Thursday, April 2, 2009

Grill Master

Cameron asked if he could help make dinner as a thank you to his Nina for watching him all day. I was like sure thing buddy. What do you want to do? He said the grill!! Ummmm.....Cameron and fire??? Great, I can just see Stephanie yelling at me as we wait in the burn unit!! I ask Cameron if he has ever grilled before and he said no. I figure he is a boy and if he is anything like his father he will be grilling everything very soon! I figure I can let him flip a few burgers on the grill. Right??????

I had Cameron place all the hamburger patties on the grill. That took about five minutes for 8 burgers because he was so nervous of the fire. Which I had on low so everyone can relax.
Once they were on the grill I gave Cameron the spatula and said give them a few minutes then flip them.
Here is Cameron flipping his first burger!!
Great job!! Now you have 8 more to do!!
Well after all the fun picture taking Cameron went to flip a burger and it slipped right between the grill lines (or whatever the hell it's called). I quickly got it out and we had to throw that one away but hey 7 out of 8 is not bad for your first time!!
Notice we only have 7 burgers now!!!!!
It was now time for cheese and then time to eat!!! You can tell by his hesitation he didn't dig this part. He said the fire was hot! Ummmm....I would hope so!
Cameron did a great job and our dinner was very good. Thanks Cameron for making dinner!!
I would like some ribs next time!!! : )
More to come


poo head said...

Yum, looks delicious! I like seeing your little head in the shadows behind your swing!

LB said...

Yeah, I forgot to dunk my head down! BTW thanks for saying I have a little head! It's the only thing small on my whole damn body!!