Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Yes, I'm one of those people that dress up their dogs for special occassions!! it took Charlie some adjusting but he got use to the costume and he looks so darn cute in it!!

Everytime he went to the door with Randy all the kids were more excited to see Charlie then to get candy! It was cute!!

Oh, and for those people that can't tell he is Peter Pan!! Which is perfect for a puppy that doesn't seem to want to grow up!!

More to come

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Sunday afternoon all of us cousins decided to go to the fair. We ate Piggly Wiggley Fries, Indian Fried Bread, Chocolate covered bacon, deep fried twinke, deep fried oreos, and a deep fried snickers. We all shared so it's not as bad as it seems. We hit a few rides and then we called it day. Best fair experience so far!!

More to come

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wright Wedding

The big day finally arrived!! Stacey and Adam's Wedding! It was a great ceremony but the few photos I have didn't turn out that great so you will have to wait and see more pictures at the reception. The day was great!! Stacey looked beautiful and Adam was looking oh so handsome!! Congrats again to you both!!

The alter in the church
Mr. and Mrs. Wright!!!
Shawn and Mindi with their little girl
Grandma Hoff and her great-granddaughter . Great smile Grandma!! She looked so happy!
The hairdressers/cousin/friend! Great job girls everyone's hair held up!!

The Charles Barkley table! Go #34!!!
The bride stopped by for a quick photo!
Everyone enjoy the La Marcha!
My Mom and her girls! I don't get this dance or why you roll around on the floor but everyone seemed to like it and really got into it. Watch those dresses ladies!!
Stacey got into this dance too but apparently it was easier to get down then it was to get up in her dress!!
Not sure what Adam was doing or waiting for but he was jammin while he was doing it!
Stacey waiting for her husband to crawl under that dress and get the garter....with his mouth!! Sorry no photos of that but I do have video for later!!
Courtney caught the bouqet so she was honored with starting the congo line dance! She is also officially looking for her husband now as well!! Good luck!
Not sure which line dance this one was but everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves! Even Cameron was out there dancing!!
Alyssa, Stacey and Courtney taking a moment from dancing to take a photo
Stephanie cutting a rug with Uncle Walt! They looked good out there. I think they both have been watching Dancing with the Stars!
Uncle Allen and his Mom take a minute to dance together.
Andy in a very exciting Brown/Vega sandwich!!
Stacey really gets into her dancing as you can see!! : )

As I mentioned before I have a video of Adam getting the garter so check it out!

I would like to officially welcome Adam to the family!! Stacey couldn't have picked a better guy!! Adam you are lucky because you not only got yourself a wonderful wife but she comes with a GREAT family......sometimes!!! : )

Congrats again to Stacey and Adam!!

More to come


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Catcus Jacks

Yep, we are at Catcus Jacks to get our singing on!!! Let the fun begin!!

Stacey and Courtney hanging out and waiting for their turn to sing.
Yes, Alyssa and I did a duet of "Don't go breaking my heart" and we rocked it!! Gotta love Elton John!!
Stacey is a performer that REALLY gets into her performance. She was dancing and moving the whole time she sang!!
Alyssa and Courtney signing a duet as well....I don't remember the song but Ashley was dancing up there with them. We tried our best to get Ashley to sing but she refused so she just cheered for us!!
Yep, she is drunk!!!! I love you Ashley!!!
Ummm.....Courtney was drunk too if you couldn't tell!!! Not sure why she was so excited maybe she was cheering for me and my singing!! : )
Ashley and the soon to be Mrs. Wright!!!!
Get the straw Ashley!!!!!
More photos in between songs!!!
Courtney throwing her peace signs!!

Well, you saw the photos now it's time for the videos.......enjoy!!!

Here is Stacey rockin to Cher

Alyssa sings Wonderwall

It's a Party in the USA!!!

Courtney slowing things down to Human Nature....Michael would be so proud!!

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I use to have bitter feelings about this bar because during Alyssa's 30th Birthday Amazing Race Party this bar was a location and my team couldn't figure it out. I mean we finally did but it took forever!! Anyways, that is a different story. We got to A-Town and we were ready to eat some wings and have a few more drinks! I mean this is one of Stacey's last night as a SINGLE LADY so we had to make the best out of it!!

