Saturday, July 11, 2009

Amazing Race Amazing Time!!!

I would like to preface this entry by saying that so much happened at this amazing party that there is no way I can blog about it all. It was one of my most favorite nights EVER!! I apologize now if I leave things out but so much happened I could not possibly get it all in. I will do my best!

My cousin Alyssa had an AMAZING RACE themed party for her 30th Birthday. Now, this is one of my FAVORITE shows!!! I have always dreamed about being on the show with my sister Stephanie. Now, when we heard about this party it was like a dream come true. I know that sounds lame but I'm being for real. It was so exciting!

Here are me and my sisters dressed and ready for the FUN!!!
The party began at Alyssa's house where instructions were provided and the teams were formed. I was on the Yellow team with my Cousin Shawn, his wife Mindi (who was pregnant so she could only ride along), and Stephanie. Once the team was formed we knew we would win!!!
With everyone ready to go the first clue was given and everyone was off!! Now mind you all the clues were within a 5 mile radius I felt like we were all over the place. We not only had to figure out the clues but we also had to do challenges like drink shots, eating hot pizza & sushi, shooting basketballs, finding beads in water balloons, playing games at Peter Piper Pizza, and buy alcohol for the b-day girl! I believe there were a total of 10 different clues/challenges with the party ending at CKS.

Here is Team Yellow at our first stop which is The House of the Future.
Here is Team Yellow at Hooters taking on of our photos with a Hooter's waitress as per the challenge! Steph and I both did a shot here. Yuck!!! Tequila!!! : (
At this challenge we had to win enough tickets to buy Alyssa a toy at the ticket counter. We won 20 tickets and got her 2 rings and then we had to eat a whole piece of pizza before we could get our next clue. Now the pizza was burning hot (fresh pizza) and my Grandma was very strict. I think I yelled at her but I didn't mean it. Sorry Grandma. the photo is all blurry because I was in a damn hurry!!
Here is a car shot. We got Mindi a piece of pizza to eat since she couldn't come inside.
Stephanie and I are loving this game!! Go YELLOW TEAM!!!
Now, like I said at the beginning I knew that the Yellow team would win and we did!! There was some misinformation given by some volunteers at the last stop so the other teams went to the wrong place for the final stop but to be honest our team left first so either way we would have won. : )

Here is the winning YELLOW TEAM!!!!!
Here is a group shot of everyone that played in the game. It was a great time!!
Notice all the beer!! We need it!!! : )
I would like to also apologize for any pushing or shoving my team did to the other teams. You have to understand that winning means a lot to the Brown kids and you had three of the most competitive people on one team so it was bound to get physical. I did say sorry at the after party but I would like to say it one more time. SORRY TO ANYONE I PUSHED, PUNCHED, TRIPPED, OR CALLED NAMES TOO!! : )

It's also never a physical challenge until someone gets hurt which was Lara on the very first stop!! She tripped over some rocks (I swear I didn't push her) and fell but she is okay and so is her knee. You know it's not a real party until someone bleeds! Thanks Lara for taking the fall for everyone!! :)

Here is the cleaned up knee.

The race was so much fun and so exciting that I can't even explain it. I keep thinking about it and I get all happy!! Alyssa you have an AWESOME MOM and she deserves a nice Christmas gift for this party she threw for you. Thanks for inviting us all to share in your 30th Birthday!

Here is the Birthday girl and her Mom. Thanks Aunt Christy!! If I never make it onto the Amazing Race Show at least I can say I experienced it through your party! Thanks again!!
More to come


poo head said...

I agree! I had so much fun at the party. When I think about it I do the same thing and get all excited, it just makes me happy! I know my mom did a great job, just today I told someone I can't get mad at her for like 6 months now. I can't believe how one request turned into something so cool! It wouldn't have been great with out all the team members so thank you all for your enthusiasm!

Can we do one every year? Mom?

C Brown said...

That party was super fun. What a great idea and your mom did a great job with everything. I had a blast, even though I was super sore the next day. I guess that means I am out of shape