Thursday, April 2, 2009

Connecting the Dots

Cameron and I discovered this fun new way to keep track of all his new chicken pox!! You should see all the crazy designs I have come up with!! I hope Steph doesn't mind........ : )
No hair only chicken pox!!
I had to play some music to get him to relax so I could continue with the photo shoot. However, after this one he called it a day! BTW no nipples are showing. I don't need Chris Hansen from Dateline showing up at my house!!! I swear it was all in good fun!!!!
Cameron would like to say thanks to everyone who has helped to watch him the last few days. I told Steph just to put him in a bubble and send him to school but apparently they don't sell those anymore. Not sure why. I think it's a good idea! I can try to make one....I have some extra garbage bags!!
More to come


C Brown said...

Well thats a good way to entertain your self when you have the chicken pox. Poor Poxy!!

LB said...

He was a good sport about it. He had editorial veto over any words or photos that I used. It was so cute. : )
He is totally fine right now. His biggest complaint is having to stay in the car if we go to get something!

poo head said...

Noooow I know who Poxy is. I had no idea! Jeez you go out of town for four days and look what happens! But I must admit I am kind of itchy after seeing these photos. Here's hoping he takes an oatmeal bath soon!

poo head said...

fyi, still itchy. hurry and post something new so I don't get itchy everytime I pull this blog up!

LB said...

How can you be ithcy when poxy is not even itchy?? He doesn't even care that he has the pox! Crazy kid!!