Here are some photos from A-Town. I didn't take many pictures as I was busy eating!!

Alyssa and Courtney. Peace to you too Alyssa!!
Alyssa, Courtney, Ashley, and Stacey.
Self-taken photo!!! Not bad for having had a few beers! I wanted to make sure Ashley was front and center since she was the special guest!!
I thought maybe I could be artistic and just have the camera on the table and take photos......ummm....I was wrong because this is what I got.....
They cheated. You're not suppose to put your head on the table!!!
After our tummy's were full we were off to sing..............

More to come

Let The Fun Begin!!

With Stacey and Adam's wedding approaching quickly several of our out of town family started arriving. My Cousin Ashley arrived from Iowa this afternoon and boy were we ready for her!!

I got her home and she napped for a bit because she knew she had a jammed pack night planned! First it was off to On The Border for some happy hour. Courtney, Stephanie, and Stacey would join us there and then after that we would head off to A-Town Bar and Grill for some dinner. Last but not least we would hit up Catcus Jacks for some more drinks and of course our favorite Karaoke!!!

Lots of fun to have this weekend so let the fun begin!!!!

More to come

P.S. The original people at Happy Hour were Alyssa, Ashley and me. Then the rest joined us.

Monday, October 19, 2009

What do you think??

OK, if you followed my twitters you read that Stanley Steemers was here today and they knocked the cable box down and it hit my wall. It made a big dent in the wall and the paint chipped off. The guy was cool and called his manager and he was over here in like 15 minutes. The manager took my old can of paint and spackled the wall and then painted it. At the time it was still wet when he left but I figured it would dry and be the same color.'s not!!
Here are a few photos.
You can see the difference in the red. This is from the side.
This is looking straight at it.
Now, the help that I need from my blog followers is your advice. Do I call Stanley Steemers backa nd tell them it doesn't match?? I mean it's like I had flat paint and this one looks shiny. It's not a huge area but still it's noticeable. What do you guys think??
BTW the guy did give me 10% off my services for damaging the wall. Umm....thanks!
P.S. At the beginning of this I said he took my can of paint and painted the wall. He actually took my can of paint and went to Home Depot to do a paint match. That is why it doesn't match. Sorry my comments at the beginning were wrong.
More to come

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Convenient My Ass!!

**Warning some language may be inappropriate for small children. Parental Discretion is advised**

Last week I was sitting down going through my mail and I saw my HOA bill. Since this is the only bill I have to actually mail a check to I decided to get out my checkbook and write the check. I had the bill in the envelope and everything ready to go and then I got distracted and a day later I looked for the envelope and I can't find it. WTF!!!!

I find the statement to mail another check and it says you can now pay online! Nice because I pay EVERYTHING online. I grab the statement and go to the website all excited! The web page opens and it says to pay your HOA dues click here. I click. The page is redirected to the Bank of Omaha page. Already I'm not liking this thing but I wait. Then on the Bank of Omaha page it says Homeowners click here to pay with a credit card. So I click there still kind of confused but waiting to see what happens. Finally the page for me to enter my credit card information pops up and it asks for my information. I start to put my basic name and address information as requested. Then I get to an area that explains the "Convenience Fees"!!! Umm....okay for a $94.50 HOA due I would have to pay a $5.00 convenience fee!! I don't think so!! How the hell is that convenient at all??? Oh, and $5.00??? Really?? $5.00??? That is a Starbucks coffee!!! My HOA is a DICK!!

I hate places that charge so much to pay online! I think the name of the fee should be changed to the "Screw you over fee". I will now be going to the post office so screw you HOA and your convenience fees!!!

More to come

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cone Head

Today my baby/puppy got neutered. I had to drop him off this morning at 7am and I couldn't pick him up until 5pm. It was so weird not having him in my house for so long. The surgery went well and they said Charlie did great which of course I knew he would. He is my puppy!!

I finally picked him up at 5pm and I have never seen him so pathetic!! He was just limp and cuddled up on my neck. He didn't lick or really even wag his tail. It was so sad. If I didn't feel guilty before I sure did then!!

I held him in my lap and we went over to Grammie house. She had been asking about him so I thought I would let her see him. He was still pretty cuddly but eventually got a little more active.

