Thursday, April 16, 2009

Quick Trip To Vegas

My cousin Ashley (from Iowa) was going to Vegas for the first time this weekend and she invited me to go with her. Well this weekend was Cameron's birthday weekend so I couldn't go for the whole weekend but with my sister's great flight benefits I could fly out for a day and be back in time for Cameron's birthday!

I flew out Thursday evening and arrived around 5pm. Ashley's flight was delayed so I had some time to kill until she arrived. I went to my hotel to check in and drop off my bag. As I was checking into the hotel they gave me an UPGRADE since I was only there for one night!! Note to self....only stay in Vegas for one night so you can an upgrade!!

I go up to my 30th floor suite and drop off my bags.
Here is my nice suite!!
Check out my bathtub! I really wanted to take a bath after seeing this!!
After about an hour (and three drinks later) Ashley called and she was at her hotel so I headed Downtown to go get her. Now, in all my Vegas trips I had never been Downtown so I was excited to see what it was like. was like the classic Vegas you see on TV but nothing compared to the Strip. At least I can say I have seen it. : )
After walking around downtown we decided to go back to the Strip. Since this was Ashley's first time in Vegas I asked her what she wanted to see. She said "can't we just go somewhere and get a drink?" Gotta love it!! We did stop to see the Bellagio water show though so she did get to see something!
Here we are in front of the Bellagio. You just can't see it behind us!
We walked over to good old O'Shea's and we sat at the bar and started drinking. Throughout the evening we had random guys trying to chat it up with us. Some more annoying then others!!
This is Ashely, me and one of the annoying guys! Nice hair huh??
After a few hours we started playing beer pong and then the fun really began. Sorry I have no photos of the beer pong game as I was too drunk and forgot to take photos! After several games and beers it was time to go back to the room as I had to leave at 8am and it was already 4am!!

We got back to my room and after I threw up (yes I threw up) I got a quick nap and then I was off to the airport. I left Ashley in the room for a few more hours of sleep. I got home around 11am and went straight to my bed! I think I'm too old for this stuff!! Yeah, right! I'll be back O'Shea's for my birthday! See you in November!!

More to come


C Brown said...

Can't wait till Nov. this time though I am on;y staying overnight

LB said...

Yes, 24 hours in Vegas is just enough time! Anything more then that is too much!

Stacey said...

And this time I am going early with you guys, so if I fall again I will be too drunk to feel the pain.

poo head said...

Hurry up November!

Sounds like you had a good time. Funny I saw the pic of the dude w/ the hair and was like "I recognize him" um, duh. you showed me his pic.

P.S. I threw up dart night.

LB said...

I'm glad you are all looking forward to November. I am too. It will be fun to have the whole Fab 5 together the whole time! Assuming Stacey doesn't use all her vacation time before then!!

I'm also glad to hear Alyssa threw up on dart night! I never get sick so it was weird that I did but like Steph lectured water and food are key and I had neither so now I know and it wont happen again!!

poo head said...

I just now remembered this! Steph jinxed me into throwing up! Remember the last convo in her car before we walked into the bar! Was about me not throwing up in her car!!!! Darn jinxes!

LB said...

Yep, Steph does have the power to make people throw up by just talking about it!!