Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dog Park Here We Come!!!

Charlie went to the Vet today and was given the okay that he can now start hanging out with other dogs! This now means we can go on walks and try to find a local dog park that we can go to when it cools down! I'm excited!! Charlie is being let out of lockdown!! Oh, and Charlie gained .7lbs so he is now a whopping 6.2lbs!!! I think 3lbs is his hair alone!! : )

Check out the happy dog!!
You mean there is more to the world then just the patio????

This is my FAVORITE photo of him!! I might be bias but I think he looks SO CUTE in this picture!!!

more to come

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Baby D is 8 Years Old!!!

Is it just me or are all the kids in the family growing up SUPER fast!!

I mean Cameron is 10 and now my baby sister Devyn is 8 years old!!!! What the heck!!! Where does the time go because I still feel like I'm 25 so not sure why these kids keep getting so old and I stay the same!! : )

Anyways, today is my actual little sister's birthday and she had a swim party at her house. She had good food, great company, and gross hot weather!! However, that is what you get living in Arizona in July!! I'm sorry I have no pool action shots as I never went outside because it was too hot. Sorry!

Thinking of Devyn and how big she is getting made me think back to when she was little. It's hard to believe that this little girl is now 8 years old!

See even she is shocked to hear how old she is right now!!
Whatcha taking about Linny??? I can't be 8 years old!!! I'm still a baby!!!

Apparently is the 8 year old Devyn!!

Devyn stop growing up! You and Cameron both will be 8 and 10 forever!! : )

Even though I'm sad that she is getting so big she doesn't seem to mind. I actually think she likes getting older! Here she is with a group of the kids celebrating her birthday!

You're never too old for cake!! Yummy!!

Thanks for a great afternoon!!

Linny loves you!!!

More to come


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Devyn's Dinner

Tonight we are celebrating Devyn's 8th Birthday with a dinner of her choice.........Applebees!! I mean she is only 8 and I prefer that over Peter Piper Pizza!!
All of her immediate family was able to join her along with both her grandparents and her Aunt Cay and Uncle Randy!

Here is Devyn and Cameron waiting to dive into that yummy sundae!!!

It was a great dinner and we all had a lot of fun. However, I think my favorite part of the night was when I found my Miley Cyrus concert ticket!! (I knew about the concert but it was a surprise for Devyn). I can't wait until Sept 25th!! I'm excited to share the experience with my little sisters and yes I mean sisters Courtney is going too!! : )


We will celebrate more tomorrow on your actual birthday!

More to come!


Friday, July 24, 2009

First Annual Cousin Day!

First I want to make it clear that we did not make up this holiday. July 24th is National Cousin Day! You can look it up online!! We were just silly enough to find this holiday and make it into a new annual event. I mean this is like Christmas in July for all the fun we had!!!

Now let me explain what we decided to do so you can follow along and understand. Since Cousin Day fell on Friday we all decided that we would spend the whole day together. To make it fun and exciting we thought we would split up the day/evening into time frames and each cousin gets to pick their activity that they would do during that time frame. See a lot of thought went into planning this day.

The day began at 9:30am with breakfast at IHOP with Shawn, Mindi, Alyssa, Stephanie, and me. Courtney and Stacey had to work so they planned to join us at 3pm for when Cousin Day "officially" began!

After breakfast everyone had a few errands to run but Shawn, Alyssa, Stephanie and I ended up back at my house around noon. That was when Shawn decided he would join us for a few hours for Cousin Day! Since Shawn was not in the original time frame drawing he got the 12pm-2:30pm time slot. His activity was to teach us Pinochle! He came prepared with rules and special cards and everything!

Here we are playing at my house!
This game was actually a lot of fun but we only got to play a few hands. I'm hoping we can play again soon. Shawn also provided lunch for us while we played! Yummy Taco Bell!!
Alyssa seemed to enjoy it!
Tacos!! Yummy!!!
After a quick bite to eat Stacey and Courtney arrived at my house to begin our "official" activities! Before we began though I had a special Cousin Day gift for everyone! Earlier in the day Alyssa and Stephanie had commented on a cute pair of shoes I had just bought myself. As a surprise I decided to get a pair for everyone!! Yep, even Shawn has a pair. Can you pick out his foot below???
This was our first of many Cousin Day photos!

Let the fun begin!!!!

P.S. Shawn did decide to give his shoes to I knew he would!! : )
She loved them!!

More to come


Courtney 3:00pm-4:30pm

We are off!!!! Steph's car was designated as the official "Cousin Day Car" so we could all ride together! Where are we going???? Only Courtney knows.....Since the car is only a CVR we had to make a third row!!! Don't tell the cops!
Courtney was the first person to start our Cousin Day activities so she was a little nervous for her pick! She was going to set the tone for the whole day and she made a great pick! Courtney's activity was Laser Tag!!!