I got him home and he became very tired again but started getting courious about his incision so I had to put on the cone......he hates it!!!! All he does is cry while it's on. I feel so bad!!!
Yes, he is still kind of drugged up but he is VERY sad when he has this on. He hates it!!! I think he looks kind of cute!!
Here is a side view of the cool yellow cone. It's funny when he has it on he is totally still. He doesn't move. It's like he can't see where he is going so he just stays put. Umm....he has to wear this for 10 days so how I hope he gets use to it otherwise I will have a statue/puppy!
Here he is just sitting there hoping I will take it off. Look at that sad little face!!! : (
Sorry Charlie the Doctor says it has to stay on for 10 days so get use to it. I promise I will buy you a special boy treat in 10 days when you can be a normally puppy again!!! Hang in there buddy!!
More to come

Monday, October 5, 2009

THEY'RE HERE.........

So, I don't know what the hell is going on but my TV keeps acting up and one minute it works and then the next minute I get this.....
WTF!!! Carol Anne are you there?? Don't go towards the light!! I feel like this could be a poltergeist moment and I just don't know it. Just a heads up to the family. If Charlie and I go missing please check the TV!!!

More to come

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Newest Devil

It's Saturday and you know what that means........ASU FOOTBALL!!!!!

We all met at Grandma's house to hangout and to see Cecelia who was decked out and ready for the game! Now she wasn't going to this game but she will be going soon I hope. I think she is ready!! Check out some cute photos of our newest little Devil!!!

Is that a smile Cecelia?????
Look she is awake and rockin her ASU gear!!
That is her annoyed look I think. I might have taken one too many photos of her. Sorry Cece!!
Does she not look like she has shoulder pads on and is ready to play!! Yes, I know it's cuz the outfit is too big but I think it's funny. She might actually be a better QB then we have right now!! Put Cece in!!!
If you look closely at her hand below I swear she is trying to make the devil horns......I'm just saying.....
Even though Cece had no idea what the hell was going on it is clear to me that this is how all the grandkids and great-grandkids because such huge ASU fans!! It's a family tradition!! Now who do you think will have the next little Devil in the family?????
More to come

Friday, October 2, 2009

Birthday Dinner for the Folks

Happy Birthday Mom and Dad!!
Tonight was not only my parents birthday but also their birthday party/dinner. Us kids wanted to do something special for our parents so we decided to get takeout from all their favorite places. We got Pete's Fish and Chips for my Dad. Sushi and Thai for my Mom. Plus we have been trying to get my Dad and Lara to try sushi and Thai so what an opportunity! Looks yummy.......yep that is a PLATTER of fries!!
While the adults finished up eating and talking Devyn and Cameron decided to work on their pool game. Getting their hustle on!
After we stuffed our faces....or at least I did. It was time for gifts. Here are a few items.
Randy got my Mom like three pairs of their cozy, fuzzy crocs! Come on cold weather!! Very cute!
Devyn went to Build-A-Bear Workshop and made Dad his own Diamondback Bear. It's for him to take to Fantasy Camp this year and get all the players to sign the jersey. Cute idea Devyn!
I know your never too old for Disney and Mom is proving that right now with her Aurora cereal bowl and spoon set. Breakfast time will be SUPER fun now!!!
Anyone that knows my Dad knows he always travels with his jug of soda. Well my Mom and Randy took the jug thing to the next level and got my Dad this jug/BUCKET for soda!! He loves it though. I think it helps that it was filled with cigars as well. Gosh, Dad I wonder how much a refill is going to cost on that thing???
After gifts it was time for dessert and we had set-up a little cupcake making bar for everyone to frost and decorate their own cupcake. Steph even had some of the DD decorations left over for us to use! They were yummy!
Don't they look excited to start decorating!!
Before everyone could leave I had to get some updated family photos. Here is Dad and his girls.
My parents and "their" three kids.
Mom and her girls, stepson Matthew, Grandson Cameron and of course Grandpuppy Charlie.
Grammie with Charlie.
Grandpa with Charlie
BTW Charlie was not digging all this photo taking crap. However, I told Charlie that is how this family rolls so get use to it buddy!! Wait until Christmas!!!

Here is Dad with Lara and Devyn.
Mom and Randy.
I would like to thank everyone for coming over and helping to celebrate Mom and Dad's Birthday! I think it's great that our family can celebrate events like this together. Love to you all!!
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