mean it's not a celebration without some tacos from JITB!!!!

Yep, you can have a cake for any occasion!!
All the gifts Stacey received from her family! I love the cross balloon!!!
Congrats again Stacey! We are all proud of you!
**Not pictured but in attendance: Christy Brown, Stephanie Vega and Lindsay Brown. Aunt Christy left to get an Easter basket for her daughter after she was guilt tripped, Steph left to get her son, and Lindsay was taking the photo**
It was a long night but we are all proud of Stacey! Great job! Next time I see you in that church I believe you will be the one in the white dress!! : )

More to come


C Brown said...

It would have been fun to chase the rainbow it was just in that persons backyard and congrats Stacey can't wait to see you at the church in October with some awesome hair.

Stacey said...

First, "Are You There God? It's me Margaret" is one of my favorite books. I think every little girl should have one...FYI someone should by it for Devyn for when she is a little older.
Second, I am so happy you got to see a rainbow....I love them....
Third, Thanks to everyone for coming. I know 2.5 hours is a long time to sit on wood pews, but it means a lot. Plus it prepared you for the wedding, which is just as long....j/k.
Fourth, Alyssa, why did you get an Easter basket?

poo head said...

Damn it! The easter basket has been revealed!

poo head said...

Lindsay you forgot to mention the candle wax burns or was that a wax mani we got? Maybe you weren't fortunate enough to get a burn, or have your Dad drip the wax on your seat so you had white stuff on your butt all night.

Good job Stacey!

LB said...

You're right I did forget aboutthe wax because I was so preoccupied with the nuns behind me. I did get burned but I thought that was for all my sins. I considered it like a confession so I'm all good now......or at least I was!!

BTW.....sorry about the Easter basket reveal. I guess your Mom only gave one to the one she loves the most! : ) J/K Stacey she got it from guilt not out of love so relax she still loves you too!!