Now, I have never done laser tag before so this was my first time. Actually, I think it was most of our first time! HA HA HA.....I don't get to say that very often!! : )

Here we are in front of the doors that open to the huge laser tag area.

First we all had to pick our player name! Steph tried to use Killer but that was to violent for Laser Quest!! Here Stacey is picking her name of S Fizzle!!!

We are all geared up and ready to rock and roll!!!!
S Fizzle looks more like a Ghostbuster to me in this photo!! Don't slime me!!!!
Here are some photos from inside the laser play area. Now keep in mind it's very dark and foggy and kind of scary inside. I guess it adds to the excitement but as a person who has seen one too many scary movies it just kind of freaked me out!

Courtney had no issue sneaking up and attacking someone!!
Shawn was trying to hide behind this wall but Alyssa found him!!

Umm...apparently Courtney was taking this gun thing a little serious! Look at her face!!

After our first game here are our standings. Courtney was Dominator! Way to be in 2nd place!
Told you she was good at this killing thing. Steph was Destroyer and Shawn was Devils. Not bad either!! Myself (Linny), Alyssa (Abro), and Stacey (S Fizzle) are more lovers not fighters!!

Courtney and her 2nd place card!!

The 2nd game we played had Shawn and Steph come in 2nd and 3rd place!! Great job!! BTW that is Stacey booing in the background!! Poor Sport!!

Next up.......Stephanie.....

More to come


Stephanie 4:30pm-6:00pm

Steph's turn and where did she take us for her activity??????

Yep, she took us to As You Wish! Steph had an awesome plan to make this trip to As you Wish special. We each had to draw a name and that was the person that we had to decorate this cute little star frame for in honor of Cousin Day!

Here we are ready to go!!! READY.....SET......PAINT!!!!
Since it was a secret who your frame was for it made the whole process even more fun!! Stacey and Shawn and trying to focus on their frame. Steady hands guys!!

Alyssa doing some puffy painting writing....very daring......but she did a great job!!
Courtney some how finished before everyone else but yet her frame had the most details! How did she do that???
Shawn takes his painting very serious!!
Now it was time for the big reveal and who painted what frame.......

First up Steph and she painted for Shawn!!!
Next was Shawn and he painted his for Alyssa!!
Alyssa painted her frame for Stephanie.
Courtney painted her frame for Stacey! Funny how that worked out....manager and employee????
Stacey painted her frame for me!!! It even says my favorite saying "Cousins are a gift from God"!!! I love it!!! Last but not least I painted my frame for Courtney!

Here are all the frames together. Aren't we all so talented!!!!

We all had a lot of fun and it was nice to relax a little and chat after running around and playing laser tag! It was the perfect activity!!

Here is our self-taken group shot!!! Smile guys!!!

Oh, and in case you were all worried about me sitting in the back of the car. I had plenty of room and a blanket in case I got cold!!! NOT!!!!

Next up........Alyssa........

More to come

Alyssa 6:00pm-7:30pm

Alyssa's turn and where did she take us for her activity??????
Yes, it is my house...but it's what we did inside that really matters!! : )

With Alyssa's time falling over dinner time she decided we would have cheese fondue and watch this scary movie The Strangers!!! Yikes!!!!

Now, this was a movie that came out last year and we had all seen the previews and got freaked out by it so Alyssa's cool idea was this would force us all to watch it together! Great idea!! Don't get me wrong I love scary movies but this one really freaked me out! I tried to focus more on the fondue and not so much on the movie!

Here is the cute table set-up for the fondue!!

Here is everyone helping out with preparing the fondue. They had to cut up the bread, apple, carrot, and cauliflower that we used to dip in the yummy cheese!!

There is Alyssa measuring everything for the cheese! It's not as simple as just melting cheese.

Stacey was getting in the mood for the scary movie with her knife action there!! Look out Steph!!
Before dinner we had a toast to Cousin Day!! I have such AWESOME Cousins!!!

Stacey and I thought if we were drunk maybe the movie wouldn't be so scary!!

Now, one crazy thing is that Alyssa HATES scary movies so she really put herself out there with this activity.

The fondue was great and the movie was VERY SCARY so mission accomplished Alyssa!!! After the movie I requested everyone to spend the night at my house!! Stacey agreed to stay with me so I wasn't alone!! Thanks Stacey!!!

Before you watch this mean and cruel video let me give you some background. In this movie the killer people wore these crazy doll like masks. Now watch the video!!!

Mean huh??? That was so not necessary!! So here was my revenge!!! Watch the next video!!

After the scare I requested everyone to spend the night at my house!! Stacey agreed to stay with me so I wasn't alone!! Thanks Stacey!!!

Next up........Stacey..........

More to come
